Have to leave the tournament. Won't be able to participate in any online tournaments for awhile.
07/13/2015 07:43:28
AUS_Cyclone and I were only able to play one match and we were going to reschedule however they are unable to play and want me to take the win. If the bracket progresses to the point where our result is required and we haven't played our final match/es, put me through please
07/14/2015 14:12:05
07/14/2015 14:12:05
Revax vs. Barramundi
Maplemage vs. AUS_Cylcone
07/14/2015 16:09:32
Revax vs. Barramundi
Maplemage vs. AUS_Cylcone
07/14/2015 16:09:32
AUS-Cyclone has disqualified himself.
This is like the third time it has happened against me :/
07/21/2015 09:38:21

This is like the third time it has happened against me :/
07/21/2015 09:38:21
I beat Zivhayr 2-1
08/02/2015 04:37:12
08/02/2015 04:37:12
Sorry it took way to long scarp, deez was busy for a while then after that our schedules didn't really line up for ages.
08/02/2015 04:42:43
08/02/2015 04:42:43
Zivhayr said:Its all good :)
Sorry it took way to long scarp, deez was busy for a while then after that our schedules didn't really line up for ages.
Boozer vs. Deez Nutz
Zivhayr vs. Boundaries
08/03/2015 04:50:29
2-1 to me
08/03/2015 10:33:37
08/03/2015 10:33:37
Zivhayr vs. Maplemage
08/03/2015 14:34:24
08/03/2015 14:34:24
2-1 to me
08/04/2015 10:26:03
08/04/2015 10:26:03
2-0 to me
08/07/2015 09:22:14
08/07/2015 09:22:14
Deez Nutz vs. Mr_Parchy
08/07/2015 10:49:16
08/07/2015 10:49:16
I forfeit tourney forgot I even signed up really sorry for holding up bracket
08/08/2015 11:09:31
08/08/2015 11:09:31
All goods, Revax vs. Boozer
08/10/2015 02:12:23
08/10/2015 02:12:23
I beat Mr. _Parchy 2-0
08/19/2015 10:49:24
08/19/2015 10:49:24
Deez Nutz vs. JLo
08/19/2015 12:29:19
08/19/2015 12:29:19
bumping this because it should probably be finished by now l0l
10/05/2015 13:36:06
10/05/2015 13:36:06
I beat Boozer 2-1
10/05/2015 14:01:12
10/05/2015 14:01:12
that fart literally does 50% HelP
10/05/2015 14:05:29
10/05/2015 14:05:29
Dying at early percents?
Damn... that's a shame...
10/05/2015 14:34:19
Damn... that's a shame...
10/05/2015 14:34:19
I completely forgot that I'm running a cancer tournament, so sorry :P
Revax vs. Lizam
Boozer vs. Zivhayr
JLo vs. Deez Nutz
10/05/2015 23:29:37
I completely forgot that I'm running a cancer tournament, so sorry :P
Revax vs. Lizam
Boozer vs. Zivhayr
JLo vs. Deez Nutz
10/05/2015 23:29:37
Ok, jlo, we have to play
10/06/2015 00:23:04
10/06/2015 00:23:04
I beat Lizam 3-0
10/06/2015 11:26:33
10/06/2015 11:26:33