Who is your favourite tournament organiser?
[VIC] MarchOfHell WINNER
10 votes
(Miggle, JEANS, CMoon, Sora1, MilkMeme, Dragon, Jdizzle, Jetstar2007, Chok_B, PSI_Presto)
[SA] Taicho
10 votes
(TacoSpartan, HTEM, Stawze, Vivi, Fenno, KyoKyle, Dashie, HadesSSB, OhItsOscar, Heaven)
- scott the woz - Vivi
- goat - HadesSSB
- susceptible to bribes - OhItsOscar
- Dude hes awesome - Heaven
[QLD] BattleDolphin
5 votes
(Unethical, MP, Mastodon, Shadrew, Crimson)
[QLD] Dags
4 votes
(FreshPumpkin, Meliame, BakedGoods, Spammum)
- That fact he got GCFC running while also doing school and being quite young is so impressive to me. Made good friends from this weekly. - FreshPumpkin
- Ability to run GCFC and do school work at the same time is impressive - BakedGoods
- Huge effort from Connor this year. Did an amazing job as TO. - Spammum
[WA] Keutz
4 votes
(jyetheguy, Temper, Almenara, Ever)
[QLD] Ham
3 votes
(Leshy, FC, Lari)
[QLD] Jett
3 votes
(Xondrell, Dags56, SpaZzy)
[NSW] Kitt
3 votes
(Bjschoey, ipewu, Matter)
[NZ] Jackson
3 votes
(powerisbestgirl, Zingar, AuraWolf)
- made my first local really fun - powerisbestgirl
- Give him the fucking SHMONEY - Zingar
[WA] The Stinja
3 votes
(Turk, Zfox, Musitaku)
[VIC] MasterofDisaster
2 votes
(SkippyDinglChalk, Insie)
- Man has set up a second monthly in Vic in one of the best venues, love this lad - SkippyDinglChalk
- Sets up some mad tournaments and is really good at talking to people. - Insie
[QLD] Blurry
2 votes
(Ham, Avocado)
[NZ] Unladen
2 votes
(Hori, dingdongkid)
- Holding down the Welly smash scene - Hori
- the glue of the wellington scene, and he knows the ruleset better than anyone else - dingdongkid
[VIC] P9
2 votes
(Piski, Xav1098)
[NZ] Double A
1 vote
Who is your favourite commentator?
[VIC] Duon
9 votes
(Dags56, CMoon, SirMimien, Insie, Sora1, MilkMeme, Jdizzle, Xav1098, Chok_B)
- the gwif - CMoon
- If THE GWIF has million number of fans i am one of them 🙋🏻. if THE GWIF has ten fans i am one of them. if THE GWIF have only one fan and that is me 🙋🏼🙋🏽🙋🏾. if THE GWIF has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth 😢. if world against the THE GWIF, i am against the wo - SirMimien
- Really good talker - Insie
- He taught me perfect pivoting :) - Sora1
- loser cunt - Jdizzle
- when jason and jack are on comms nobodys safe - Chok_B
7 votes
(Bjschoey, ipewu, Andrew, StormWolf, F1erce, Heaven, krysell)
[QLD] AlastairBL
5 votes
(Zingar, AuraWolf, meepAsAur, dingdongkid, Jetstar2007)
- Dead Poodle Boy - Zingar
- ayo what? ohmahgawd - meepAsAur
- this dude screamed for sora's reveal at 2am so I know he's got commentary energy all 24/7 - dingdongkid
[SA] StabbyJ
5 votes
(Shadrew, Stawze, Fenno, KyoKyle, Dashie)
- The only commentator pretty much ever which I've kept on when analysing my vods because he actually understood ken - Shadrew
[QLD] Python
4 votes
(Leshy, Mastodon, Niq, Lari)
[WA] Ever
3 votes
(Temper, Zfox, Musitaku)
[NZ] Jarcino
2 votes
(Aluf, powerisbestgirl)
[WA] Ttam
2 votes
(jyetheguy, Turk)
[SA] Whissle
2 votes
(Vivi, OhItsOscar)
- put that on the card mildred - Vivi
- questionably racist is the best kind of racist - OhItsOscar
[QLD] Iroh
1 vote
1 vote
[QLD] Jyoshi
1 vote
[VIC] Mado
1 vote
1 vote
- He’s actually very good. Pretty knowledgeable and isn’t bad with words at all. - Almenara
[VIC] Corvid
1 vote
[QLD] Lt
1 vote
- Not only great to commentate with but his general fighting game knowledge and enthusiasm make his commentary sick - Ham
[ACT] Chat
1 vote
- His commentary makes me laugh, especially during my own sets. Keep being the best there is :) - Doozy
[NSW] Shaoweater
1 vote
[WA] Keutz
1 vote
[NZ] Brook
1 vote
- can't beat Brook talking about how shitty capitalism is, while im getting chaingrabbed - Hori
[VIC] drinkwater
1 vote
Who is the most valuable community member?
