
Who is your favourite commentator?


27 votes (MarchOfHell, breadcyclone, Ryzuul, HiImAiden, MasterofDisaster, Wifike, Jix, Ravsav, P9, Aloly, Beet, Beefyboi, MAST, JOKER, Pazx, Slimboy17, Danklin, Sylvee, DragonKnight957, Rebs, VTPooks, RAMBO, homer, Octopily, LimeFlurry, Nop, EL)
  • Always bringing the hype with a tasteful amount of good banter. - MarchOfHell
  • MY GOAT - Ryzuul
  • Goat on the Mic - MasterofDisaster
  • good insight on the game whilst making it fun to listen to - Jix
  • Don't know many in Aus who can both be entertaining and informative on the mic as well as he can - Ravsav
  • Of Pixel 200 fame - P9
  • He gud - Aloly
  • no contest - Beet
  • Funniest and most entertaining and informative fella on the mic. I will tune into Jacob any time, any where - MAST
  • he the goat - JOKER
  • Goat - Slimboy17
  • Ez clap - Rebs
  • Always banger coms when hes around - VTPooks
  • Awh mate - RAMBO
  • King shit - Octopily
  • Silver tongue, speaker of indescribable truths. Scholar of the metaphor, jester amongst dunces on the mic. Takes high iq to comprehend but the magic is there - EL

[NSW] Chipotle WINNER

27 votes (JayBird810, Alex_, Johtothan, Olag, Ryan, charies, Dugongs22, Fumble, germanpogostick, Governor, Guts_LP, Isak, Hoops, Pondi, Shyne, Violet, cloudyoce, sushi, Coleman, Morgone, Che, Amro, Mike_KOOL, gall_P, Nichirin, Naru, Frosty-)
  • pretty solid - JayBird810
  • when you possess a voice like velvet and an eye for the game like Faker, you can't waste that talent - Olag
  • 🐐 - charies
  • Voting for chip is par the course - Dugongs22
  • Voice of Australia - Guts_LP
  • I fall asleep to 10hr chip comms asmr - Hoops
  • Voice of an angel and such an intelligent player and has a deeper understanding of the game that is able to translate great into commentary. - cloudyoce
  • carne asada is BACK - Amro
  • Goated on the mic - Mike_KOOL
  • Very few people who's presence I look forward to on the mic - gall_P

[NSW] Olag

10 votes (Flow, Phyco, Elliot, Jett, SebPro101, Maplemage, DarkKuriboh, Joz, chipotle, mado)
  • + chip - Flow
  • Always - Phyco
  • Great voice for it, he's got the confidence on deck. Goes without saying but him + chip is perfect - Elliot
  • Olag+Chip are the best comms duo in Aus, by far. Why am I voting Olag? Because olag has that swag, that drip, the vibe? You know - SebPro101
  • Goat, only way to say it - DarkKuriboh
  • So prepared 🤓 - Joz
  • I could not ask for a better partner in crime, this man has my heart all day every day - chipotle
  • always putting the effort in for better production and also to steer me away from inappropriate topics on the mic HAHA. love him (and justin) through and through. Couch comms for CWL was one of the highlights of my year. - mado

[QLD] Spammage

7 votes (PillowTalk, Litty, Smasio, CHTubbs, Benthoven, The_Stig, mini)
  • Knowledge check - PillowTalk
  • Always has high quality comments, both knowledge and whit :D - Litty
  • One of the few commentators in Aus that can bring some genuine insight to a match, always learn something new. - Smasio
  • Underrated imo - Benthoven
  • The commentary hijinks is awesome - The_Stig
  • insight on comms omgosh - mini

[WA] Keutz

6 votes (Hoodwink, Impr0ve, Teehee, SteamBuns, JadLad, Shitashi)
  • Would vote for Keutz and Chef if I could. Always a joy to listen to - Impr0ve
  • Always hilarious - Shitashi

[ACT] Avongarde

6 votes (Zowayix, COpPeR3076, Toasted_Panini, ApolloCJ, KyeChimera, CarSeatus)

[NZ] mojobones

5 votes (IcyK, Otab, Widdershin, missGayManWatch, Phinn)
  • always insightful on the mic - IcyK
  • Top notch commentary all day long - Widdershin
  • I wish I could commentate like mojo. - Phinn

[QLD] Litty

4 votes (JohnyMeBoi, J-Rods, Coco, salmongain)

[WA] Teehee!

3 votes (LagannXeno, Non, killshomusic)
  • when she's not playing, she's on the comms. one of the most dedicated commentators in the scene and it only gets more impressive when you realise just how far she makes it into the brackets. silently committing to the comms in a smaller scene is a thankless task. - LagannXeno
  • Points out gameplay adaptations and approach options at ease it seems. Doing all this whilst deep in bracket while she could be practicing MUs is a huge ask and i dont think she gets enough praise for it. - Non

[NSW] Dugongs

3 votes (Unfezant, TurtleCat, Iceman)
  • Le ape comes out with the best content no question - TurtleCat

[NSW] Jezmamanezma

2 votes (Hal, Froggo)
  • yea - Hal
  • honestly a very underrated commentator - Froggo

[NSW] HyDro

2 votes (Brog, Inferno03)
  • hope to see him get a major commentary block sometime soon - Brog
  • Master of his craft - Inferno03

[VIC] Duon

2 votes (Ttam, DD)
  • Watto - Ttam
  • Perfect mix of hype and analytic commentary - DD

[QLD] Spectre

2 votes (Zekora, Kaitoblaze)

[NSW] Governor

2 votes (Kitt, HyDro)
  • Seriously underrated on the mic - Kitt
  • Best commentator that play Roy, sorry Hunter - HyDro

[QLD] Finn

2 votes (Swate, Blurry)
  • Always insightful and funny to co-commentate alongside Finn at weeklies - Swate
  • I like when he looks after the stream for me - Blurry


2 votes (Mexi, Gravity)
  • Knows his shit but will roast tf outta you if you make mistakes which is indubitably based - Mexi
  • Great knowledge of the game that he knows whether to call out the game for being dumb or the player for being dumb. - Gravity

[NSW] FumbleJr

1 vote (Taipan)
  • He said my pins are cool - Taipan

[WA] Milis

1 vote (Gradivus)

[NSW] Revman

1 vote (Infinity)
  • It’s a crime I can’t vote for two men… - Infinity

[NSW] Matmarkus

1 vote (BigMrAMan)
  • Best comms duo when a cloud is on screen - BigMrAMan


1 vote (Cookiezac)

[SA] Moonlight

1 vote (Bilby)
  • Hilarious, great to listen to and commentate with - Bilby

[VIC] Bu$

1 vote (zambezius)

[NZ] DaWests

1 vote (timtamtatious)

[QLD] Joser

1 vote (Jorsa)

[QLD] Lunchy

1 vote (fuckencunce)
  • Bro did you see him at Pissmas Grands? Goat energy - fuckencunce


1 vote (LyokoBlight)

[SA] Jon Bombo

1 vote (joeyoh)
  • No one has the charisma that Jon has. Easiest pick of my life. - joeyoh

[SA] Spewis

1 vote (BLU_SA)

[VIC] gall.P

1 vote (Wash)

Who is your favourite streamer?


28 votes (Brog, Spectre, PillowTalk, IcyK, Otab, Litty, Widdershin, K-dawg, Olag, missGayManWatch, Smasio, Phinn, Beet, Beefyboi, J-Rods, Kaitoblaze, mini, Pondi, Exclin, SebPro101, Cumings12, Maplemage, Cruise, KyeChimera, salmongain, DD, Mike_KOOL, Naru)
  • whenever i pop into his streams it's a good time - IcyK
  • Always good vibes, brings together OCE like nobody else - Widdershin
  • oh, he is the best au streamer FOR SURE. - K-dawg
  • get you a man who reacts to Sora combos the way that little British newsies react to The Great War being over - Olag
  • Wifi wouldn’t be nearly as fun without his stream. - Smasio
  • his streams are never not a great time. - Phinn
  • #humblingseason - Beefyboi
  • Always entertaining and has great content. And his passion is infectious. Makes you feel like you can do anything. - Kaitoblaze
  • goat - mini
  • but you knew that already, thats why you're here - Exclin
  • Nothing like the energy this guy brings, he could light up a room with his quaking presence - SebPro101
  • He could key my car and would somehow find a way to make it a pleasant and funny interaction - Cruise
  • Is a pree good streamer guy. - KyeChimera
  • Top 10 Sora - DD
  • His pop offs make me smile - Mike_KOOL

[NSW] Olag

20 votes (Ryzuul, Hoodwink, MasterofDisaster, Alex_, Unfezant, Johtothan, Ravsav, charies, Dugongs22, Governor, Isak, Jett, Danklin, Hoops, Shyne, cloudyoce, Coleman, ApolloCJ, Amro, Nichirin)
  • There can only be one - Hoodwink
  • Loved the variety streams - MasterofDisaster
  • Variety streamer? He's your guy - Ravsav
  • 🐐 - charies
  • There's only one Swolag - Governor
  • I have a severe parasocial relationship with him xoxo - Hoops
  • Does your fav streamer have a puffer cam??? Yeah I thought not. - Amro

[NZ] Mackarp

12 votes (Cookiezac, Wifike, P9, Aloly, JohnyMeBoi, JOKER, Sylvee, DragonKnight957, Rebs, VTPooks, Coco, Wash)
  • I can almost guarantee no other ausmash streamer has earnt over $3000 in one stream - Cookiezac
  • No better content than mackarp going clinically insane - Wifike
  • highest profit margins au - P9
  • dont metion where he got allat money - JOKER
  • No other streamer brings in the bag like he does, also its fun being able to be one of the contributing factors to a mans decline in mental stability every stream in in - Sylvee
  • Xernerrssss - Rebs

[NSW] Bonsai

7 votes (Taipan, HiImAiden, BigRatt, Froggo, TurtleCat, DarkKuriboh, Frosty-)

