• 1066 Current Elo
  • 1128 Peak Elo

Biggest upset



Australian Capital Territory The Sauce #11 22/02/2021

The SAUCE #11 Redemption +38

GF Lionel 1128 ↘ 1066 -62 1023 ↗ 1085 Cobra
GF Lionel 1079 ↗ 1128 +49 1072 ↘ 1023 Cobra
L3 Lionel 1026 ↗ 1079 +53 1055 ↘ 1002 Nincata
W3 Lionel 1084 ↘ 1026 -58 1014 ↗ 1072 Cobra
W2 Lionel 1028 ↗ 1084 +56 1076 ↘ 1020 Nincata

Ultimate Singles Bracket -11

L2 Lionel 1044 ↘ 1028 -16 1405 ↗ 1421 KyeChimera
L1 Lionel 1032 ↗ 1044 +12 600 ↘ 588 Swagtrapswag
W1 Lionel 1039 ↘ 1032 -7 1598 ↗ 1605 Thegoras

Australian Capital Territory Ultimate Pop-Off Village 1 16/01/2019

Ultimate Pop-Off Village 1 +39

L4 Lionel 1089 ↘ 1039 -50 1093 ↗ 1143 Avongarde
L3 Lionel 1058 ↗ 1089 +31 880 ↘ 849 Chat
L2 Lionel 1016 ↗ 1058 +42 950 ↘ 908 Ricardo
W2 Lionel 1050 ↘ 1016 -34 1195 ↗ 1229 Pazx
W1 Lionel 1000 ↗ 1050 +50 1000 ↘ 950 2Simple