• 1223 Current Elo
  • 1246 Peak Elo



Victoria Victorian Arcadian 2019: Best Of The Average 10/11/2019

VIC Arcadian Singles +223

L8 Mozart 1246 ↘ 1223 -23 1512 ↗ 1535 Little Mark
L7 Mozart 1161 ↗ 1246 +85 1536 ↘ 1451 Nothing
L6 Mozart 1083 ↗ 1161 +78 1356 ↘ 1278 cag
L4 Mozart 1033 ↗ 1083 +50 1029 ↘ 979 China
W3 Mozart 1044 ↘ 1033 -11 1493 ↗ 1504 BigChilli
W2 Mozart 1000 ↗ 1044 +44 950 ↘ 906 Kritty