[SA] Fen

7 votes (Zekora, Bilby, Taicho, Benthoven, RAMBO, joeyoh, Apriicot)
  • Really good content and enjoy every stream - Bilby
  • Still one of the most consistent streamers to date. - Benthoven
  • Awh mate - RAMBO
  • Sexy, Sick and Samus. - joeyoh
  • Always a pleasure to join in and I feel especially welcomed everytime. - Apriicot

[WA] Poppt1

7 votes (LagannXeno, Teehee, Non, SteamBuns, Futurecow, COpPeR3076, LimeFlurry)
  • the only smash youtuber i watch ever - effortlessly charming and kind - LagannXeno


6 votes (BigMrAMan, roboticjo, Elliot, Violet, Iceman, Inferno03)
  • Vibes - BigMrAMan
  • Too good at this game, too dummy on the sticks, too handsome - Elliot
  • Master of his craft - Inferno03

[NSW] Skye May

5 votes (Hal, Lonk, JayBird810, Ryan, Fumble)
  • I can't wait to watch Kanga stream the hit game Ronde for the Sega Saturn! - Hal
  • feet night. - Lonk
  • she's going to 100% every game in existance - JayBird810

[NSW] Shaoweater

5 votes (Ttam, Flow, Guts_LP, Morgone, chipotle)

[SA] Taicho

4 votes (CaptainCoolade, LyokoBlight, BLU_SA, Pinky)
  • Fulltime job hit his stream schedule something fierce - CaptainCoolade
  • Brad Underscore Taicho is so good he doesn't even need to stream to be the best - LyokoBlight
  • pensive dunes - Pinky

[QLD] EpicTiffy

3 votes (CHTubbs, fuckencunce, Shitashi)
  • absolute angel, both on and off camera. keep it up tiff you're awesome!!!!! - CHTubbs
  • Awesome Smash and OW content always a joy - Shitashi

[SA] Kaiza

2 votes (zambezius, Octopily)

[QLD] Jett

2 votes (Phyco, Jorsa)
  • Meta streams are the best. - Phyco

[ACT] pinK

2 votes (Toasted_Panini, CarSeatus)

[VIC] Wash

2 votes (Che, gall_P)
  • Lethal Company innit - gall_P

[VIC] cynda

1 vote (Gradivus)

[VIC] Zac!

1 vote (Meatlivers)

[NSW] CloudyOCE

1 vote (Jix)
  • bring back the overwatch streams - Jix

[NSW] chizzL

1 vote (HyDro)
  • It’s Shaow when he plays Street Fighter - HyDro

[NZ] K-dawg

1 vote (timtamtatious)

[QLD] Blurry

1 vote (Swate)
  • Wouldn’t have QLD tournament streams without his efforts - Swate

[VIC] Alistar

1 vote (Pudge)

[VIC] El

1 vote (MAST)

[VIC] VTPooks

1 vote (Mexi)
  • Never watched his streams but he’s a pretty cool guy so you should - Mexi

[VIC] gall.P

1 vote (Nop)


1 vote (mado)
  • if he had the drive for streaming that he had for smash he would genuinely be a new jerma. love u bro and this is not personal bias it is objective fact. - mado

[VIC] Pelipper Piccolo

1 vote (Gravity)
  • I watched like, no streamers this year. But Malikoff streamed a tier list in a Luigi costume while I was driving home from Floating Point so he gets the vote. - Gravity

Who has the best Twitter presence?


21 votes (Taipan, JayBird810, Personate, mini, Pondi, sushi, Shitashi, Sylvee, DragonKnight957, Cumings12, VTPooks, joeyoh, Coco, salmongain, LimeFlurry, Iceman, Yosh4, Mike_KOOL, Wash, RealPageOne, Naru)
  • Stonks - Taipan
  • thx for the stats - JayBird810
  • When I get on the Ravstats 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇 - Personate
  • smoked ryan and gave us ravstats - mini
  • RavStats Rise Up - Pondi
  • Rav stats are like crack - Shitashi
  • Ravstats are the best - Sylvee
  • GOAT - DragonKnight957
  • funny man - joeyoh
  • Hope you're proud of your work mate! Your presence was missed at Pissmass this year. - salmongain
  • Love the dedication to the scene, makes it so easy to see what’s going on elsewhere. - Yosh4
  • Ravstats always wins - RealPageOne
  • "Okay sure" - Naru

[VIC] Extra

19 votes (MarchOfHell, Ryzuul, HiImAiden, Zekora, Alex_, Cookiezac, Unfezant, Flow, P9, Smasio, Beet, Pudge, SebPro101, Rebs, Coleman, RAMBO, DD, Nop, Gravity)
  • A unique peek into vic smash and randomly drops gems that pop off. - MarchOfHell
  • funny - P9
  • When this guy makes bangers, they BANG - Smasio
  • Sorry ryan, you have been owned - SebPro101
  • Awh mate - RAMBO
  • Iykyk - Gravity

[NSW] Amro

15 votes (Milis, LagannXeno, Kitt, Olag, Ryan, Teehee, charies, rat, Dugongs22, Governor, BigRatt, Violet, cloudyoce, chipotle, Nichirin)
  • game recognise game - Milis
  • me and my partner once spent over an hour losing our shit over amros timeline. greatest moment of my smash career was him appointing my tweet as a banger. the hero we need, but we dont deserve - LagannXeno
  • where the fuck does he find these photos does he make them? - Olag
  • Wouldn’t let me vote myself - Ryan
  • 🐐 - charies
  • incredible india ☝️ - rat
  • Stinkiest memes - Dugongs22
  • Next gen shitposter - chipotle
  • He made that funny dmo meme before - Nichirin

[WA] Keutz

10 votes (Roosterbugalugs, Ttam, PillowTalk, Non, SteamBuns, Swate, Beefyboi, Shyne, MAMP, killshomusic)
  • Banger after banger - Ttam
  • Only bangers when he posts frfr - Non
  • this is genuinely so free - SteamBuns
  • I mean it’s gotta go to the vlog bit right - Swate

[NSW] Ryan

9 votes (BigMrAMan, Elliot, TurtleCat, Morgone, DarkKuriboh, Amro, Inferno03, Apriicot, Frosty-)

[ACT] ApolloCJ

6 votes (Reshi, COpPeR3076, Blurry, Toasted_Panini, KyeChimera, CarSeatus)
  • Nobody baits American smash players like he does, truly a master of the craft - Reshi
  • Brain rot - Blurry
  • My life wouldn't be complete if Apollo didn't ratio me - Toasted_Panini
  • There's only one twitter smasher who can troll all of twitter. - KyeChimera
  • The goat - CarSeatus

[VIC] Flex

4 votes (Lonk, breadcyclone, MasterofDisaster, Octopily)
  • The Cleaner is a creature and i clap my hands like a seal whenever i see a new post on my timeline - Lonk
  • Bowling + shitposting is too good - MasterofDisaster

[QLD] Finn

4 votes (Johtothan, Slimboy17, Danklin, Joz)

[VIC] Mado

4 votes (Jix, Ravsav, MAST, Pazx)
  • banger after banger - Jix
  • They're bangers even if they don't always make sense - Ravsav
  • Fall in soldiers - MAST

[VIC] Danklin

4 votes (Guts_LP, Isak, gall_P, mado)
  • Mast bro1 tweet lol - Guts_LP
  • your placements too good. your bitch too bad. your tweets too funny. they'll kill you - mado

[QLD] mini!

3 votes (Spectre, Litty, Cruise)
  • Actually incapable of a bad take - Spectre
  • Yipee (nairs out of shield) - Litty
  • Good morning - Cruise

[NZ] miss GayManWatch

3 votes (IcyK, Widdershin, mojobones)
  • top 3 poster NZ at minimum - IcyK

[WA] Milis

3 votes (Hoodwink, Jem, fuckencunce)
  • Quality posts 24/7 - Hoodwink
  • Has kept me entertained for years when I’ve needed an easy laugh from Twitter. Milo’s should compile his tweets into a book and sell it. - Jem
  • He's fune - fuckencunce

[NSW] Aurora

2 votes (Hal, Froggo)
  • Cool art + Newy W - Hal
  • doesnt play smash that much but her art is awesome check her out :))) - Froggo

[NZ] K-dawg

2 votes (Otab, timtamtatious)

[NZ] IcyK

2 votes (K-dawg, Phinn)
  • he's not unhinged so that is a start for aussmash (nah lol his tierlists with the stats were very cool) - Phinn

[SA] Ghost

2 votes (Bilby, Maplemage)
  • Has good takes that generate discussion among the community - Bilby
  • He tell it like how it is, always a joy to read. - Maplemage

[VIC] Beet

2 votes (Phyco, Mexi)
  • Always a spicy ratio. - Phyco
  • Literally ANYTHING this guy posts is instantly iconic for me - Mexi


2 votes (CHTubbs, J-Rods)
  • Ngl he gets a good laugh out of me more than i care to admit - J-Rods


2 votes (LyokoBlight, Versky)

[NSW] Coleman

1 vote (Brog)
  • gotta stop deleting them man they are bangers - Brog


1 vote (Gradivus)

[VIC] Garfield

1 vote (Infinity)
  • No recency bias but I’m still thinking about that puff clip - Infinity

[NSW] Nichirin

1 vote (Meatlivers)


1 vote (Wifike)
  • The tax fraud mackarp tweet alone sealed it - Wifike

[WA] billie.

