• 1768 Current Elo
  • 1987 Peak Elo

Biggest upset



Western Australia Murdoch Monthly - April 2022 (KOS) 24/04/2022

Ultimate Singles Bracket -150

L3 Coogs 1863 ↘ 1768 -95 1239 ↗ 1334 jyetheguy
L2 Coogs 1862 ↗ 1863 +1 936 ↘ 935 steam buns
W2 Coogs 1919 ↘ 1862 -57 1856 ↗ 1913 YukiDraco
W1 Coogs 1918 ↗ 1919 +1 811 ↘ 810 The_Thing

Western Australia Escape Portal Smashfest 20/04/2022 20/04/2022

Smashfest - 20th April 2022 Bracket -46

L6 Coogs 1987 ↘ 1918 -69 1818 ↗ 1887 Ever
L5 Coogs 1979 ↗ 1987 +8 1441 ↘ 1433 Jhopz
L4 Coogs 1962 ↗ 1979 +17 1620 ↘ 1603 Milis
L3 Coogs 1951 ↗ 1962 +11 1501 ↘ 1490 Naz
L2 Coogs 1950 ↗ 1951 +1 951 ↘ 950 steam buns
W2 Coogs 1967 ↘ 1950 -17 2311 ↗ 2328 Turn Up
W1 Coogs 1964 ↗ 1967 +3 1175 ↘ 1172 jyetheguy

Western Australia Murdoch Presents Smash Bros in the CBD #2 6/12/2020

Ultimate Singles Phase 1 +113

L9 Coogs 1987 ↘ 1964 -23 2248 ↗ 2271 Turn Up
L8 Coogs 1955 ↗ 1987 +32 1794 ↘ 1762 Naz
L7 Coogs 1901 ↗ 1955 +54 1936 ↘ 1882 Ever
W5 Coogs 1904 ↘ 1901 -3 2639 ↗ 2642 Poppt1
W4 Coogs 1867 ↗ 1904 +37 1749 ↘ 1712 Sable
W3 Coogs 1852 ↗ 1867 +15 1477 ↘ 1462 Chef
W2 Coogs 1851 ↗ 1852 +1 831 ↘ 830 steam buns

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 25/11 25/11/2020

Smashfest - 25th November Bracket +118

L8 Coogs 1863 ↘ 1851 -12 2305 ↗ 2317 Turn Up
L7 Coogs 1826 ↗ 1863 +37 1714 ↘ 1677 Hry
W5 Coogs 1863 ↘ 1826 -37 1981 ↗ 2018 LoneZen
W4 Coogs 1786 ↗ 1863 +77 2051 ↘ 1974 Ever
W3 Coogs 1745 ↗ 1786 +41 1665 ↘ 1624 ChuJelly?~
W2 Coogs 1733 ↗ 1745 +12 1290 ↘ 1278 Larry W

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 05/11 4/11/2020

Smashfest - 4th November Bracket +53

L7 Coogs 1767 ↘ 1733 -34 1914 ↗ 1948 Sable
L6 Coogs 1729 ↗ 1767 +38 1626 ↘ 1588 M
L5 Coogs 1709 ↗ 1729 +20 1407 ↘ 1387 Temper
W4 Coogs 1736 ↘ 1709 -27 1955 ↗ 1982 Jarr
W3 Coogs 1682 ↗ 1736 +54 1717 ↘ 1663 Pickles
W2 Coogs 1680 ↗ 1682 +2 788 ↘ 786 Ryoh

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 14/10 14/10/2020

Smashfest - 14th October Bracket -63

L5 Coogs 1731 ↘ 1680 -51 1724 ↗ 1775 Keutz
W4 Coogs 1776 ↘ 1731 -45 1816 ↗ 1861 Jarr
W3 Coogs 1751 ↗ 1776 +25 1515 ↘ 1490 Pickles
W2 Coogs 1743 ↗ 1751 +8 1224 ↘ 1216 Copycat

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 07/10 7/10/2020

Curtin Smashfest - 7th October Bracket -71

L5 Coogs 1803 ↘ 1743 -60 1715 ↗ 1775 Keutz
L4 Coogs 1742 ↗ 1803 +61 1838 ↘ 1777 Jarr
L3 Coogs 1733 ↗ 1742 +9 1219 ↘ 1210 Futurecow
W3 Coogs 1815 ↘ 1733 -82 1480 ↗ 1562 M
W2 Coogs 1814 ↗ 1815 +1 828 ↘ 827 Sleepy

