About Ausmash

Ausmash is the largest database for Australian competitive Super Smash Bros. data. Ausmash collects data on Australian Super Smash Bros. tournament results, players and videos and allows users to compete in online Elo based ladders.

Users who have competed in Australian Super Smash Bros. tournaments are eligible for a competitive account. Users with a competitive account have access to an extended amount of functionality which is described below.

Public website

The data page shows an aggregate of all of the latest data on the website. The page can be filtered by both Super Smash Bros. game and region. If you are logged in then the data page will remember your previously selected region and game filter.

Information which is shown on the data page includes:

  • Recent tournament results
  • Upcoming tournaments
  • Top ten Elo and TrueSkill players
  • Latest ranking
  • Popular character usage
  • Recently uploaded tournament videos
  • Latest forum threads
  • Latest blog article
  • Featured Discord server
  • Current poll question
  • Recently registered users

View data page

The ladders section contains online Elo based ladders for various Super Smash Bros. games. In order to join an online ladder you will need to have an account on Ausmash

Ladders are run in seasons and have a start and end date. When you register for a ladder you will start with 1000 Elo and are free to challenge other players through the matchmaker on the website.

When you begin looking for a match you must keep the page open until you either are matches with another player or you decide to cancel the match. If you have browser notifications enabled then you will receive a notification when you are matched with your opponent.

When you are matched with a player you will be taken into a lobby where you can chat with the opponent to organise the details of your match. It is the responsibility of the winner of the match to report the result and they must indicate both the winner and loser characters of the match.

You will not be able to queue for another match until the results have been recorded for your active match. If you wish to forfeit the match your can elect to do so however be aware that you will be penalised Elo. If there is a dispute about the match please report the match to the administrators either in the match lobby or in the contact form if the match has already been concluded.

View ladders

The Elo section is an algorithm based leaderboard which ranks players based on their performance in singles.

Elo is based on the Elo rating algorithm which is used commonly in Chess and football and it rewards wins against players who are perceived to be at a higher skill than you more than wins against players who the algorithm perceives as below you in skill level.

As players defeat other players in Australian competitive Super Smash Bros. tournament matches they steal Elo from their opponent. The more Elo a player has, the harder it is for them to climb in the leaderboard.

Every week Elo tracks a player's movement in the leaderboard and records their placement both locally and nationally. Also the top three characters which are tagged in a player's matches are recorded.

Elo is updated every Thursday morning and is updated from the start of time every week. This means that even if results aren't added in time for Thursday, they can be added at a later date and still count towards Elo when it's calculated.

Elo is used in the characters section to determine how successful characters are in the Australian Super Smash Bros. scene. Elo is also used to determine who the top players are of each character when a user searches for videos of top players in the videos section.

View Elo

The TrueSkill section is an algorithm based leaderboard which ranks players based on their performance in teams.

TrueSkill is based on the TrueSkill Ranking System which was created by Microsoft and used in a number of their online matchmaking systems.

TrueSkill is an algorithm which is designed to handle any number of players competing against each other so it has been applied to the doubles results on Ausmash. When two players player together in a team match, the number of points they earn and lose can be different for each player if their ratings are different.

For each player TrueSkill record both a mean (the player's rating) as well as a standard deviation value. The standard deviation value represents how certain the system is of the players ranking - the lower the deviation the more certain the system is that the player's mean is accurate.

TrueSkill is calculated each week on Thursday against all of the teams tournaments tagged for each player from the beginning of time. This means that even if results aren't added in time for Thursday, they can be added at a later date and still count towards TrueSkill when it's calculated.

View TrueSkill

The results section contains a list of all tournament results which are uploaded to the website.

You can search for results by text as well as filter results by region, tournament series and Super Smash Bros. game. You also have the option to view results for all major tournament results.

When viewing a tournament's results page you can see the following things for each result:

  • The placings for each player in each event.
  • A match history for each event.
  • Videos of the tournament, if they exist.
  • Articles related to the tournament, if they exist.

View results

The players section contains a list of all players who have been tagged on the website. You can search for players by name, by region or for players with social media accounts such as Twitter, Twitch and Facebook.

When you go to view a player their data will be split across a number of pages. All the data on these pages can be filtered by date range.

The pages on each players profile are as follows:

Stats page

The stats page shows basic information about players such as their social media account links and a bio about themselves as well as aggregated statistics and character usage.

Statistics which are tracked include win percentage, win count, loss count, Elo, TrueSkill, result count, match count, video count and character usage.

This information is shown as both an aggregate for all Super Smash Games. as well as being broken down by game.

Win rates

The win rates page lists all opponents a player has ever played against and shows their wins and losses against each player.

Win rates are grouped by Super Smash Bros. game and can be sorted by Elo, alphabetically, by win count, loss count, win percent or total matches played.


The results page shows all of the tournament results for a player. Both doubles and singles results are displayed here.

The matches page shows all the matches for a player which have been tagged for them. For singles matches the character used will be shown if this has been selected by the player.


