- 1669 Current Elo
- 1835 Peak Elo
Biggest upset
EBS LVI 10/07/2018
wii u singles -51
BAM 10 19/05/2018
Wii U singles +126
CouchWarriors Wii U Jan 2018 21/01/2018
wii u pro -50
wii u pools +18
P5 | Majora | 1643 ↗ 1644 | +1 | 574 ↘ 573 | Lulu |
P5 | Majora | 1631 ↗ 1643 | +12 | 1193 ↘ 1181 | AzuraSarah |
P5 | Majora | 1622 ↗ 1631 | +9 | 1109 ↘ 1100 | P9 |
P5 | Majora | 1563 ↗ 1622 | +59 | 1639 ↘ 1580 | Dean |
P5 | Majora | 1598 ↘ 1563 | -35 | 1736 ↗ 1771 | SebPro101 |
P5 | Majora | 1620 ↘ 1598 | -22 | 1900 ↗ 1922 | Kaito |
P5 | Majora | 1626 ↘ 1620 | -6 | 2240 ↗ 2246 | Pat Sanders |
EBS XXXIII 16/01/2018
Wii U singles -116
Final Destination #2 - 1st + 2nd July |UQ Smash Major 2017 1/07/2017
Wii U Bracket +17
Wii U Pools +6
P8 | Majora | 1722 ↗ 1725 | +3 | 988 ↘ 985 | Chud Stanley |
P8 | Majora | 1721 ↗ 1722 | +1 | 769 ↘ 768 | LachlanF |
P8 | Majora | 1717 ↗ 1721 | +4 | 1018 ↘ 1014 | Dooty McFrooty |
P8 | Majora | 1711 ↗ 1717 | +6 | 1102 ↘ 1096 | Recon |
P8 | Majora | 1705 ↗ 1711 | +6 | 1109 ↘ 1103 | Switch |
P8 | Majora | 1679 ↗ 1705 | +26 | 1456 ↘ 1430 | Aero |
P8 | Majora | 1712 ↘ 1679 | -33 | 1861 ↗ 1894 | Invisi |
P8 | Majora | 1719 ↘ 1712 | -7 | 2289 ↗ 2296 | Ben Gold |
EBS XI 11/04/2017
Wii U singles +43
EBS X 4/04/2017
Wii U singles +37
Expand Gong #2 31st March - 2nd April. 1/04/2017
Pool A1 +84
P1 | Majora | 1701 ↗ 1733 | +32 | 1540 ↘ 1508 | Baker |
P1 | Majora | 1674 ↗ 1701 | +27 | 1454 ↘ 1427 | The Future |
P1 | Majora | 1696 ↘ 1674 | -22 | 1972 ↗ 1994 | quen |
P1 | Majora | 1695 ↗ 1696 | +1 | 698 ↘ 697 | MarkyMark |
P1 | Majora | 1658 ↗ 1695 | +37 | 1538 ↘ 1501 | Lanatra |
P1 | Majora | 1647 ↗ 1658 | +11 | 1187 ↘ 1176 | Framah |
P1 | Majora | 1649 ↘ 1647 | -2 | 2538 ↗ 2540 | Luco |
Smash @ Swanston #51 24/02/2017
wii u singles +7
Bowl's Club 2 12/02/2017
Wii U singles -151
Smash @ Swanston #49 10/02/2017
Wii U singles +82
EBS #5 13/12/2016
Wii U singles +23
CouchWarriors December 2016 10/12/2016
wii u singles +145
SXC2K16 - Southern Cross Championships 2K16 2/12/2016
WiiU Singles -17
CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2016 26/11/2016
wii u pro bracket +45
wii u pools +65
Smash @ Swanston #44 25/11/2016
Wii U singles +9
L6 | Majora | 1456 ↘ 1450 | -6 | 2041 ↗ 2047 | Yehya |
L5 | Majora | 1427 ↗ 1456 | +29 | 1234 ↘ 1205 | Darkness |
L4 | Majora | 1425 ↗ 1427 | +2 | 566 ↘ 564 | Gossip Girl |
W3 | Majora | 1441 ↘ 1425 | -16 | 1806 ↗ 1822 | Dylba |
EBS #4 15/11/2016
wii u singles -114
CouchWarriors Wii U Aug 2016 27/08/2016
wii u pro bracket +64
wii u pools +47
P5 | Majora | 1477 ↗ 1491 | +14 | 1087 ↘ 1073 | Plyke |
P5 | Majora | 1464 ↗ 1477 | +13 | 1045 ↘ 1032 | Maccamuffin |