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 30/09 30/09/2020

Curtin Smashfest - 30th September Bracket -7

L6 Coogs 1842 ↘ 1814 -28 2051 ↗ 2079 LoneZen
W4 Coogs 1853 ↘ 1842 -11 2311 ↗ 2322 Luma
W3 Coogs 1832 ↗ 1853 +21 1546 ↘ 1525 Almenara
W2 Coogs 1823 ↗ 1832 +9 1333 ↘ 1324 TPZ
W1 Coogs 1821 ↗ 1823 +2 990 ↘ 988 nicknick

Western Australia Murdoch Presents Smash Bros in the CBD #1 20/09/2020

Ultimate Singles Phase 1 +68

L8 Coogs 1857 ↘ 1821 -36 1980 ↗ 2016 ShRoOm!?!
L7 Coogs 1787 ↗ 1857 +70 1967 ↘ 1897 Jarr
L6 Coogs 1735 ↗ 1787 +52 1749 ↘ 1697 EdenBean
W4 Coogs 1767 ↘ 1735 -32 1929 ↗ 1961 Sable
W3 Coogs 1757 ↗ 1767 +10 1284 ↘ 1274 Barney
W2 Coogs 1753 ↗ 1757 +4 1050 ↘ 1046 Lenny

Western Australia Smash at Sorrento #19 11/08/2020

Smash at Sorrento #19 - Maccas fries suck get with it -93

L4 Coogs 1844 ↘ 1753 -91 1349 ↗ 1440 Fabio
W3 Coogs 1854 ↘ 1844 -10 2334 ↗ 2344 Poppt1
W2 Coogs 1847 ↗ 1854 +7 1289 ↘ 1282 Tysonian
W1 Coogs 1846 ↗ 1847 +1 780 ↘ 779 TinselMikado

Western Australia Smash at Sorrento #18 4/08/2020

Smash at Sorrento #18 -40

L7 Coogs 1890 ↘ 1846 -44 1941 ↗ 1985 Temper
W5 Coogs 1899 ↘ 1890 -9 2390 ↗ 2399 Poppt1
W4 Coogs 1891 ↗ 1899 +8 1346 ↘ 1338 Giorno69
W3 Coogs 1887 ↗ 1891 +4 1217 ↘ 1213 Hoodwink
W2 Coogs 1886 ↗ 1887 +1 792 ↘ 791 TinselMikado

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 15/07 15/07/2020

Curtin Smashfest - 15th July Bracket +176

L11 Coogs 1901 ↘ 1886 -15 2281 ↗ 2296 Turn Up
L10 Coogs 1850 ↗ 1901 +51 1861 ↘ 1810 Keutz
L9 Coogs 1759 ↗ 1850 +91 2256 ↘ 2165 Luma
L7 Coogs 1686 ↗ 1759 +73 1897 ↘ 1824 Darr
W5 Coogs 1733 ↘ 1686 -47 1755 ↗ 1802 Keutz
W4 Coogs 1725 ↗ 1733 +8 1193 ↘ 1185 WOMB4T
W3 Coogs 1714 ↗ 1725 +11 1251 ↘ 1240 jyetheguy
W2 Coogs 1710 ↗ 1714 +4 1000 ↘ 996 Floweyball

Western Australia Smash at Sorrento #12 27/02/2020

Smash at Sorrento #12 -144

L3 Coogs 1793 ↘ 1710 -83 1445 ↗ 1528 rosey
W3 Coogs 1857 ↘ 1793 -64 1729 ↗ 1793 Temper
W2 Coogs 1854 ↗ 1857 +3 1126 ↘ 1123 Chef

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 15/02/2020 15/02/2020

Good Games Rockingham -109

L5 Coogs 1925 ↘ 1854 -71 1731 ↗ 1802 ShRoOm!?!
L4 Coogs 1897 ↗ 1925 +28 1697 ↘ 1669 TinTin
L3 Coogs 1888 ↗ 1897 +9 1384 ↘ 1375 Copycat
L2 Coogs 1885 ↗ 1888 +3 1097 ↘ 1094 Goosey
W2 Coogs 1966 ↘ 1885 -81 1646 ↗ 1727 ShRoOm!?!
W1 Coogs 1963 ↗ 1966 +3 1232 ↘ 1229 some_dingus