23 votes
(Leshy, Xondrell, Dags56, Bjschoey, FreshPumpkin, Unethical, FC, BakedGoods, Nyasferatu, MP, Ham, Mastodon, SpaZzy, Niq, Shadrew, Crimson, Lari, Matter, Jetstar2007, StormWolf, Avocado, Xav1098, Spammum)
- Between streameta, the quiz show, and organising FNS, Jett is an absolute legend - Leshy
- consistently puts in a whole other level of effort into qld smash and now the quiz show, man deserves it - FC
- so free - MP
- Huge help with FTS, plus quiz show kinda goated - Ham
- makes 99% of all high quality AU smash content. - SpaZzy
- QLD Community would be lost without Jett fr - Lari
- Tournameta is siick - Matter
- the goat - Avocado
- Without Jett, there would he less awesome things in the Ausmash calendar. - Spammum
7 votes
(Miggle, SkippyDinglChalk, JEANS, Sora1, MilkMeme, Chok_B, Heaven)
- coner - SkippyDinglChalk
- mast unmasked deserves an oscar - Chok_B
[SA] Whisper
5 votes
(Tideray, TacoSpartan, Stawze, Vivi, OhItsOscar)
- Secretly runs the whole gig - TacoSpartan
- the real mvp working tirelessly behind the scenes - Vivi
- this one isnt a meme i actually love this man - OhItsOscar
[WA] Keutz
3 votes
(FrydRyce, Zfox, Musitaku)
- He has organised a bunch of things for the community and is very friendly! - Musitaku
[VIC] MarchOfHell
2 votes
(Insie, Piski)
- Literally carries the scene for nothing in return, words can't communicate how much we appreciate him. - Insie
[WA] jyetheguy
1 vote
- Without the Baron of Bits there would be 0 (Z E R O) comedic stock in WA. - Almenara
[NZ] Swanji
1 vote
- Not sure if they count because they haven't been active recently but is always an amazing guy in the community - AuraWolf
[NZ] Unladen
1 vote
[NZ] Aluf
1 vote
[SA] Tideray
1 vote
Who has the best Twitter presence?
17 votes
(Bjschoey, ipewu, FC, Mastodon, meepAsAur, FrydRyce, Matter, Toxi, Newiee, Twirly, Justiin, Andrew, YoursTruly, Yazari, Kaizyan_, Xav1098, Spammum)
- 75% bangers and 25% cringe. Just the right margin imo - Bjschoey
- funny - ipewu
- sometimes has the funny tweets. anyone who complains about people voting for anyone else needs to maybe not be so rude - FC
- funny af - meepAsAur
- Ryan Moment - Matter
- Haha funny Twitter man - Twirly
- Yup - Andrew
- 2 years in a row would be funny. - YoursTruly
- Pepeslime - Kaizyan_
- Ryan is definitely present on Twitter. 25% makes me laugh. 75% makes me cringe . - Spammum
14 votes
(TacoSpartan, HTEM, Niq, Stawze, Vivi, Ghostbone, AETOS, Fenno, KyoKyle, Dashie, HadesSSB, Piski, OhItsOscar, Heaven)