1 vote (Impr0ve)
  • Post tourney tweets are always funny - Impr0ve

[NSW] S0o0op

1 vote (HyDro)
  • Lot of passion in his tweets, whenever it a banger Guilty Gear top 8, or telling someone else to **** *******, uce tell it how it is - HyDro

[VIC] Clemancholy

1 vote (zambezius)

[NZ] fidel cashflow

1 vote (missGayManWatch)

[VIC] Noot

1 vote (Aloly)

[QLD] Cruise

1 vote (Jorsa)

[QLD] J-Rods

1 vote (JohnyMeBoi)

[NSW] Flishwap

1 vote (Fumble)
  • if more of us weren't on twitter more of us could live like the flish - Fumble

[NSW] Lonk

1 vote (germanpogostick)

[QLD] Litty

1 vote (Benthoven)

[VIC] MasterofDisaster

1 vote (JOKER)
  • the father figure of our scene - JOKER

[NSW] charies

1 vote (Hoops)
  • Underrated, but he never misses - Hoops

[ACT] MapleMage

1 vote (ApolloCJ)
  • best retweet game undisputed - ApolloCJ

[NSW] Skye May

1 vote (Che)

[SA] Con

1 vote (BLU_SA)

Who do you wish would come back tournaments?

[NSW] Average WINNER

8 votes (Dugongs22, Governor, Elliot, Guts_LP, Isak, chipotle, Amro, Mike_KOOL)
  • I need that. We need that. - Governor
  • Miss him - Guts_LP
  • Come back please 🥺 - chipotle
  • I've been going through Jessie withdrawal for the past year. Please come back 🥲 - Amro
  • i miss you - Mike_KOOL

[QLD] Cruise

6 votes (Smasio, Jorsa, Na_an, Jem, mini, Exclin)
  • I miss Sneed :( - come back and d throw bair me three times at 50 nerd - Smasio
  • This guy is far too good at games. Always gave me top notch advice and in general was a kind and funny guy. - Jem
  • nah man. nuh uh. smash bad game. peep manon. L. nah hear me out. nah bro listen listen listen. peep my marisa. smash bad. - mini
  • funny guy and very respectful - Exclin

[QLD] Ben Gold

5 votes (Lonk, Litty, JohnyMeBoi, Beefyboi, J-Rods)
  • krool is hype. ive also heard they have a wolf. wolf is also hype. ive heard they will be at pissmas. i wish to see them at more. - Lonk
  • The few times I've interacted with him, he helped a friend of mine with the K Rool matchup and he was just so chill to talk to like, it just deleted me being shy at first lol - Litty
  • Krool bias ok - J-Rods

[ACT] SlamFrunk!

5 votes (Reshi, COpPeR3076, Toasted_Panini, ApolloCJ, CarSeatus)

[WA] Crag

5 votes (Alex_, Impr0ve, Teehee, Non, Denzel)
  • I miss him every day - Alex_

[VIC] Unreal Sora

5 votes (Scobo, Ravsav, HyDro, Coleman, Nop)

[SA] Coolade

5 votes (Bilby, Taicho, Pinky, Yosh4, Q)
  • Never met him but he seems cool - Bilby
  • If I think hard enough it's almost like I can still hear his voice - Taicho
  • i miss him so much he should bring his imaginary friend paul too - Pinky
  • Stop getting lead poisoning - Yosh4
  • GYG to evac won't run itself - Q

[NZ] hori

4 votes (IcyK, Widdershin, missGayManWatch, Phinn)
  • pls attend more ;-; - IcyK
  • I don't even play melee but it's hype whenever you show up. - Phinn

[NSW] MTH1602

3 votes (Taipan, JayBird810, Pondi)
  • Plz come back I need someone to take out jay for me. - Taipan
  • i feel too powerful - JayBird810

[QLD] Ari

3 votes (PillowTalk, Shitashi, Joz)

[NSW] Matmarkus

3 votes (BigMrAMan, Morgone, Nichirin)

[NSW] Mr Leak

3 votes (Kitt, Pazx, TurtleCat)
  • #cometotheaction - Pazx
  • Peps enjoyer and overall stand up dude - TurtleCat

[NSW] Kyle

2 votes (Hal, Froggo)
  • This time I'll win I swear - Hal
  • coolest roy nsw - Froggo

[SA] Paulek

2 votes (Zekora, SebPro101)
  • I don't know why paulek was my number one choice, but playing friendlies with him, he just had that home boy rizz - SebPro101

[VIC] Wash

2 votes (Cookiezac, Unfezant)

[NSW] Yazari

2 votes (Meatlivers, DarkKuriboh)

[NSW] Day

2 votes (Johtothan, Violet)

[VIC] Insie

2 votes (Flow, P9)
  • the goat - P9

[VIC] Piski

2 votes (Aloly, RAMBO)
  • come back coolguy we need you - Aloly
  • Awh MATE - RAMBO

[VIC] Chok_B

2 votes (Beet, Hoops)

[QLD] Exclin

2 votes (CHTubbs, Benthoven)

[VIC] Danklin

2 votes (Slimboy17, mado)
  • Miss the guy - Slimboy17
  • Missed the fun major he came to :( - mado

[ACT] Waveguider

2 votes (Maplemage, MAMP)


1 vote (MarchOfHell)
  • Fun guy and my cousin to boot. Need to dab his way back into smash. - MarchOfHell


1 vote (breadcyclone)
  • im not OKAY whenever this BUSTER of a player is not aTERRYing tournaments - breadcyclone

[NSW] Joshman

1 vote (Ryzuul)

[SA] Ninhon

1 vote (Brog)

[VIC] Deku Meister

1 vote (HiImAiden)

[VIC] Vye

1 vote (Gradivus)

[QLD] Talie

1 vote (Spectre)

[NZ] Boschey

1 vote (Otab)

[QLD] Shadrew

1 vote (LagannXeno)
  • i know he still goes sometimes, but it makes me a little sad that the original shoto legend of this country is the only one i've never met. - LagannXeno

[WA] Shae

1 vote (Hoodwink)

[VIC] Jaypam

1 vote (MasterofDisaster)

[VIC] Willo

1 vote (Personate)

[VIC] iB

1 vote (Wifike)

[NZ] Otab

1 vote (K-dawg)

[TAS] Gerald


[NSW] Yan

1 vote (Olag)
  • The elusive "other Ben" of the scene - Olag

[QLD] Python

1 vote (Jix)
  • miss u 🥺 - Jix

[NSW] Shmu

1 vote (Ryan)

[NSW] Killy

1 vote (charies)

[VIC] Sodaman

1 vote (zambezius)

[WA] Spud

1 vote (SteamBuns)

[ACT] Forseti

1 vote (Zowayix)


1 vote (timtamtatious)

[FR] Fendeavor

1 vote (Swate)
  • :(((((((((((((((((( - Swate

[VIC] Sandman

1 vote (Phyco)
  • Just an awesome dude. - Phyco

[SA] Nova

1 vote (Pudge)

[NSW] Luco

1 vote (Fumble)


1 vote (BigRatt)

[VIC] Noot

1 vote (MAST)
  • Dog missing - MAST

[VIC] Xettman

1 vote (JOKER)
  • im keeping the seat warm here man come back - JOKER

[WA] Benjo

1 vote (Danklin)

[QLD] Milk+

1 vote (fuckencunce)

[VIC] Epic Cyborg

1 vote (Mexi)
  • The Steve dittos went insane but now our Pac-Man/Meta Knight games would as well - Mexi


1 vote (cloudyoce)

[NSW] Bihate

1 vote (sushi)

[QLD] Nicc

1 vote (Blurry)
  • Swag player still goated when he showed up to a few CLEANs - Blurry

[VIC] Ultra Instinct

1 vote (VTPooks)

[QLD] Sonder

1 vote (Cruise)

[ACT] Mat

1 vote (KyeChimera)
  • My first ever opponent and vice versa, didn't stick to the scene like me. You know what they say, you always remember your first. - KyeChimera

[NSW] jT

1 vote (Che)

[SA] HTem

1 vote (LyokoBlight)
  • When the world needed him most, he vanished. - LyokoBlight

[QLD] Luminescent

1 vote (Coco)

[QLD] Genesis

1 vote (salmongain)
  • This lad always brings good energy when he can make it, gets his cheeky W's and bails. Love to see more of it lol. - salmongain

[SA] JDash

1 vote (Versky)

[VIC] Tomie

1 vote (DD)
  • i need him… - DD

[VIC] Naru

1 vote (LimeFlurry)

[NSW] Abakids

1 vote (Iceman)

[VIC] Jonut

1 vote (gall_P)

[VIC] WeToxicFew

1 vote (Wash)
  • get him off the streets - Wash

[VIC] Khami

1 vote (Naru)

[NSW] small rat

1 vote (Apriicot)


1 vote (Frosty-)

[VIC] gall.P

1 vote (Gravity)
  • Old JML Rival. Love seeing the guy compete; he’s still got it. Also would love to take a set off him one day. - Gravity

[WA] DehDehBeh

1 vote (killshomusic)

Who is your rival?


8 votes (Wifike, Phyco, JOKER, Mackarp, Slimboy17, VTPooks, B1, RAMBO)
  • We've played something like 15 sets and have almost exactly a 50/50 record lol - Wifike
  • Something about our sets is always close, with explosive stocks! Although he's improving faster I consider him a rival. - Phyco
  • this guy decides to freak it whenever we're seeded to play - JOKER
  • He took the kids :( - Mackarp
  • He's my Sasuke - Slimboy17
  • Always good sets that i have to think alot about while playing - VTPooks
  • He sucks - B1
  • Been forced into early retirement before he actually wins a relevant set vs me - RAMBO

[NSW] Dugongs

3 votes (Elliot, Isak, chipotle)
  • He shits on me badly but I wanna beat him - Elliot
  • Dugong - Isak
  • actually can't stand losing to this guy - chipotle

[NSW] Bonsai

2 votes (Lonk, BigRatt)
  • we started playing competitive smash at the same time coincidentally and have traded sets back and forth since. - Lonk

[VIC] Dura

2 votes (Brog, Beet)
  • this guy's random might be better than mine once hell freezes over - Brog
  • just like me fr - Beet

[NSW] JayBird

2 votes (Taipan, Pondi)
  • Still my biggest demon - Taipan
  • The Power Up is Insane - Pondi

[ACT] Legacy

2 votes (Reshi, KyeChimera)
  • He might be my boyfriend, but I still wanna kick his ass - Reshi
  • We go head to head all the time, and the final results aren't always one sided. - KyeChimera

[NZ] DaWests

2 votes (Otab, timtamtatious)

[NSW] Morgone

2 votes (BigMrAMan, Guts_LP)

[ACT] Kinaji

2 votes (Unfezant, Maplemage)

[VIC] Zac!