Western Australia Good Games Cannington #16 6/02/2020

Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket +77

L7 Coogs 1975 ↘ 1963 -12 2413 ↗ 2425 Poppt1
L6 Coogs 1943 ↗ 1975 +32 1776 ↘ 1744 Benjo
L5 Coogs 1918 ↗ 1943 +25 1684 ↘ 1659 Temper
W4 Coogs 1934 ↘ 1918 -16 2297 ↗ 2313 Turn Up
W3 Coogs 1911 ↗ 1934 +23 1644 ↘ 1621 Naz
W2 Coogs 1886 ↗ 1911 +25 1652 ↘ 1627 Pr3zz

Western Australia Oasis Smash 1/02/2020

Ultimate Singles - Oasis Smash, Perth Top 32 +12

L5 Coogs 1956 ↘ 1886 -70 1767 ↗ 1837 Little Z
W2 Coogs 1897 ↗ 1956 +59 1977 ↘ 1918 Jarr
W1 Coogs 1874 ↗ 1897 +23 1606 ↘ 1583 Hry

Ultimate Singles - Oasis Smash, Perth Pools +89

W5 Coogs 1804 ↗ 1874 +70 1988 ↘ 1918 Danklin
W4 Coogs 1796 ↗ 1804 +8 1259 ↘ 1251 OKCOOL
W3 Coogs 1794 ↗ 1796 +2 974 ↘ 972 kommy
W2 Coogs 1786 ↗ 1794 +8 1248 ↘ 1240 Larry W
W1 Coogs 1785 ↗ 1786 +1 655 ↘ 654 Maxx Wizel

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 15/01 15/01/2020

15th Jan 2020 -84

L6 Coogs 1851 ↘ 1785 -66 1711 ↗ 1777 TinTin
L5 Coogs 1800 ↗ 1851 +51 1807 ↘ 1756 Sable
L4 Coogs 1789 ↗ 1800 +11 1332 ↘ 1321 Hellhammer
L3 Coogs 1787 ↗ 1789 +2 976 ↘ 974 Sleepy
W3 Coogs 1871 ↘ 1787 -84 1504 ↗ 1588 Hry
W2 Coogs 1869 ↗ 1871 +2 1048 ↘ 1046 Cale, a vegetable

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 11/01 11/01/2020

Good Games Rockingham 11/01/2020 -56

L5 Coogs 1848 ↗ 1869 +21 1560 ↘ 1539 Copycat
L4 Coogs 1842 ↗ 1848 +6 1254 ↘ 1248 some_dingus
W3 Coogs 1929 ↘ 1842 -87 1511 ↗ 1598 Hry
W2 Coogs 1925 ↗ 1929 +4 1216 ↘ 1212 jyetheguy

Western Australia Smash at Sorrento #9 2/01/2020

Smash at Sorrento #9 -13

L8 Coogs 1976 ↘ 1925 -51 1969 ↗ 2020 Jarr
L7 Coogs 1928 ↗ 1976 +48 1907 ↘ 1859 Temper
W5 Coogs 1954 ↘ 1928 -26 2183 ↗ 2209 Turn Up
W4 Coogs 1941 ↗ 1954 +13 1534 ↘ 1521 Hry
W3 Coogs 1939 ↗ 1941 +2 1061 ↘ 1059 KNEEHappy
W2 Coogs 1938 ↗ 1939 +1 896 ↘ 895 sweeto

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 28/12 28/12/2019

Good Games Rockingham Smash 28/12/19 +83

GF Coogs 1969 ↘ 1938 -31 2141 ↗ 2172 Turn Up
GF Coogs 1886 ↗ 1969 +83 2224 ↘ 2141 Turn Up
L5 Coogs 1870 ↗ 1886 +16 1512 ↘ 1496 Hry
W4 Coogs 1889 ↘ 1870 -19 2205 ↗ 2224 Turn Up
W3 Coogs 1859 ↗ 1889 +30 1670 ↘ 1640 Copycat
W2 Coogs 1855 ↗ 1859 +4 1174 ↘ 1170 some_dingus

Western Australia Smash @ Subiaco #1 21/12/2019

Smash @ Subi #1 +374

GF Coogs 1776 ↗ 1855 +79 2069 ↘ 1990 LoneZen
W6 Coogs 1705 ↗ 1776 +71 1896 ↘ 1825 Darr
W5 Coogs 1667 ↗ 1705 +38 1565 ↘ 1527 DrZu
W4 Coogs 1642 ↗ 1667 +25 1399 ↘ 1374 Jezzus
W3 Coogs 1572 ↗ 1642 +70 1757 ↘ 1687 Temper
W2 Coogs 1505 ↗ 1572 +67 1656 ↘ 1589 YukiDraco
W1 Coogs 1481 ↗ 1505 +24 1228 ↘ 1204 toomuchdog