- never met this bloke in my life but i love the tweets on my feed - Niq
- i cant believe they removed the ability to vote for yourself after ryan did it - Vivi
- goat - HadesSSB
- :freshpasta: - OhItsOscar
- Funky - Heaven
[NZ] IcyK
6 votes
(Aluf, powerisbestgirl, Zingar, AuraWolf, IDK, DumBob)
- "Leon is my second favourite Bowser, the first is myself" - powerisbestgirl
- Thank god we don't see his saved tweets though - Zingar
- The most important Twitter user of our generation. Allows us to peer into the heads of humanity's future. Bowser. - IDK
- Makes a counterargument in half a second to a tweet about Bowser being mid-tier - DumBob
[VIC] Fidilduck
4 votes
(CMoon, Insie, Sora1, MilkMeme)
[ACT] ApolloCJ
3 votes
(Unethical, Ham, SpaZzy)
[QLD] Finn
2 votes
(Dags56, Crimson)
[QLD] arc
2 votes
(FreshPumpkin, Meliame)
- Name me a better gamer - FreshPumpkin
- A very based account. Would recommend - Meliame
[VIC] Chok_B
2 votes
(BakedGoods, Lari)
[SA] Con
1 vote
[VIC] Flex
1 vote
[WA] Saige
1 vote
- The king and queen of Twitter joined forces not too long ago and they’ve been unstoppable ever since, long may they reign. - Almenara
[QLD] Ricky Clean
1 vote
[ACT] Brax
1 vote
[NSW] Sumi
1 vote
[WA] Ryan
1 vote
Who do you wish would come back tournaments?
[QLD] Shadrew WINNER
9 votes
(Dags56, FreshPumpkin, FC, Mastodon, SpaZzy, Niq, Stawze, MilkMeme, Heaven)
[VIC] Mik15
4 votes
(JEANS, meepAsAur, Jetstar2007, Chok_B)
[SA] Paulek
4 votes
(TacoSpartan, Vivi, KyoKyle, Dashie)
- actually unbelievably talented but never turns up - Vivi
[SA] Taco
2 votes
(Tideray, Fenno)
[QLD] Shitashi
2 votes
(Leshy, Xondrell)
- Great fella and fantastic player, the time is right for a comeback - Leshy
[NZ] Swanji
2 votes
(AuraWolf, dingdongkid)
- these kids gotta learn how hype ledgetrapping is - dingdongkid
[WA] Fabio
2 votes
(Zfox, Musitaku)
- He brings an energetic vibe to tournaments and is always so much fun! - Musitaku
[NZ] knarf97
1 vote
1 vote
[QLD] Kaboose
1 vote
[NSW] Luco
1 vote
[QLD] Ari
1 vote
- Super nice to chat to and the one set I had with him was very memorable - BakedGoods
[WA] Killeroo
1 vote
- >First tournament in months >0-2 within an hour >Refuses to elaborate >Leaves - Almenara
[QLD] Ben Gold
1 vote
[WA] Spud
1 vote
[QLD] PapaCheese
1 vote
[VIC] B-2
1 vote
- Was the first person who introduced me to alot of people in the scene when I started, and went out of his way to socialise with me when I was still very shy around other players. - Sora1
[VIC] Fortune
1 vote
[VIC] Catburger
1 vote
Who is the best new or up and coming player?