The Elo page will show for each game of a player all their matches which have contributed towards Elo as well as their current Elo, peak Elo, local rank and national rank.

The player's Elo will be shown on a graph over time and each individual match will be shown along with how much Elo was gained or lost for each match and any characters tagged for each match.


The TrueSkill page will show for each game of a player all their team matches which have contributed to their TrueSkill as well as their current mean, peak mean, standard deviation, national rank and local rank.

The player's TrueSkill will be shown on a graph over time along with a match by match breakdown that shows how TrueSkill mean shifts for each player in each teams match.


The characters page will allow you to see the breakdown for how the player has used characters in competitive singles matches. For each character you can see how many matches they've used the character for, the win and loss count, as well as how much Elo they've gained or lost with each character.


The rankings page will show all rankings which a player has been tagged for.

Rankings are grouped by ranking series and will show the date which the player placed in the ranking along with their placing and any characters tagged for the ranking.


The videos page will show all videos which have been tagged for the player.

Videos are grouped into tournament event and show both the tournament and the opponent for each match as well as the characters used if they are tagged.


The articles section will show any blog articles which have been tagged with the player or which the player has written.

View players

The compare page allows you to select two players and compare their statistics against each other for a single Super Smash Bros. game.

When you compare two players you will get the following information:

  • The number of wins as well as the win rate for each player
  • The Elo and TrueSkill rating for each player
  • Each player's character usage
  • The win rates of opponents both players have played at least one match against
  • A list of all the matches both players have played against each other
  • All results of events where both players were entered in the event
  • All rankings where both players appeared on the rankings together
  • All videos of both player competing against each other


The head to head section allows you to compare win rates for multiple players at once. The comparison is displayed as a table of win rates.

For each head to head comparison you will need to select a Super Smash Bros. game. You also have the option to filter your search by a specific date range.

When choosing players for the head to head comparison you have three options:

  1. By region top players will automatically use active top players based on Elo. You can select a region to filter players for and select how many players to compare up to fifty players.
  2. Manually add players allows you to specify players individually.
  3. By file upload of a text file which includes both the region and name of each player to import.

When comparing players in the head to head feature you have the option to compare win rates for all players, or compare each of their Elo over time.

Head to head

The seeding section is designed to help tournament organisers who want to seed their tournaments so that the top players don't have to play the same players each tournament.

To use the tool you select a list of players to see when each of the players in the list have played each other recently.

When choosing players for the seeding tool you have three options:

  1. By region top players will automatically use active top players based on Elo. You can select a region to filter players for and select how many players to compare up to fifty players.
  2. Manually add players allows you to specify players individually.
  3. By file upload of a text file which includes both the region and name of each player to import.

Seeding tool

The videos section allows you to search for YouTube videos of Australian Super Smash Bros. players in tournaments.

There are a number of ways to search for videos which include:

  • searching for videos for a particular Super Smash Bros. game
  • searching for videos for a particular character
  • searching for videos for a particular matchup between two characters
  • searching for videos of top players for a particular character
  • searching for videos from a particular YouTube channel

Please ensure that any videos uploaded of yourself have character data set in your profile so that people can find your videos.

View videos

The Twitch section allows you to find Twitch streams.

Streams which are currently live are shown at the top of the page and are determined by searching all the Twitch streams for players on the website. For each stream you can see when they've been streaming since, how many viewers they have, what game they're streaming and a link to the player profile of the streamer.

If you have a competitive account make sure that you have your Twitch stream set so people can find you.

View Twitch streams

The rankings section contains rankings such as Power Rankings and other player determined rankings.

You can find rankings by ranking series, Super Smash Bros. game or region.

When viewing a ranking you can see a list of all the players who have featured in the ranking along with their placing and what characters they used. You will also be able to see any additional information about the ranking as well as players who have previously placed on that ranking.

View rankings

The characters section allows you to find statistics relating to how characters have been used in competitive Super Smash Bros. matches in Australia.

Note that character usage is only available for matches where players have updated their character data, so remember to keep your up to date.

You are able to look at character usage both at an individual character level as well as at a Super Smash Bros. game level.

When looking at character data from a Super Smash Bros. game level you can see the following information:

  • The number of players who have used each characters
  • The number of results which have been tagged for each character
  • The number of matches which have been tagged for each character
  • The total amount of Elo gained and lost for each character, as well as the overall net gain or loss of Elo for the character
  • The overall usage of all characters comparative to each other

Each of the above points of information can be sorted in the displayed table.

When drilling down to the statistics for an individual character you can see the following information:

  • All players of the character and how much Elo they have gained with them
  • Every time a character is included in a ranking
  • All results which feature the character
  • All videos which feature the character

View characters

The crews section allows you to see different crews of Super Smash Bros. players in Australia.

For each crew you can see how many players, who owns the crew, the players in the crew, the total Elo and the average Elo.

View crews

The regions section is intended to show an overall picture of what regular Super Smash Bros. tournaments are going on in each region of Australia.