2 votes (Scobo, HyDro)
  • Same ranking on our respective PRs, really great guy, gaslighted me in Among Us - HyDro

[NSW] Pondi

2 votes (Meatlivers, Nichirin)

[VIC] Jdizzle

2 votes (Jix, Violet)
  • comin for that #1 spot !! - Jix
  • Probs the closest player to my skill level - Violet

[NSW] Dmo

2 votes (Ryan, Coleman)
  • Dmo is Ryan father - Ryan

[VIC] El

2 votes (Flow, Rebs)
  • Stop winning the -3 - Rebs

[VIC] Slurps

2 votes (Pudge, mado)
  • et tu, brutus? - mado


2 votes (CHTubbs, JohnyMeBoi)
  • one day i'll take a ammies set. one day... - CHTubbs

[NSW] Violet

2 votes (Hoops, Amro)
  • Rival but I want to kiss him - Hoops

[NSW] Thrillhouse

2 votes (cloudyoce, Iceman)


2 votes (Shitashi, Joz)
  • When I yell his name when playing other Falcos you know there's a problem - Shitashi

[VIC] VTPooks

2 votes (Sylvee, Cumings12)

[VIC] Nevarc

1 vote (MarchOfHell)
  • To be fair, we both are god awful at smash. But we have always been at the same level in most fighting games so playing each other is great. - MarchOfHell

[VIC] Tyler

1 vote (Ryzuul)

[NSW] Froggo

1 vote (JayBird810)

[QLD] boingboing

1 vote (Gradivus)

[QLD] Litty

1 vote (Spectre)
  • She and I go so even at the moment, and she's only getting better. - Spectre

[QLD] Stacked

1 vote (PillowTalk)

[QLD] AlastairBL

1 vote (IcyK)
  • wifi isn't real - IcyK

[QLD] J-Rods

1 vote (Litty)
  • Kinda messed up when I think about how he mains a low tier and I main a top tier and we're at the same level lol - Litty

[WA] Keutz

1 vote (LagannXeno)
  • when i lose, i ask myself "would keutz have won that" and if the answer is yes, then i have no excuses. me and keutz have played so many times and regardless of the winrates - and it is always intense, fierce and fun. nobody wants it more than us. - LagannXeno

[NZ] Hob

1 vote (Widdershin)

[WA] YukiDraco

1 vote (Hoodwink)

[VIC] nate

1 vote (MasterofDisaster)
  • Only dude who can mald with me rather than at me. Catch these hands when I come to WA - MasterofDisaster

[QLD] Jetfantastic

1 vote (Infinity)
  • I got my one, but wanna make it two - Infinity

[WA] EdenBean

1 vote (Alex_)

[VIC] Scobo

1 vote (Cookiezac)

[NSW] Joxic

1 vote (Kitt)

[VIC] P9

1 vote (Personate)
  • Trading sets a bit more recently - Personate

[NZ] timtam

1 vote (K-dawg)

[TAS] Ja-Nox

  • bro dodged me for 10 months and then came back and STILL beat me im tight - CAPSUPREME

[NSW] jT

1 vote (Johtothan)

[VIC] Nerdminecraft

1 vote (Ravsav)
  • I'll beat one of his funny characters one day I swear - Ravsav

[WA] billie.

1 vote (Teehee)

[SA] Queen

1 vote (Bilby)
  • Dude I just want to beat him - Bilby

[NSW] CheMarama

1 vote (charies)

[WA] Vexx

1 vote (Non)
  • Look, we both arent good, but for the amount we shit talk each each other, matches and friendlies against him are always a fun time and a good measure of each others growing skill. - Non

[VIC] DonB

1 vote (zambezius)

[NZ] Vro

1 vote (missGayManWatch)

[VIC] Ravsav

1 vote (Zowayix)
  • I'm the superior statistician around these parts - Zowayix

[VIC] rebs

1 vote (P9)
  • we've traded a lot lately - P9

[QLD] Dags

1 vote (Smasio)
  • Makes me learn a new mu every bloody half year but fuck he’s so good - Smasio


1 vote (Aloly)
  • everytime i make an upset this guy is there waiting to 3-0 my ass - Aloly

[NZ] Entry

1 vote (Phinn)
  • you got lucky with that sd mate. - Phinn

[QLD] Joser

1 vote (Swate)
  • Hard to pin down a rival for me, but Joser vs Swate is a timeless clash - Swate

[QLD] OrcaShmorka

1 vote (Jorsa)

[NSW] Isak

1 vote (Dugongs22)

[NSW] Abadingo

1 vote (germanpogostick)
  • i see them in bracket i know im gonna remember this set. they terrify me and i feel like a better player after each match. goated - germanpogostick

[NSW] HooperMassiveBlackHole

1 vote (Governor)
  • 100% banger set rate - if only I could figure out Diddy Kong... - Governor

[QLD] Smasio

1 vote (Beefyboi)
  • We play so much in wifi brackets and he has helped me a ton - Beefyboi

[VIC] Xav

1 vote (MAST)
  • This guy thinks he's better than me. And I see him as my training partner kinda now ig. I respect him alot. - MAST

[QLD] Vivid

1 vote (Benthoven)


1 vote (Jem)
  • Fuckincunce - Jem

[VIC] Pudge

1 vote (Pazx)

[QLD] GymKingKoopa

1 vote (J-Rods)

[NSW] Spike

1 vote (Froggo)
  • full time employment old gen vs unemployed new gen - Froggo

[QLD] Jem

1 vote (fuckencunce)

[QLD] Cruise

1 vote (mini)
  • nothing to do with smash, just hate the dog. - mini

[VIC] HiImAiden

1 vote (Mexi)
  • Literaly them, Wifike or Aloly. Every time I lose a set to these guys I think it was so doable, and I’ll begin trading sets soon >:) - Mexi

[NSW] ElliotMK

1 vote (sushi)


1 vote (SebPro101)

[VIC] Lokh_ND

1 vote (DragonKnight957)

[NSW] Glace

1 vote (TurtleCat)
  • Nothing is more heartbreakibg than seeing this gamer get upset into my path in losers (this happens every single time they attend) - TurtleCat


1 vote (Toasted_Panini)
  • His adaptations are so on point, it takes so much work to keep up with him - Toasted_Panini

[QLD] BakedGoods

1 vote (Cruise)
  • He spent 9 hours playing genshin impact on christmas day - Cruise

[ACT] Jay

1 vote (MAMP)

[NSW] Guts_LP

1 vote (Morgone)
  • paper nation needs to go - Morgone

[NSW] metagh0st20XX

1 vote (DarkKuriboh)
  • It’s not even close in skill level but I love this guy and he is my bestie - DarkKuriboh

[SA] MothPlague

1 vote (LyokoBlight)
  • Love fighting this guy its always neck and neck - LyokoBlight

[QLD] NaCl

1 vote (salmongain)
  • Gatekeeper of QLD ammies GF's winners side. - salmongain

[VIC] SebPro101

1 vote (DD)
  • Both started the same time and improved at the same rate. Now we always trade sets and placements, wouldn’t be where I am without him - DD

[ACT] Joey

1 vote (CarSeatus)

[VIC] Beefy

1 vote (LimeFlurry)

[SA] Fen

1 vote (Yosh4)

[NSW] FumbleJr

1 vote (Mike_KOOL)

[VIC] Wash

1 vote (gall_P)

[VIC] iB

1 vote (Wash)
  • dickhead gatekeeps me at rmit games - Wash

[VIC] Ezycole

1 vote (Naru)

[NSW] charies

1 vote (Frosty-)
  • Only person i've gone back and forth with in main bracket, Lonk might also count but that was ammies so idk - Frosty-

[VIC] Slimboy17

1 vote (Gravity)

Who is the best new or up and coming player?


19 votes (Taipan, JayBird810, Kitt, Olag, charies, Phinn, Dugongs22, germanpogostick, Governor, Isak, Froggo, Pondi, Violet, cloudyoce, sushi, chipotle, Amro, Inferno03, Frosty-)
  • Bro won a STC, where did obtain this power? Was it from playing wifi ganon???? - Taipan
  • my goat - JayBird810
  • Carries the torch of the up-and-coming Pikachu player in NSW. The timeline suggests he'll be Aus PR within a year - Olag
  • 🐐 - charies
  • He owns me on wifi and wins stuff so I'll say. - Phinn
  • I once told him he should learn to ledge trump. He learnt it by the time he played the next set - Dugongs22
  • he's the best to ever do it, so humble about his undeniably cracked nature too - germanpogostick
  • The MK stands for Master KEdgeguarder - Governor
  • 90-10 matchup jesus fucking christ - Froggo
  • Bro is on the rise - Pondi
  • He walked so shmu could run - Violet
  • GOATED. - cloudyoce
  • this guy, he can do it dude - chipotle
  • The E got even bigger this year, love to see it. - Amro