[SA] Heaven WINNER
16 votes
(Dags56, TacoSpartan, FrydRyce, HTEM, Stawze, Majora, Sora1, Ghostbone, Fenno, KyoKyle, Dashie, HadesSSB, Kaizyan_, OhItsOscar, Ados_3, PinkWizzzard)
- Got to the top of his scene in a year - Stawze
- Who else would I even vote bro - Majora
- This kid is absolutely cracked at the game. Without question is the sickest ken Aus. - Sora1
- young goat - HadesSSB
- nvm heaven offered me $5 - OhItsOscar
- cut ur hair - Ados_3
- just a swag gamer - PinkWizzzard
[NSW] Unfezant
11 votes
(Bjschoey, ipewu, meepAsAur, DumBob, Matter, MilkMeme, YoursTruly, Jetstar2007, Yazari, KayJay, Chok_B)
- Kids insane. Give it like 6 months. - Bjschoey
- 6 months and he is the best player oce - ipewu
- hes cracked out of his mind - meepAsAur
- Young gun whos unstoppable for how little IRL tournaments hes been in - Matter
- He won a t-shirt, what more could you want? - YoursTruly
- Absolutely amazing player who definitely has the opportunity to be a top level threat in just a few months time - Jetstar2007
- won a tourney that ryan was in? ive seen enough - Chok_B
[QLD] Stacked
5 votes
(Xondrell, FreshPumpkin, Meliame, Nyasferatu, Lari)
- Best player in QLD in 2022, shake? - FreshPumpkin
- My mans will be PR in 2022 just wait and see - Lari
[WA] Fryd Ryce
3 votes
(Temper, Ever, Heaven)
[QLD] Lari
3 votes
(BakedGoods, Ham, Avocado)
- His combos are cracked and he improves significantly every time we play - BakedGoods
- Not only huge levels of improvement recently but his great mindset and general pleasantness makes him the goat - Ham
- insane patience, amazing whiff punishing, PR 2022 - Avocado
[SA] Munchie
1 vote
[VIC] grub
1 vote
[VIC] Mik15
1 vote
[WA] SugarBackDog
1 vote
[VIC] breadcyclone
1 vote
[ACT] Cameroni
1 vote
[VIC] Thinh_man
1 vote
[ACT] Mouseface Killah
1 vote
- Humble, asks a lot of questions and takes lessons to heart. He's also a very chill and nice guy. - Doozy
[NZ] IcyK
1 vote
[VIC] Piggins
1 vote
[WA] Denzel
1 vote
[WA] Sharnypooza
1 vote
[VIC] polyrhythm
1 vote
Who is the best overall player?
[VIC] Jdizzle WINNER
17 votes
(Miggle, Xondrell, Dags56, Bjschoey, ipewu, SkippyDinglChalk, JEANS, Zingar, Mastodon, Insie, Sora1, MilkMeme, Dragon, Jetstar2007, Piski, Kaizyan_, Xav1098)
[SA] Ghost
6 votes
(TacoSpartan, Stawze, Vivi, Fenno, Dashie, HadesSSB)
[NZ] Aluf
4 votes
(powerisbestgirl, AuraWolf, DumBob, dingdongkid)
- very good at smash - powerisbestgirl
- who else is consistently in grands of every smash game? - dingdongkid
[VIC] Jix
3 votes
(SpaZzy, Lari, Avocado)
[VIC] RaZe
1 vote
- Actual next-level player and constantly hits the clips for the fans - Leshy
[NZ] Ichigo
1 vote
[QLD] Finn
1 vote
[QLD] Stacked
1 vote
[QLD] Ben Gold
1 vote
Who is the nicest player?
[VIC] Unreal Sora WINNER
9 votes
(SkippyDinglChalk, JEANS, CMoon, FrydRyce, Cheeseboy2251, Insie, Jetstar2007, Xav1098, Heaven)
- You won’t ever hear a bad thing about this guy - SkippyDinglChalk
- vouch - CMoon
- The one Pythra main you CANNOT hate - Cheeseboy2251
- Hosts mad grind seshes with great players, plays a good character and is really good at talking about the game. Give him some tournament experience and he'll be insane - Insie
- sora is the nicest hooman - Heaven
[VIC] RaZe
6 votes
(meepAsAur, Insie, Sora1, MilkMeme, Jdizzle, Piski)
[QLD] Lari
3 votes
(Leshy, FC, SpaZzy)
[NZ] DaWests
3 votes
(Aluf, powerisbestgirl, DumBob)
- i want to hug him - powerisbestgirl
- Very friendly when I first met him - DumBob
[QLD] BakedGoods
3 votes
(Dags56, FreshPumpkin, Meliame)
- Gigachad when it comes to being nice - FreshPumpkin
- I gave him a baked good (cookie) once, it was funny - Meliame
[SA] Con
3 votes
(TacoSpartan, Stawze, Dashie)
[VIC] SebPro101
2 votes
(Miggle, OhItsOscar)
- Took me to KFC one time - Miggle
- is always nice to me in twitch chat :) - OhItsOscar
[QLD] Litty
2 votes
(BakedGoods, Lari)
- Always friendly and great to talk with - BakedGoods
- Don’t have one bad thing to say about him, nicest guy - Lari
[WA] Temper
2 votes
(Almenara, Zfox)
- Despite all appearances, against all the odds, he’s the biggest sweetheart with the cutest smile. - Almenara
[QLD] BattleDolphin
2 votes
(Crimson, Spammum)
- So nice and always kind and caring to Smash community - Spammum
[SA] Jaska
1 vote
[QLD] Jett
1 vote
[NT] Sice
1 vote
[NSW] Phoebe
1 vote
[WA] Jhopz
1 vote
[NZ] Big Red
1 vote
[QLD] Mabi
1 vote
[SA] Tideray
1 vote
- man doesnt even like smash that much and yet he still makes everyone new feel welcome. goated - Vivi
[NZ] Puffer McSparkleFace
1 vote
- big "I can be yuor angle or ur devil" energy from this one - dingdongkid
[NSW] Sumi
1 vote
[SA] Oscar
1 vote
[SA] Whissle
1 vote
Who is your favourite streamer?
