• 881 Current Elo
  • 1034 Peak Elo



Queensland Smash by the Beach 14 10/02/2019

Smash by the Beach 14 Amateurs -48

L2 Crepto 939 β†˜ 881 -58 872 β†— 930 RoZ
W2 Crepto 956 β†˜ 939 -17 1294 β†— 1311 Fiasco
W1 Crepto 929 β†— 956 +27 711 β†˜ 684 Crabfish

Pools -71

P6 Crepto 987 β†˜ 929 -58 921 β†— 979 Himbo
P6 Crepto 1012 β†˜ 987 -25 1251 β†— 1276 Crabs
P6 Crepto 1034 β†˜ 1012 -22 1311 β†— 1333 conso
P6 Crepto 1000 β†— 1034 +34 856 β†˜ 822 YES👌