19 votes (Spectre, Litty, Smasio, Swate, CHTubbs, JohnyMeBoi, Benthoven, Jett, The_Stig, mini, Shitashi, Sylvee, RAMBO, Coco, salmongain, Joz, Nop, Mike_KOOL, RealPageOne)
  • MATE where do I start. This time last year he made grands of No Cigar at Pissmas, now he's taking names off the PR. Actually goated. - Spectre
  • belly armor carries him but it's fine, can't complain when little mac exists - Litty
  • There’s literally no other contest - Smasio
  • Undoubtedly the best QLD pick for this one - Swate
  • reminding me of the time i got my shit rocked by him in friendlies. insane dude, has improved so much over the past year and a half, i cant wait to see him in aus pr - CHTubbs
  • This guy's getting PR soon, I can feel it. - Benthoven
  • Need I say anything? - The_Stig
  • incoming qld pr player - mini
  • Ben Gold 2.0 - Shitashi
  • i would like my chair legs to remain unbent. Besides the joke though just such an incredible player who has come an extremely long way in a year going from one of the resident wifi krools to a threat and most offlines he attends - Sylvee
  • There's bribery afoot....... - RAMBO
  • Not just by the stats, this guy been my goat for friendlies, chat, memes and more. - salmongain
  • Simply inspiring - Nop
  • He will dominate in 2024 - RealPageOne

[VIC] Aloly

8 votes (HiImAiden, Na_an, Beefyboi, JOKER, Rebs, LimeFlurry, gall_P, Gravity)
  • He's so good man - Beefyboi
  • Morth - Rebs
  • genuinely the goat and fun to watch - LimeFlurry
  • Dude is improving at a good level. He isn’t just winning through lucky tippers; he’s spacing those tippers!…and still missing them somehow…but still winning without them. Goated player. - Gravity

[VIC] MemeG0d

6 votes (Roosterbugalugs, Scobo, Meatlivers, Ravsav, Shyne, DD)

[VIC] Beefy

5 votes (MasterofDisaster, Wifike, Mexi, DragonKnight957, Iceman)
  • so good so quickly. Genuinely frustrating for us boomers - MasterofDisaster
  • Thank god he can't stay for pro bracket - Wifike
  • Cringe characters but he kinda clean with em, love our sets - Mexi

[NSW] Violet

5 votes (Unfezant, BigRatt, Elliot, Coleman, Morgone)

[ACT] CarSeatus

5 votes (Zowayix, COpPeR3076, Toasted_Panini, MAMP, KyeChimera)

[ACT] Mouseface Killah

4 votes (Reshi, Hoops, ApolloCJ, CarSeatus)

[WA] Alex

4 votes (LagannXeno, Teehee, Non, JadLad)
  • i think anybody following the scene in perth can say undoubtedly that the newest "rookie" making moves is alex, and they've seen dramatic player growth in the back half of the year. very impressive, and i look forward to hopefully seeing it continue - LagannXeno

[VIC] Scobo

4 votes (Cookiezac, Flow, Aloly, Beet)

[VIC] Zac!

3 votes (PillowTalk, Alex_, P9)
  • everyone else is wrong (scobo 2nd tho) - P9

[SA] Yellow

2 votes (Brog, Bilby)
  • top 5 SA 2024 - Brog
  • Hes improving so much its really cool - Bilby

[NZ] K-dawg

2 votes (Otab, timtamtatious)

[VIC] RivetMan

2 votes (Phyco, mado)
  • Just solid overall player. That falco is taking names. - Phyco
  • dangerous creature - mado

[VIC] Zac

2 votes (Slimboy17, Wash)

[NSW] Inferno

1 vote (Lonk)
  • top 8 at an offstage, strong ike thats only getting stronger, and a whole strong character pool to choose from depending on the mood. only going up from here. - Lonk

[ACT] clementine

1 vote (Ryzuul)

[QLD] Lukas

1 vote (Gradivus)

[NZ] Hob

1 vote (IcyK)
  • in the future, incineroar wins every tournament - IcyK

[SA] Bilby

1 vote (Zekora)

[NZ] JoyKong

1 vote (Widdershin)


1 vote (Hoodwink)

[SA] Rizzarro Flame

1 vote (Infinity)

[NSW] Roboticjo

1 vote (BigMrAMan)

[VIC] Wifike

1 vote (Personate)

[NSW] BigMrAMan

1 vote (roboticjo)
  • one day i'll beat this man, too good - roboticjo

[TAS] Diesel Booster


[NSW] Morgone

1 vote (Johtothan)

[QLD] Swate

1 vote (Jix)
  • not new but still always on the grind and shows a lot of potential - Jix


1 vote (HyDro)
  • That Joe Schmoe guy is really good - HyDro

[VIC] El

1 vote (zambezius)
  • hey i just wanted to give u a vote coz ur cool <3 ignore the category - zambezius

[NZ] RatKing

1 vote (missGayManWatch)

[FR] Fendeavor

1 vote (Jorsa)
  • He got PR on his first season - Jorsa

[VIC] NoTechNeek

1 vote (Pudge)

[NSW] JayBird

1 vote (Fumble)

[VIC] Bigman

1 vote (MAST)
  • Jml fella who is inquisitive and keen to learn. If he decides to come to tourneys I see him going far. - MAST

[NSW] Sheeeep

1 vote (Guts_LP)
  • Getting better every week!!! - Guts_LP

[VIC] Pudge

1 vote (Danklin)

[QLD] JohnyMeBoi

1 vote (J-Rods)
  • Play a better character mate - J-Rods

[QLD] Plain

1 vote (fuckencunce)

[QLD] SlishFish

1 vote (Blurry)
  • If this dude comes to stuff more he'll probs take names - Blurry

[VIC] Noot

1 vote (SebPro101)
  • Really crazy we have this new player come through and do so amazingly average - SebPro101

[ACT] Solar

1 vote (Cumings12)

[VIC] Bendi

1 vote (VTPooks)
  • Has had a lot of improvement as of recent and could defenitly push for the HMs or the 40 within a few seasons - VTPooks

[NSW] Bonsai

1 vote (TurtleCat)
  • They are putting in work for sure - TurtleCat


1 vote (Cruise)
  • Not new but new but always on the grind and passionate about the game - Cruise

[NSW] germanpogostick

1 vote (DarkKuriboh)

[SA] Ghost

1 vote (CaptainCoolade)

[SA] Matt

1 vote (LyokoBlight)

[SA] Fen's Cousin

1 vote (Yosh4)

[NSW] Keenansaurus

1 vote (Nichirin)

[VIC] Necro

1 vote (Naru)

[NSW] Pondi

1 vote (Apriicot)
  • dude knows so much and puts so much effort - Apriicot

[WA] JadLad

1 vote (killshomusic)

Who is the best overall player?

[VIC] Jdizzle WINNER

40 votes (Roosterbugalugs, breadcyclone, HiImAiden, JayBird810, Ttam, Hoodwink, Alex_, Scobo, Jix, Ravsav, Bilby, charies, Flow, P9, Aloly, Phinn, Swate, Beet, JohnyMeBoi, Beefyboi, Guts_LP, Slimboy17, Isak, J-Rods, fuckencunce, mini, Pondi, Mexi, cloudyoce, Shitashi, Sylvee, SebPro101, DragonKnight957, Cumings12, RAMBO, Coco, Joz, DD, chipotle, Nop)
  • 🐐 - charies
  • Obvious answer but you have to respect being on top for multiple years and still pushing as hard as he does - Flow
  • yea - P9
  • who else? - Phinn
  • unbeatable freak (plays young link) - Beet
  • Great benchmark for Aus - Guts_LP
  • Can't lose - Slimboy17
  • He's 2 good - fuckencunce
  • felt wrong to vote for myself so i SUPPOSE jono can have it - mini
  • Bro is unstoppable - Pondi
  • I love this guy - Mexi
  • Does this need an explanation - Shitashi
  • Sadly has grinded incredibly hard, and is on a whole other tier ti everyone else in the country - SebPro101
  • Awh mate - RAMBO
  • If you don’t vote him you’re delusional - DD

[VIC] Sriks

18 votes (Ryzuul, Gradivus, Zekora, LagannXeno, MasterofDisaster, Johtothan, Teehee, HyDro, SteamBuns, Fumble, Governor, Danklin, Maplemage, Rebs, Coleman, gall_P, Wash, Frosty-)
  • Animal - Ryzuul
  • wish there was some sort of ranking of all players aus wide. looking at YOU aus TOs - Gradivus
  • results speak for themselves - LagannXeno
  • This man really shows why hard work pays off - HyDro
  • big - Fumble
  • He's the goat and I definitely think he can be number 1. - Maplemage

[NSW] Unfezant

16 votes (Lonk, BigMrAMan, Kitt, Smasio, Dugongs22, germanpogostick, BigRatt, Elliot, Benthoven, Shyne, Violet, sushi, Morgone, Amro, Mike_KOOL, Apriicot)
  • won a monthly with a d20 dice character randomiser. best grabs aus, incredible adaption and movement, limitless knowledge of characters and scenarios. the goat - Lonk
  • different - BigMrAMan
  • My mans is dropping the weights now that high school is over - Kitt
  • He won an Epping with a mfing dice - Smasio
  • The sizzler hasn’t won an Epping - Dugongs22
  • i cooka da grub - germanpogostick
  • Might actually be the best player in the world - Violet
  • Mashing has it’s peaks - Morgone
  • grub - Amro

[ACT] Kinaji

11 votes (Reshi, Zowayix, Hoops, COpPeR3076, Toasted_Panini, ApolloCJ, MAMP, KyeChimera, CarSeatus, LimeFlurry, Iceman)

[VIC] Dura

5 votes (PillowTalk, Unfezant, Personate, Froggo, DarkKuriboh)

[NSW] Dmo

4 votes (Olag, TurtleCat, Che, Inferno03)
  • technically unmatched and one of the few people in the country that has actually taken other players' post-set advice to "just play better I guess" to heart - Olag
  • Perhaps one of the best top players we have ever had. Humble, skilled, supportive and friendly. - TurtleCat

[VIC] RaZe

3 votes (Brog, Widdershin, Gravity)
  • Next person to call link midtier has to money match RaZe - Widdershin
  • Yeah Jdizzle is the best, but RaZe can beat him. And did beat him at BAM. …Should’ve won BAM… - Gravity