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 14/12 14/12/2019

Good Games Rockingham 14/12 -108

L2 Coogs 1533 ↘ 1481 -52 1516 ↗ 1568 M
W2 Coogs 1594 ↘ 1533 -61 1501 ↗ 1562 Copycat
W1 Coogs 1589 ↗ 1594 +5 956 ↘ 951 Sage

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 07/12 7/12/2019

Good Games Rockingham 7/12 -111

L4 Coogs 1639 ↘ 1589 -50 1641 ↗ 1691 YukiDraco
L3 Coogs 1622 ↗ 1639 +17 1274 ↘ 1257 Goosey
W3 Coogs 1705 ↘ 1622 -83 1365 ↗ 1448 TinTin
W2 Coogs 1700 ↗ 1705 +5 1050 ↘ 1045 Jude

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 23/11 23/11/2019

Good Games Rockingham 23/11 -3

L4 Coogs 1712 ↘ 1700 -12 2143 ↗ 2155 Smesty
L3 Coogs 1699 ↗ 1712 +13 1279 ↘ 1266 Goosey
W3 Coogs 1710 ↘ 1699 -11 2160 ↗ 2171 Turn Up
W2 Coogs 1703 ↗ 1710 +7 1136 ↘ 1129 Almenara

Western Australia Smash at Sorrento #8 21/11/2019

Smash at Sorrento #8 +79

L7 Coogs 1712 ↘ 1703 -9 2202 ↗ 2211 Turn Up
L6 Coogs 1664 ↗ 1712 +48 1643 ↘ 1595 YukiDraco
L5 Coogs 1647 ↗ 1664 +17 1306 ↘ 1289 Keutz
W4 Coogs 1655 ↘ 1647 -8 2183 ↗ 2191 Smesty
W3 Coogs 1627 ↗ 1655 +28 1422 ↘ 1394 rosey
W2 Coogs 1624 ↗ 1627 +3 903 ↘ 900 Tex

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 16/11 16/11/2019

Good Games Rockingham 16/11 +40

L5 Coogs 1658 ↘ 1624 -34 1806 ↗ 1840 Tempest
L4 Coogs 1605 ↗ 1658 +53 1629 ↘ 1576 Benjo
L3 Coogs 1590 ↗ 1605 +15 1215 ↘ 1200 Goosey
W3 Coogs 1594 ↘ 1590 -4 2259 ↗ 2263 Turn Up
W2 Coogs 1584 ↗ 1594 +10 1115 ↘ 1105 some_dingus

Western Australia Sorrento Smash #7 7/11/2019

Smash at Sorrento #7 -147

L5 Coogs 1680 ↘ 1584 -96 1000 ↗ 1096 FugMaster3000
W4 Coogs 1752 ↘ 1680 -72 1552 ↗ 1624 M
W3 Coogs 1735 ↗ 1752 +17 1390 ↘ 1373 BigSizzle
W2 Coogs 1731 ↗ 1735 +4 1019 ↘ 1015 D O N G

Western Australia PerthSmash Ultimate Arcadian #1 2/11/2019

Arcadian Ultimate Singles -98

L9 Coogs 1778 ↘ 1731 -47 1805 ↗ 1852 Tempest
L8 Coogs 1763 ↗ 1778 +15 1393 ↘ 1378 rosey
L7 Coogs 1748 ↗ 1763 +15 1363 ↘ 1348 Shikasama
W4 Coogs 1837 ↘ 1748 -89 1382 ↗ 1471 M
W3 Coogs 1832 ↗ 1837 +5 1182 ↘ 1177 AlvisCPU
W2 Coogs 1829 ↗ 1832 +3 1035 ↘ 1032 Sean

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 26/10 26/10/2019

Good Games Rockingham 26/10 +39

L8 Coogs 1869 ↘ 1829 -40 1957 ↗ 1997 Sable
L7 Coogs 1834 ↗ 1869 +35 1698 ↘ 1663 Tempest
L6 Coogs 1800 ↗ 1834 +34 1658 ↘ 1624 Benjo
W4 Coogs 1820 ↘ 1800 -20 2123 ↗ 2143 Turn Up
W3 Coogs 1797 ↗ 1820 +23 1534 ↘ 1511 Temper
W2 Coogs 1790 ↗ 1797 +7 1239 ↘ 1232 kosc