[SA] Taicho WINNER
11 votes
(TacoSpartan, HTEM, Stawze, Vivi, Fenno, KyoKyle, Dashie, HadesSSB, Piski, OhItsOscar, Heaven)
- Cash Money - Stawze
- not to be confused with brad from real life - Vivi
- goat - HadesSSB
- best emotes - OhItsOscar
[VIC] Chok_B
8 votes
(Miggle, BakedGoods, JEANS, SpaZzy, Lari, Insie, MilkMeme, Xav1098)
[QLD] Sifo1
5 votes
(Leshy, MP, Mastodon, Niq, Crimson)
[QLD] AlastairBL
4 votes
(Zingar, AuraWolf, IDK, Jetstar2007)
[NZ] Puffer McSparkleFace
3 votes
(Aluf, powerisbestgirl, DumBob)
- he practiced shino stalling on stream for 30 minutes - powerisbestgirl
- Streams are very enjoyable - DumBob
[NSW] Shaoweater
3 votes
(meepAsAur, FrydRyce, Dragon)
[NSW] Olag
2 votes
(Dags56, Bjschoey)
[WA] Jarr
2 votes
(Almenara, Ever)
- He’s just so ridiculous attractive so I like it when he streams with his cam on so I can stare at him for several hours without it being considered a crime. - Almenara
[QLD] EpicTiffy
1 vote
1 vote
[VIC] Norak
1 vote
[NSW] Joshman
1 vote
[VIC] WoddahMalone
1 vote
- my inspiration and literally the best streamer in ausmash, people just dont notice cause he doesnt stream too much smash LOL. 50 average viewers #freelo - Chok_B
Who is your favourite player, for any reason?
[NSW] Dmo
4 votes
(ipewu, FrydRyce, Sora1, Heaven)
[SA] Con
4 votes
(TacoSpartan, HTEM, Vivi, HadesSSB)
- Ronald McDonald Sephiroth - TacoSpartan
- actual protagonist energies - Vivi
- goat - HadesSSB
[QLD] Stacked
3 votes
(FreshPumpkin, Meliame, BakedGoods)
- He is bird man - FreshPumpkin
- Nutty custom combos, our sets are always super fun (and sometimes cursed) and really great to talk to - BakedGoods
3 votes
(Dragon, Jdizzle, Piski)
[QLD] scottmax
2 votes
(Leshy, Lari)
[QLD] Shitashi
2 votes
(Xondrell, Mastodon)
[NZ] Zingar
2 votes
(powerisbestgirl, AuraWolf)
- the guy that welcomed me into the nzsmash community the most, bullied me with wifi snake for hours and helped me improve. buy this man an Isabelle body pillow. - powerisbestgirl
- One of the coolest people out there and he keeps winning with Isabelle, just an amazing guy all around - AuraWolf
[NZ] ube
1 vote
[VIC] Xav
1 vote
[QLD] Joe Fast
1 vote
[VIC] Hazzacka
1 vote
[QLD] Negima
1 vote
- Great fun for me to play in smash and ggst, fun to interact with, and a friend - Shadrew
[QLD] Joz.
1 vote
[VIC] Chok_B
1 vote
[WA] thehelpfulbees
1 vote
[VIC] Wash
1 vote
[SA] Whissle
1 vote
[SA] Coolade
1 vote
[SA] Q
1 vote
[NSW] Unfezant
1 vote
[WA] Sharnypooza
1 vote