P5 | Majora | 1444 ↗ 1464 | +20 | 1145 ↘ 1125 | Nicks |
Outback Jamboree 3 3/07/2016
Singles -65
L4 | Majora | 1493 ↘ 1444 | -49 | 1504 ↗ 1553 | Dr Omega |
W3 | Majora | 1517 ↘ 1493 | -24 | 1763 ↗ 1787 | Pat Sanders |
W2 | Majora | 1509 ↗ 1517 | +8 | 991 ↘ 983 | Horde |
BAM 8 - 13-15th May 13/05/2016
Wii U Singles (BIG BRACKET) -40
CouchWarriors Wii U Apr 2016 23/04/2016
Wii U singles -57
CouchWarriors Feb 2016 20/02/2016
Wii U singles +25
L7 | Majora | 1615 ↘ 1606 | -9 | 2126 ↗ 2135 | Corpsecreate |
L6 | Majora | 1595 ↗ 1615 | +20 | 1300 ↘ 1280 | Yellow |
W4 | Majora | 1597 ↘ 1595 | -2 | 2412 ↗ 2414 | Ghost |
W3 | Majora | 1587 ↗ 1597 | +10 | 1112 ↘ 1102 | The Hog |
W2 | Majora | 1581 ↗ 1587 | +6 | 1000 ↘ 994 | Artemis |
S@S February Extravaganza 13/02/2016
Wii U singles +330
L8 | Majora | 1588 ↘ 1581 | -7 | 2136 ↗ 2143 | BIGBOSS |
L7 | Majora | 1529 ↗ 1588 | +59 | 1604 ↘ 1545 | Dogivet |
L6 | Majora | 1445 ↗ 1529 | +84 | 1809 ↘ 1725 | Tibs |
L5 | Majora | 1410 ↗ 1445 | +35 | 1271 ↘ 1236 | Insie |
L4 | Majora | 1341 ↗ 1410 | +69 | 1512 ↘ 1443 | MAT2 |
L3 | Majora | 1294 ↗ 1341 | +47 | 1268 ↘ 1221 | Raif |
L2 | Majora | 1284 ↗ 1294 | +10 | 799 ↘ 789 | Mamba |
W2 | Majora | 1294 ↘ 1284 | -10 | 1761 ↗ 1771 | Deez |
W1 | Majora | 1251 ↗ 1294 | +43 | 1187 ↘ 1144 | Ledge |
Googers' Outback Jamboree II 30/01/2016
Singles -107
Guf Geelong 23 13/01/2016
Guf Geelong 23 +13
Guf Geelong 19 16/12/2015
Guf Geelong Singles +23
Smash @ Swanston's End of Year EXTRAvaganza 22/11/2015
Wii U singles -85
L4 | Majora | 1362 ↘ 1322 | -40 | 1452 ↗ 1492 | Dean |
L3 | Majora | 1338 ↗ 1362 | +24 | 1089 ↘ 1065 | Even Stephen |
L2 | Majora | 1326 ↗ 1338 | +12 | 900 ↘ 888 | Mstone |
W2 | Majora | 1407 ↘ 1326 | -81 | 1089 ↗ 1170 | LPFX |
CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2015 8/11/2015
Wii U amateur +168
CouchWarriors Wii U Oct 2015 18/10/2015
Wii U singles -58
CouchWarriors July 2015 25/07/2015
Wii U singles +231
L7 | Majora | 1310 ↘ 1297 | -13 | 1715 ↗ 1728 | Ignis |
L6 | Majora | 1259 ↗ 1310 | +51 | 1270 ↘ 1219 | Baron |
L5 | Majora | 1207 ↗ 1259 | +52 | 1223 ↘ 1171 | OP |
L4 | Majora | 1139 ↗ 1207 | +68 | 1307 ↘ 1239 | Eternal |
W3 | Majora | 1149 ↘ 1139 | -10 | 1636 ↗ 1646 | Extra |
W2 | Majora | 1108 ↗ 1149 | +41 | 1026 ↘ 985 | Jax |
W1 | Majora | 1066 ↗ 1108 | +42 | 995 ↘ 953 | Rakin |
CouchWarriors June 2015 20/06/2015
Wii U singles +46
BAM 7 23/05/2015
SM4SH Pools P -14
CouchWarriors April 2015 18/04/2015
wii u singles +62
CouchWarriors March 2015 21/03/2015
wii u singles -28
L4 | Majora | 1016 ↘ 972 | -44 | 1072 ↗ 1116 | mask1n |
W3 | Majora | 1048 ↘ 1016 | -32 | 1210 ↗ 1242 | AzuraSarah |
W2 | Majora | 1000 ↗ 1048 | +48 | 982 ↘ 934 | Element |