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 19/10 19/10/2019

Good Games Rockingham 19/10 +252

GF Coogs 1803 ↘ 1790 -13 2223 ↗ 2236 Smesty
L8 Coogs 1725 ↗ 1803 +78 1999 ↘ 1921 Turn Up
L7 Coogs 1645 ↗ 1725 +80 1950 ↘ 1870 Ever
L6 Coogs 1584 ↗ 1645 +61 1684 ↘ 1623 Benjo
L5 Coogs 1536 ↗ 1584 +48 1516 ↘ 1468 BigWin | Beer
L4 Coogs 1498 ↗ 1536 +38 1390 ↘ 1352 TPZ
L3 Coogs 1473 ↗ 1498 +25 1235 ↘ 1210 Baeden
L2 Coogs 1463 ↗ 1473 +10 974 ↘ 964 Gus
W2 Coogs 1542 ↘ 1463 -79 1254 ↗ 1333 TinTin
W1 Coogs 1538 ↗ 1542 +4 839 ↘ 835 Sage

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 12/10 12/10/2019

GoodGamesRockingham 12/10 +64

L5 Coogs 1548 ↘ 1538 -10 2026 ↗ 2036 Turn Up
L4 Coogs 1493 ↗ 1548 +55 1533 ↘ 1478 YukiDraco
L3 Coogs 1467 ↗ 1493 +26 1242 ↘ 1216 Copycat
W3 Coogs 1487 ↘ 1467 -20 1791 ↗ 1811 Sable
W2 Coogs 1474 ↗ 1487 +13 1063 ↘ 1050 some_dingus

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 5/10 5/10/2019

Good Game Rockingham 5/10/2019 +291

L7 Coogs 1489 ↘ 1474 -15 1874 ↗ 1889 Sable
L6 Coogs 1410 ↗ 1489 +79 1703 ↘ 1624 Benjo
L5 Coogs 1344 ↗ 1410 +66 1487 ↘ 1421 Nabnut
W4 Coogs 1352 ↘ 1344 -8 1887 ↗ 1895 Sable
W3 Coogs 1260 ↗ 1352 +92 1780 ↘ 1688 Ever
W2 Coogs 1183 ↗ 1260 +77 1446 ↘ 1369 Nabnut

Western Australia Good Games Rockingham 03/08 3/08/2019

Super Smash Bros Ultimate! +58

L4 Coogs 1208 ↘ 1183 -25 1448 ↗ 1473 Benjo
L3 Coogs 1145 ↗ 1208 +63 1256 ↘ 1193 TinTin
W3 Coogs 1160 ↘ 1145 -15 1530 ↗ 1545 Smesty
W2 Coogs 1125 ↗ 1160 +35 994 ↘ 959 SP-lit

Western Australia Stratagem's Mid Week Smash 27 11/07/2019

Strats Mid Week smash Bracket -7

L3 Coogs 1171 ↘ 1125 -46 1210 ↗ 1256 JayVoltage
L2 Coogs 1143 ↗ 1171 +28 940 ↘ 912 Peteryip28
L1 Coogs 1092 ↗ 1143 +51 1104 ↘ 1053 Futurecow
W1 Coogs 1132 ↘ 1092 -40 1223 ↗ 1263 TinTin

Western Australia BigWinChampionship 2 6/07/2019

Ultimate Singles Gold Cup +130

L8 Coogs 1177 ↘ 1132 -45 1218 ↗ 1263 AlvisCPU
L7 Coogs 1126 ↗ 1177 +51 1134 ↘ 1083 Subwaytime
L6 Coogs 1071 ↗ 1126 +55 1116 ↘ 1061 gobby girl
L5 Coogs 1010 ↗ 1071 +61 1103 ↘ 1042 Happy_Mc_Hap_Hap
W3 Coogs 1045 ↘ 1010 -35 1181 ↗ 1216 AlvisCPU
W2 Coogs 1019 ↗ 1045 +26 789 ↘ 763 Chef
W1 Coogs 1002 ↗ 1019 +17 661 ↘ 644 Musitaku

Ultimate Singles Pools +2

W5 Coogs 965 ↗ 1002 +37 854 ↘ 817 TinselMikado
W4 Coogs 970 ↘ 965 -5 1617 ↗ 1622 Danklin
W3 Coogs 971 ↘ 970 -1 2011 ↗ 2012 Turn Up
W1 Coogs 1000 ↘ 971 -29 1195 ↗ 1224 TinTin