[NZ] Ichigo

3 votes (IcyK, Otab, K-dawg)
  • would vote for myself if i could - IcyK

[VIC] Ryzuul

3 votes (Infinity, zambezius, Na_an)
  • Any vote not for Ryzuul is delusion - Infinity
  • would beat everyone if the format was all 6 smash games, no contest - zambezius

[SA] Ghost

3 votes (LyokoBlight, BLU_SA, Yosh4)

[QLD] Dags

2 votes (Spectre, salmongain)

[QLD] Bro1

2 votes (Litty, Blurry)
  • Have you seen his Game and Watch - Litty
  • No bias, only person who keeps my love for the game alive - Blurry

[VIC] Luma

2 votes (Non, killshomusic)
  • Im biased but shes the goat fr - Non

[QLD] Spammage

2 votes (Jorsa, Cruise)
  • No other player has won me an air fryer - Cruise

[VIC] Extra

2 votes (Pudge, MAST)
  • You all forget. - MAST


2 votes (JOKER, Pazx)
  • got top 4 in a major whilst doing full time study - JOKER


1 vote (MarchOfHell)

[QLD] Smasio

1 vote (Taipan)
  • Destroyed all of NSW. Even in Buzz for the ps2 he was unstoppable. - Taipan

[QLD] AlastairBL

1 vote (Cookiezac)

[NSW] Violet

1 vote (roboticjo)

[VIC] MilkMeme

1 vote (Wifike)

[NZ] IcyK

1 vote (missGayManWatch)

[NZ] DaWests

1 vote (timtamtatious)

[VIC] El

1 vote (Phyco)
  • Idk what it is, but I've never felt as utterly destroyed as I do playing against El. He is just so dominant! - Phyco

[VIC] Jix

1 vote (CHTubbs)

[VIC] SebPro101

1 vote (VTPooks)
  • A well rested seb (rarely seen) - VTPooks

[SA] Lyoko

1 vote (Pinky)
  • fundies god idk how he make them shitass characters work - Pinky

[VIC] Nop

1 vote (mado)
  • It's going unsaid: but when you look at the JAWLINE, the slick cut, the way the glasses frame his face? And he's rocking the croc? When you take it ALL in to consideration, he's unmatched. - mado

[VIC] Zac!

1 vote (Nichirin)

[VIC] Khami

1 vote (Naru)

Who is your favourite tournament organiser?


18 votes (BigMrAMan, Kitt, Unfezant, Olag, Dugongs22, germanpogostick, Governor, Elliot, Hoops, Shyne, Violet, cloudyoce, sushi, Morgone, chipotle, Amro, Mike_KOOL, Nichirin)
  • massive muscles - BigMrAMan
  • Biggest muscles OCE - Kitt
  • he makes me a hot chocolate when i go 0-2 - Olag
  • i have a confession i only show up to events to impress this man - germanpogostick
  • Muscles too big, smile too handsome - Elliot
  • He’s so jacked - Hoops
  • Eye candy - Violet
  • big tournaments, big muscles, even bigger love for the homies - chipotle
  • Best tourneys, best coffee, and best bench. - Amro
  • HES HUGE - Mike_KOOL

[NSW] Kitt

16 votes (Lonk, Johtothan, Ryan, charies, Zowayix, Fumble, BigRatt, Guts_LP, Isak, Blurry, TurtleCat, Coleman, DarkKuriboh, Iceman, Inferno03, Apriicot)
  • the goat. - Lonk
  • 🐐 - charies
  • I'm being a traitor :coolsun: - Zowayix
  • Also Moey - Guts_LP
  • Dude needs to give himself more credit - Blurry
  • If no one let me pay at venue, Kitt let me pay at venue - DarkKuriboh

[VIC] MasterofDisaster

15 votes (MarchOfHell, HiImAiden, Cookiezac, Scobo, Wifike, Ravsav, Flow, Phyco, Beefyboi, Slimboy17, Danklin, Rebs, gall_P, mado, Gravity)
  • The brains of the operations at Sunshine. Wouldn't be where we are now without him. - MarchOfHell
  • Forever the goat. Shoutouts Marcell too. - HiImAiden
  • He just does so much - Wifike
  • Really can't ask for much more from a TO. - Ravsav
  • Wish I could vote for keutz, taicho, blurry and kitt too - Flow
  • I mean come on. - Phyco
  • Super sunshine is my favorite event to go to it's always so fun to go to and its closest to me - Beefyboi
  • He is Super duper - Slimboy17
  • Mate - Rebs
  • Such real passion and drive to deliver quality - gall_P
  • if you don't come to super duper you better have a super duper good excuse - mado
  • Only TO to have a Pokey Pummel side bracket. - Gravity

[QLD] Blurry

14 votes (BattleDolphin, Spectre, PillowTalk, Smasio, Swate, CHTubbs, JohnyMeBoi, Jem, Jett, J-Rods, fuckencunce, mini, Coco, salmongain)
  • the goat - BattleDolphin
  • You're actually lying to yourself if you say anyone other than Blurry or Dags in QLD. - Spectre
  • QLD doesn’t deserve blurry’s work, thanks for all you do goat :) - Smasio
  • QLD scene would be struggling hard without this gundam addict - Swate
  • chad of a man, never fails to make newcomers feel welcome while staying acquainted to the regulars. treats his players as friends over numbers. what a man - CHTubbs
  • If I could give this vote to battledolphin too, I would. The qld smash scene has been kept alive thanks to the passion of both blurry and BD. Blurry cares extremely deeply about our community even if he doesn’t admit it often, and BD is just so nice and they’re both my good frenz - Jem
  • Goat of QLD - fuckencunce
  • how does he manage to deal with qlders? we may never know. (good morning stephen) - mini
  • This guy is going places. Makes everyone feel valued. - salmongain

[WA] Keutz

9 votes (Ttam, LagannXeno, Alex_, Teehee, Non, JadLad, Denzel, Pudge, killshomusic)
  • nobody more committed to this shit than him. i'm a huge believer in his vision for the scene and i trust him to lead the charge until there are no soldiers left - and even then i am sure he will die standing - LagannXeno
  • Actually so goated and huge provider for the scene - Alex_
  • Banger tournaments, banger venues, dedication to his craft, what more needs to be said. - Non

[SA] Taicho

6 votes (Zekora, Bilby, Kaitoblaze, BLU_SA, Pinky, Yosh4)
  • Really welcoming and friendly guy, supports the SA scene so much - Bilby
  • Always runs tourneys fairly and efficiently. - Kaitoblaze
  • runs the scene while juggling so much other shit truly an inspiration - Pinky

[NSW] Spike

5 votes (Hal, Taipan, JayBird810, Froggo, Pondi)
  • Wouldn't be here without you, thanks for helping keep Newy alive despite everything. - Hal
  • Saved Newy multiple times - Taipan
  • single handedly keeping newy alive - JayBird810
  • single handedly keeping the newcastle smash scene alive, my goat - Froggo
  • Single handedly keeping the Newy Smash Scene Alive - Pondi

[VIC] Pudge

5 votes (Brog, Jix, MAST, DragonKnight957, Octopily)
  • frolicsome goat - Jix
  • Australia would be nothing without him with the structures he has setup. He, and no other TOs would ever get the amount of appreciation deserved for what they have done.ig this is my small way of saying thanks from time to time - MAST
  • I wouldn't be attending Melbourne tournaments without him - DragonKnight957

[NZ] Unladen

4 votes (IcyK, Widdershin, missGayManWatch, Phinn)
  • goes to pretty much every weekend tourney and does so much work - IcyK
  • Unladen is a based TO and Wellington wouldn’t be half the region it is without him - Widdershin
  • I can count the number of times he hasn't shown up this year on my hands (I think.) Beyond the dedication he's just the best. - Phinn

[VIC] MarchOfHell

4 votes (Personate, JOKER, LimeFlurry, Wash)


4 votes (COpPeR3076, Toasted_Panini, ApolloCJ, KyeChimera)
  • somehow he's so good at smash while doing a lot of work running shit, unbelievable effort - Toasted_Panini
  • TOs, games hard, is friendly, what more could you want? - KyeChimera

[VIC] P9

3 votes (breadcyclone, Aloly, RAMBO)
  • the greatest there was, the greatest there is, the greatest there will ever be #P9DaGoat - breadcyclone
  • tom9 pixel dictator - Aloly
  • P1984 Moment, awh mate - RAMBO

[NZ] DaWests

3 votes (Otab, K-dawg, timtamtatious)
  • he reminds me of Osaka from Azumanga Daioh - K-dawg

[VIC] Beet

3 votes (MasterofDisaster, P9, DD)
  • Did what he had to in order to keep vic alive - MasterofDisaster
  • keeping TSG going which matters a great deal - P9
  • TSG Mafia GOAT - DD

[QLD] BattleDolphin

3 votes (Benthoven, Shitashi, Joz)

[ACT] Josh

3 votes (Maplemage, MAMP, CarSeatus)
  • Keep up the great work! Definitely the reason why the scene is still alive. - Maplemage

[VIC] Amph

2 votes (Ryzuul, Na_an)
  • MY GOAT - Ryzuul
  • Him and Naga carrying VIC pm - Na_an

[QLD] buttons

2 votes (Gradivus, Litty)
  • up and coming TO award here. doing WORK - Gradivus
  • Always passionate to help out the community and always amazing to talk to - Litty

[WA] The Stinja

2 votes (Hoodwink, SteamBuns)
  • This guy is an example of what every TO should aspire to me. Passionate, dedicated, ambitious. I'm constantly inspired by how hard he pushes Enigma, and I look forward to what's to come - Hoodwink

[NSW] CloudyOCE

2 votes (roboticjo, Frosty-)

[QLD] Dags

2 votes (Jorsa, Cruise)
  • I once went to a meetup at his house and he gave me a metric fuck load of free cafe food - Cruise

[SA] Whisper

2 votes (Taicho, LyokoBlight)
  • Actually in charge - Taicho
  • Works so hard, this guy needs some recognition fr - LyokoBlight


2 votes (Cumings12, Nop)
  • Creates two tourneys that both run on Fridays, he’s a genius :) - Nop

[NSW] Star

1 vote (Infinity)

[NSW] Nichirin

1 vote (Meatlivers)



[NSW] chizzL

1 vote (HyDro)

[VIC] Bubby

1 vote (zambezius)

[VIC] DanInRealLife

1 vote (Beet)

[VIC] Lime

1 vote (Mexi)
  • Delaying online brackets goes wild - Mexi

[VIC] Roosterbugalugs

1 vote (Sylvee)
  • Bro singlehandedly ensured the survival of aussmash wifi tournaments - Sylvee

[QLD] Jett

1 vote (SebPro101)
  • Unreal that this guy has been in the scene for so long, runs the best stream, creates his own game, creates tournameta. I don't even think I've ever seen him play smash besides once at meo in like 2019 - SebPro101

[VIC] Bendi

1 vote (VTPooks)
  • Love that guy, sick ammies TO and one time pixel 200 pool captain - VTPooks

[NSW] FumbleJr

1 vote (Che)

[SA] Moonlight

1 vote (CaptainCoolade)

[NSW] Cloudy

1 vote (Kangaexe)

[SA] Tacotician

1 vote (Versky)

[VIC] HiImAiden

1 vote (Naru)

Who is the most valuable community member?