For each region you can see the following information:

  • The number of players, results and videos in the region
  • Any Discord servers which are relevant to the region
  • Information on any active tournament series grouped by cities within the region

View crews

The forum section is where you can discuss Super Smash Bros. with other Australian players.

Discussion topics are organised into thread which all fall into one of a number of category

Within each thread you can post comments and like other people's posts.

You will need to have a user account to post on the forum and if you want to create forum threads then you will need to have a competitive account.

View forum

The shoutouts section is where you can post short messages called shoutouts onto the website.

Shoutouts are limited to 140 character and cannot contain BB code such as images or bold text but can contain links.

Shoutouts are shown at the top of the data page as well as in the shoutouts section and can gain likes from other users or be reported for breaking site rules.

A user account is required to post shoutouts.

View shoutouts

The Discord section contains a list of all Australia Discord servers for Super Smash Bros.

For each Discord server you can see if it's related to a specific region or Super Smash Bros. game as well as the number of users and a link to join the server.

If you would like to have a Discord added to the list then please submit the contact form. To have a Discord added to the list the Ausmash Discord bot must be given read only access to the Discord server.

View Discords

The polls section contains a list of all polls which have been run in the website.

All users can vote in polls however only competitive users can create polls. You cannot create a new poll until the previous poll is 24 hours old and you cannot create two polls in a row.

View polls

The awards section contains awards which are voted on by the community.

Awards are generally created once a year to commemorate the initial release of Ausmash and allow users of the website to vote for any player in the Smash community for each category.

View awards

The users contains a list of all users in the website.

For each user you can see their name, region, main, when they joined and if they have a competitive account.

You can sort the list of users alphabetically or by join date. You can also filter users by their region or by their main.

For each user you can see any friend codes they have uploaded, ladders they have entered, badges they've earned and forum posts they've made.

View users

The blog section contains a list of blog articles written by Australian Super Smash Bros. community members.

In the blog listing you can browse blog articles by the date they have been published or filter the articles by category.

When viewing articles you are able to like the article and post comments on the article.

Users who have a competitive account are able to submit their own articles.

View blog

The contact form is used to contact the administrators of the website.

You can use the contact form to submit tournaments to be added to the website as well as send general enquiries. Tournaments can be submitted as start.gg links or Challonge links.

Go to contact form

Standard account

Your profile page is where you can update your user data. Information which you can update includes:

  • Your region and main character which appear in the forum against your name when you post.
  • You friend codes for Switch, Wii U and 3DS.
  • Whether to notify you via email of a private message.

Your inbox is where you can send and receive messages to other Ausmash users.

Competitive account

The character data section allows you to manage character data for tournament matches which have been tagged for your profile.

You are able to update character data for both yourself and your opponent for each individual match as well as for each tournament event result overall.

You can choose to either update character data individually for matches and results, or use the bulk update tool set character data for multiple matches or results all at once.

Character data which you submit will affect the website in the following ways:

  • Character data for matches and results will appear instantly in the results page against your matches and results.
  • Character data for matches will contribute to your character usage on your player profile page.
  • Character data from your matches will be associated with Elo which will be updated weekly on Thursday mornings.
  • Elo earned with your character data will contribute in the public characters section.
  • Elo earned with your character data will make your player profile appear higher when a user searches for top players of your character in the videos section.

The player profile section allows you to update information about yourself which appears on your player page.

You can update the following data from the player profile section:

  • A short bio about yourself
  • Your Twitch account
  • Your YouTube channel
  • Your Twitter account
  • Your Facebook profile
  • A web page which represents yourself

Note that updating your Twitter profile will allow admin to import results from start.gg easily and updating your Twitch profile will make the website show when you are streaming in the Twitch section.

The my crews section allows you manage your crew membership.

From here you can leave a crew you have been added to as well as create a new crew and add members.

Please note that you can only create or join crews for Super Smash Bros. game which you have competed in.

The my blog articles section allows you to create and manage blog articles for the website.

From here you can create a new blog article which requires a name, summary, content and image. You can also determine when the article will go live, tag the article in categories as well as tag specific tournaments and players.

If your article is featured then this means it will show on the data page and you will be able to see it in this area.

The my images section contains a list of all the images which you have uploaded to the website and can be used in the forum.

From this section you can add new images or remove images which you already uploaded.

The API allows you to connect to the data which exists on https://ausmash.com.au.

In order to use the API you will need to be a competitive user and generate an API key in the developer section of your profile. Once you have your developer key follow the instructions on how to add it as a HTTP header in your requests to the API.

The API website contains Swagger documentation which lists all of the endpoints you can call. All API calls are GET requests and all parameters are passed in the URL. To pass your developer key in the Swagger API calls remember to put your key in the textbox in the top right hand corner of the page.

There are a number of different types of data which you can query from the API which includes:

  • Character data
  • Elo
  • TrueSkill
  • Tournament results
  • Rankings
  • Players
  • Videos

Go to API