19 votes (MasterofDisaster, Wifike, Olag, Bilby, Phyco, Beet, Governor, Beefyboi, JOKER, Slimboy17, Pondi, Mexi, Sylvee, DragonKnight957, Cumings12, VTPooks, Nop, Mike_KOOL, Naru)
  • Keeps people in the loop for all things vic even when you can't make it to an event and creates a lot of high quality content. Looking forward to seeing more in the future. - MasterofDisaster
  • Ravstats really help with missing events and uniting people in general - Wifike
  • Such an incredible and articulate effort to keep people in the loop of the country's tournaments. Easy vote - Olag
  • Really like the stats, its really interesting - Bilby
  • The way you have consistently been doing weekly write ups is incredible for the scene! - Phyco
  • He does it for no pay, just passion for the community. The impact might be hard to see but is undeniably super important. - Governor
  • Aus smash isn't the same without a ravstats recap every week - Beefyboi
  • Ravstats!!!!!! - Slimboy17
  • RavStats. Enough Said - Pondi
  • I love you, Rav. Please don’t stop doing what you’re doing for the community <3 - Mexi
  • Literally the guy everyone should know - DragonKnight957
  • The ravstats articals, the videos and over all engagement brings eyes to both vic and aus smash - VTPooks
  • Ravstats - Mike_KOOL

[NSW] Kitt

17 votes (Hal, Taipan, Unfezant, charies, Dugongs22, Fumble, germanpogostick, Elliot, Violet, cloudyoce, Coleman, Morgone, DarkKuriboh, chipotle, Iceman, Amro, Nichirin)
  • The man carries - Hal
  • Where would Sydney be with out them? - Taipan
  • 🐐 - charies
  • He does a lot and goes the extra mile - Dugongs22
  • Puts an unreal amount of effort into Sydney - Fumble
  • undeniable the time he puts in to this scene. still waiting for the spanish rap battle side event tho - germanpogostick
  • Goes without saying - Elliot
  • 🐐 - Violet
  • pushing the PR and community aspect of the scene like nothing else - chipotle

[WA] Keutz

14 votes (Ttam, LagannXeno, Hoodwink, Alex_, Teehee, Non, SteamBuns, Flow, JadLad, Denzel, Pudge, MAST, Danklin, killshomusic)
  • again, it cannot be understated just how much work keutz puts into being a soldier for this scene. we'd be nothing without him, aaron, and the broader to teams they spearhead - LagannXeno
  • Bro is the backbone of the Perth scene - Hoodwink
  • The goat - Alex_
  • The amount he does for the community behind the scenes is massive and he deserves more attention :) - Non
  • I know you're only "supposed" to vote for people from your state but this guy is too good at everything - Flow
  • I aspire to have his kind of effect on the people around him. Always a good time and vibe uplifted at majors. - MAST

[QLD] Shitashi

13 votes (Widdershin, Jix, Phinn, Jem, Jett, mini, COpPeR3076, Blurry, TurtleCat, Toasted_Panini, ApolloCJ, salmongain, CarSeatus)
  • Based AUSmash god, we are not worthy - Widdershin
  • wouldn’t be voting if it weren’t for him - Jix
  • Where would the scene be without this website... like come on people. - Phinn
  • Shitashi is one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, and he set up a whole goddamn online match making service for ausmash, just out of his passion for the community. - Jem
  • literally made this website - mini
  • After doing more with the FGC I have come to realise that Ausmash is like 90% of the reason Smash is popular in this country. - Blurry
  • The work shitashi puts into this site for the love of the scene is genuinely inspiring. - TurtleCat
  • Ausmash just keeps getting updated and being made better. This resource is actually so invaluable to our scene as a whole, absolute f***ing goat - Toasted_Panini
  • i mean he's literally the reason this voting is possible in the first place - ApolloCJ
  • Thankyou! - salmongain

[QLD] Blurry

10 votes (BattleDolphin, Gradivus, Swate, JohnyMeBoi, Benthoven, J-Rods, Shitashi, Cruise, Coco, Joz)
  • still the goat - BattleDolphin
  • QLD scene would be struggling hard without this tft addict - Swate
  • Part of the glue that holds QLD together - Shitashi

[VIC] Duon

6 votes (Scobo, zambezius, P9, rat, Pazx, SebPro101)
  • <3 - zambezius
  • so many people just want to be on the 40 and try bc of that lol - P9
  • drove and picked up 30+ modable switchs and modded them and shipped to AU/NZ and made the most goated discord of all time and revolutionised our lives,, - rat
  • rock - Pazx
  • We owe the will and grind to Vic smash players to Jason, forever and always - SebPro101

[NZ] Widdershin

5 votes (IcyK, Otab, K-dawg, missGayManWatch, mojobones)
  • i mean you gotta mention him - IcyK


5 votes (Cookiezac, Personate, gall_P, Wash, Gravity)
  • Great guy - Cookiezac
  • Brings the life to any tournament, major or cultural movement within the scene - gall_P
  • too charismatic - Wash
  • Is the reason TSG exists, is essentially the face of Vic Smash. Dude is not just a presence in Vic Smash, but AUS Smash as a whole. - Gravity

[QLD] Dags

4 votes (Spectre, PillowTalk, Litty, Jorsa)
  • Tied between Dags and Blurry for how much work they put in to QLD - Blurry for the organising, Dags for being such a welcoming presence within the scene. - Spectre
  • Always passionate about the game and interacting with the community - Litty

[VIC] MasterofDisaster

3 votes (Roosterbugalugs, Ravsav, RAMBO)
  • He does it all. Don't see many this dedicated to looking after all types and levels of players and coming up with stuff to keep bringing new people in - Ravsav
  • Close to single handedly keeping one side of Vic alive is huge - RAMBO

[NSW] AboRoza

3 votes (BigMrAMan, Froggo, Frosty-)

[NSW] charies

3 votes (Guts_LP, Isak, Hoops)
  • Immaculate vibes - Guts_LP
  • He is very valuable - Isak
  • Immaculate vibage - Hoops

[VIC] Nevarc

2 votes (Brog, DD)
  • Wish I could give this to both craven and marchofhell because they’re both equal in their contributions and how much they’ve done for us - DD

[SA] Tacotician

2 votes (Taicho, Pinky)
  • Does too much, way too important - Taicho
  • made best song pack aus and provides for the scene so much hes the goat - Pinky

[QLD] BattleDolphin

2 votes (CHTubbs, fuckencunce)

[ACT] Joey

2 votes (Maplemage, MAMP)
  • He's always positive, competitive and helps the scene improve. His back must hurt from all this carrying. - Maplemage

[SA] Whisper

2 votes (Versky, Yosh4)

[VIC] Grati0:

1 vote (Ryzuul)

[VIC] Ezycole

1 vote (HiImAiden)
  • Another best friend,so proud of you for everything big man. - HiImAiden

[QLD] ravishna

1 vote (Infinity)

[NSW] maspenguin

1 vote (Kitt)
  • Man has not missed a single pack down - Kitt

[NSW] Nichirin

1 vote (Meatlivers)

[NSW] Dugongs

1 vote (Johtothan)

[NSW] Ryan

1 vote (HyDro)
  • Man deserve a shoutout for all his hard work - HyDro

[VIC] Eva

1 vote (Zowayix)
  • There's a lot of valid answers to this question but other people don't buy me dinner sometimes - Zowayix

[NZ] Mina

1 vote (timtamtatious)

[NSW] TurtleCat

1 vote (Smasio)

[VIC] rebs

1 vote (Aloly)
  • literally the nicest guy ever - Aloly

[NSW] Star

1 vote (Na_an)

[NSW] Lonk

1 vote (BigRatt)

[ACT] Josh

1 vote (KyeChimera)
  • No Josh, no ACT scene. Pretty simple. - KyeChimera

[NSW] FumbleJr

1 vote (Che)

[SA] Con

1 vote (LyokoBlight)
  • The scene would not be the same without him. What a guy - LyokoBlight

[SA] Taicho

1 vote (BLU_SA)

[VIC] Roosterbugalugs

1 vote (LimeFlurry)

[NSW] HyDro

1 vote (Inferno03)

[VIC] P9

1 vote (mado)
  • many players possess a cultural following. some, for their charisma. others, for their skill, or even for altruistic efforts. but few reputations will match the explosion of emotion at an Australian smash bros event post the utterance of the two characters - "P9" - mado

Who is your favourite player, for any reason?

[NSW] Jezmamanezma WINNER

12 votes (Hal, Lonk, JayBird810, Kitt, Olag, charies, yarbsarb, Dugongs22, Danklin, Pondi, Amro, Mike_KOOL)
  • dont get your shield broken - Lonk
  • i think it'd be funny as hell for him to win this - JayBird810
  • who the fuck else has a holster for their controller are you kidding - Olag
  • 🐐 - charies
  • Simply too powerful - Dugongs22
  • He is a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in riddles, lovingly sprinkled with intrigue, and LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU! but it is too late. You're dead. For he is the Jezma - local-lurking and shield-breaking rogue. - Amro
  • I am on his shield break list :D - Mike_KOOL

[VIC] Scobo

6 votes (MasterofDisaster, Cookiezac, Personate, Ravsav, Beet, Slimboy17)

[NSW] Unfezant

5 votes (Alex_, HyDro, Benthoven, Shyne, Nichirin)
  • He's the bestest - Alex_
  • Won me $20 in a money match against the luckiest person alive and Morgone, preventing me from going $40 into debt - HyDro
  • has a really good dk and charizard - Shyne

[VIC] El

5 votes (Flow, Pudge, Nop, gall_P, mado)
  • many turning points in my life have been punctuated by 2am games with a certain lucina player - mado

[NZ] Mackarp

4 votes (Wifike, Sylvee, Cumings12, VTPooks)
  • One of the most voilatile players aus - Wifike
  • He has held me at gunpoint and voiced me to vote for him - Sylvee
  • Bro sponsored me to go to a TSG one time and this was in the contract... - VTPooks

[WA] Poppt1

3 votes (Ttam, Teehee, Futurecow)

[NSW] Dugongs

3 votes (BigMrAMan, Governor, Elliot)
  • great advice, mental and overall funny guy - BigMrAMan
  • Got to give the shoutout to sensei - Governor
  • Welcoming, fun, team player. Community is lucky to have him. - Elliot

[QLD] Spectre

3 votes (Smasio, J-Rods, The_Stig)
  • I’m not the hugest aegis fan but I am a spectre fan :)) - Smasio
  • He's so real - The_Stig

[QLD] Joz.

3 votes (Jem, fuckencunce, Shitashi)
  • I want to be as good at edge guarding and at neutral as joz. When he’s playing his best it’s art. - Jem
  • Guys I'm starting to think this Joz guy is kind of ok - fuckencunce
  • Alliances must be formed to take this man down - Shitashi


2 votes (breadcyclone, SebPro101)

[QLD] Smasio

2 votes (Taipan, Exclin)
  • Corrin - Taipan
  • extremely caring and friendly player c: - Exclin

[QLD] Spammage

2 votes (Spectre, Litty)
  • No one shows so much love for the game with such fierce determination to be the best at it. - Spectre
  • She's my favourite player in NASB2 as well - Litty

[QLD] Lukas

2 votes (PillowTalk, Unfezant)

[NZ] K-dawg

2 votes (IcyK, Otab)
  • always nice to talk to in vc, pretended he was a guy called Scott irl and fooled me for 7 hours at Second Wind :))) - IcyK

[NSW] Nichirin

2 votes (Meatlivers, Morgone)

[NZ] RenSoul

2 votes (K-dawg, timtamtatious)
  • he's got the looks, the personality, the fundies, the lucas, he's got everything. - K-dawg

[WA] billie.

2 votes (Non, killshomusic)
  • Always a good chat and often chats about the game, various situations and the solution to them. Sometimes plays Chrom so the advice often helps quite a bit. - Non

[NZ] Zingar

2 votes (missGayManWatch, Phinn)
  • If I improve any amount this coming year it'll probably be due to his advice. Thank you :) - Phinn

[QLD] JohnyMeBoi

2 votes (Joser, Coco)
  • 🥶 - Joser
  • Will pay me 55 Australian dollars - Coco

[NSW] Shmu

2 votes (Isak, Coleman)

[VIC] Lime

2 votes (Mexi, Iceman)
  • Welcomed me into the scene properly, and has been a superb practice partner and friend. I love you so much <3 - Mexi
  • Best doubles partner OCE - Iceman

[SA] Heaven

2 votes (LyokoBlight, Versky)
  • Always sick to watch and coolest guy ever - LyokoBlight

[VIC] Nido

1 vote (Ryzuul)

[NSW] chizzL

1 vote (Brog)
  • best dubs partner aus - Brog

[VIC] MothCoats

1 vote (HiImAiden)

[QLD] Stacked

1 vote (Gradivus)

[WA] Teehee!

1 vote (LagannXeno)
  • the light in the lowest places and my biggest motivator, in and out of smash - LagannXeno

[NZ] BoBert

1 vote (Widdershin)
  • Impeccable vibes, nasty falco. You can’t beat BoBert on a good day - Widdershin

[WA] YukiDraco

1 vote (Hoodwink)
  • Constantly looking after everyone around him, and pushes everyone, both in and out of game, to be the best they can be - Hoodwink

[QLD] Wheelz

1 vote (Infinity)

[NSW] Matmarkus

1 vote (Scobo)

[VIC] Sriks

1 vote (Johtothan)

[QLD] Finn

1 vote (Jix)
  • main reason i miss qld!! - Jix

[SA] MothPlague

1 vote (Bilby)
  • He makes Piranha Plant look cool, its so fun to water - Bilby

[VIC] Pudge

1 vote (zambezius)

[WA] LoneZen

1 vote (SteamBuns)

[VIC] Konrad

1 vote (P9)
  • Seeing school mates get good is cool - P9

[VIC] w00tkins

1 vote (Aloly)
  • his bayo serves cunt - Aloly

[QLD] Jyoshi

1 vote (Swate)

[VIC] Static

1 vote (Phyco)
  • Because he counter picks everyone every set and laughs his way to the W. - Phyco

[QLD] salmongain

1 vote (Jorsa)

[SA] Jon Bombo

1 vote (Taicho)


1 vote (Na_an)

[QLD] Exclin

1 vote (CHTubbs)
  • what can i say i love this guy's silly marf gaming ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ - CHTubbs

[QLD] Coco

1 vote (JohnyMeBoi)
  • i am not voting of my free will i have a gun to my head - JohnyMeBoi

[NSW] Bussy

1 vote (Fumble)
  • I saw Bussy for the first time in 3 years in a dark room and we spoke for 2 minutes, he changed my life - Fumble

[NSW] Plump

1 vote (germanpogostick)
  • my favourite player to watch in australia keep doing what you do - germanpogostick

[NSW] JayBird

1 vote (BigRatt)

[NSW] Mike_Kool

1 vote (Beefyboi)

[VIC] Duon

1 vote (MAST)
  • I always find myself being this dumb fks biggest fan at majors, even if pram is the best fox - MAST

[VIC] Aloly

1 vote (JOKER)


1 vote (Pazx)
  • I've never cheered against sriks before - Pazx

[NSW] Coleman

1 vote (Guts_LP)
  • He’s the freakin man of Cole - Guts_LP

[NSW] Sumi

1 vote (Froggo)
  • even if she says she's washed and retired she still kicks my ass she's actually so good at this game - Froggo

[QLD] AlastairBL

1 vote (Kaitoblaze)


1 vote (mini)
  • says gm back - mini

[ACT] Kinaji

1 vote (Hoops)

[NSW] HooperMassiveBlackHole

1 vote (Violet)
  • So handsome and cool - Violet

[ACT] Wiffles

1 vote (COpPeR3076)

[VIC] Ryzuul

1 vote (cloudyoce)

[QLD] Dags

1 vote (Blurry)
  • Kinda being a talent player recently, insane developments - Blurry

[VIC] Mase

1 vote (DragonKnight957)

[ACT] Doozy

1 vote (Maplemage)
  • I want to see him get way better and beat up all those nerds. - Maplemage

[VIC] P9

1 vote (Rebs)
  • Fitzroy9 man - Rebs

[NSW] Mr Leak

1 vote (TurtleCat)

[ACT] Mouseface Killah

1 vote (Toasted_Panini)

[QLD] PillowTalk Thee Stallion

1 vote (Cruise)
  • I cannot imagine playing a character who struggles to kill past 150% and not bitching about it on a regular basis - Cruise

[ACT] Cameroni

1 vote (MAMP)

[ACT] pinK

1 vote (KyeChimera)
  • Only other player who goes for the most braindead options, even in bracket, is chill and just a blast ot hang with. - KyeChimera

[VIC] Wash

1 vote (Che)

[NSW] metagh0st20XX

1 vote (DarkKuriboh)

[VIC] Piggins

1 vote (RAMBO)
  • Watching him mald when he loses is funnier than watching him play - RAMBO

[SA] Jacko

1 vote (BLU_SA)

[QLD] arc

1 vote (salmongain)
  • Felt a bit alien when I was first turning up to tournaments lol, but this guy always made me feel welcomed. Would not have attended as much smash as I have without his encouragement! Looking forward to the 2024 Pac v Yink arc. - salmongain

[QLD] Shitashi

1 vote (Joz)
  • Upsmash, downsmash, forward smash - Joz

[SA] Nadgey

1 vote (Pinky)
  • dude hes my dad - Pinky

[VIC] Kezdog

1 vote (DD)
  • Love you mum - DD

[ACT] COpPeR3076

1 vote (CarSeatus)

[SA] Vivi

1 vote (Octopily)

[VIC] Iceman

1 vote (LimeFlurry)
  • "I am ashamed to say I once used PK Fire six times in a row hitting my opponent before taking their stock" - LimeFlurry

[NSW] Kaizyan

1 vote (chipotle)


1 vote (Yosh4)
  • Stuck to the bit of winning a bracket match with every character - Yosh4

[NSW] CheMarama

1 vote (Wash)

[VIC] Ravsav

1 vote (Naru)
  • this man saved my 4 kittens from a burning building AND let me borrow his Lamborghini for a week - Naru


1 vote (Apriicot)
  • Your skill is nuts, I'll beat you one day - Apriicot

[NSW] HyDro

1 vote (Frosty-)

[VIC] Flow

1 vote (Gravity)

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