• 1594 Current Elo
  • 1870 Peak Elo



New South Wales Super Barista Bros. The 6th Day Of Coffee Making 19/12/2021

Singles -68

L3 Treesus 1656 ↘ 1594 -62 1547 ↗ 1609 Kon
L2 Treesus 1651 ↗ 1656 +5 996 ↘ 991 Scozzo
W2 Treesus 1662 ↘ 1651 -11 2118 ↗ 2129 chizzL

New South Wales Battle Kat Comeback 18/04/2021

Smash Ultimate Singles -150

L3 Treesus 1740 ↘ 1662 -78 1462 ↗ 1540 FumbleJr
L2 Treesus 1727 ↗ 1740 +13 1311 ↘ 1298 IntenseQuack
W2 Treesus 1812 ↘ 1727 -85 1430 ↗ 1515 Paristhecoolbat

New South Wales BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN 03 19/07/2020


L4 Treesus 1840 ↘ 1812 -28 2043 ↗ 2071 Ryan
L3 Treesus 1810 ↗ 1840 +30 1621 ↘ 1591 F1ERCE
W3 Treesus 1823 ↘ 1810 -13 2229 ↗ 2242 Chipotle
W2 Treesus 1807 ↗ 1823 +16 1451 ↘ 1435 Kon

New South Wales BKB SMUSH: THE RETURN 5/07/2020


L5 Treesus 1836 ↘ 1807 -29 2026 ↗ 2055 Chipotle
L4 Treesus 1808 ↗ 1836 +28 1601 ↘ 1573 chizzL
L3 Treesus 1800 ↗ 1808 +8 1282 ↘ 1274 AboRoza
L2 Treesus 1793 ↗ 1800 +7 1220 ↘ 1213 Yan
W2 Treesus 1835 ↘ 1793 -42 1908 ↗ 1950 Skye May

New South Wales BKB Covid Free 21/06/2020

BKB: Valorant (but it's actually Smash Ultimate) The Second -30

L5 Treesus 1870 ↘ 1835 -35 2007 ↗ 2042 Fruit
L4 Treesus 1842 ↗ 1870 +28 1634 ↘ 1606 F1ERCE
L3 Treesus 1794 ↗ 1842 +48 1773 ↘ 1725 Dugongs
W2 Treesus 1865 ↘ 1794 -71 1674 ↗ 1745 Kon

New South Wales Phantom 2020 7/03/2020

Smash Ultimate Singles +171

L7 Treesus 1868 ↘ 1865 -3 2616 ↗ 2619 Sriks
L6 Treesus 1813 ↗ 1868 +55 1856 ↘ 1801 Andre
L4 Treesus 1749 ↗ 1813 +64 1874 ↘ 1810 Smesty
L3 Treesus 1711 ↗ 1749 +38 1606 ↘ 1568 Ants
L2 Treesus 1703 ↗ 1711 +8 1177 ↘ 1169 Fan2Fromage
W2 Treesus 1705 ↘ 1703 -2 2606 ↗ 2608 DD
W1 Treesus 1694 ↗ 1705 +11 1231 ↘ 1220 Phyco

New South Wales Star Forge #110 6/03/2020

Star Forge #110 - Phantom Edition! +107

L5 Treesus 1715 ↘ 1694 -21 2009 ↗ 2030 Chipotle
L4 Treesus 1703 ↗ 1715 +12 1269 ↘ 1257 krysell
L3 Treesus 1628 ↗ 1703 +75 1867 ↘ 1792 Beet
L2 Treesus 1623 ↗ 1628 +5 1000 ↘ 995 jasonemmanuelle
W2 Treesus 1624 ↘ 1623 -1 2689 ↗ 2690 SebPro101
W1 Treesus 1587 ↗ 1624 +37 1469 ↘ 1432 Jarcino

New South Wales BKB SMUSH SUNDAY SEASON 1 WEEK 9 1/03/2020

Dup bracket 9 +1

L4 Treesus 1617 ↘ 1587 -30 1798 ↗ 1828 Skye May
L3 Treesus 1589 ↗ 1617 +28 1388 ↘ 1360 Lunchy
W3 Treesus 1603 ↘ 1589 -14 1996 ↗ 2010 Chipotle
W2 Treesus 1586 ↗ 1603 +17 1246 ↘ 1229 Icey

New South Wales BKB SMUSH SUNDAY SEASON 1 WEEK 7 16/02/2020

Dup Bracket 7 +51

GF Treesus 1616 ↘ 1586 -30 1800 ↗ 1830 Shaoweater
L6 Treesus 1575 ↗ 1616 +41 1492 ↘ 1451 Plump
L5 Treesus 1501 ↗ 1575 +74 1727 ↘ 1653 Fontana
L4 Treesus 1485 ↗ 1501 +16 1125 ↘ 1109 Yan
W3 Treesus 1545 ↘ 1485 -60 1455 ↗ 1515 Plump
W2 Treesus 1540 ↗ 1545 +5 884 ↘ 879 4241108
W1 Treesus 1535 ↗ 1540 +5 885 ↘ 880 Moops

New South Wales Starforge: Underground 17 19/01/2020

Ultimate Singles +136

L7 Treesus 1565 ↘ 1535 -30 1749 ↗ 1779 ft
W4 Treesus 1482 ↘ 1481 -1 2455 ↗ 2456 Purple~H
W3 Treesus 1503 ↗ 1565 +62 1605 ↘ 1543 Johto
W2 Treesus 1412 ↗ 1503 +91 1921 ↘ 1830 Enn
W1 Treesus 1398 ↗ 1412 +14 1000 ↘ 986 Victifreak

New South Wales BKB SUNDAY SMUSH SEASON 1 WEEK 2 12/01/2020

BKB SmUsh Sunday (AusSmash Remake) +198

L5 Treesus 1416 ↘ 1398 -18 1750 ↗ 1768 Veness
L4 Treesus 1325 ↗ 1416 +91 1822 ↘ 1731 Phoebe
L3 Treesus 1284 ↗ 1325 +41 1208 ↘ 1167 FumbleJr
L2 Treesus 1241 ↗ 1284 +43 1183 ↘ 1140 chizzL
W2 Treesus 1242 ↘ 1241 -1 2325 ↗ 2326 Day
W1 Treesus 1200 ↗ 1242 +42 1132 ↘ 1090 Murke

New South Wales BKB SUNDAY SMUSH SEASON 1 WEEK 1 5/01/2020

Dup Bracket 1 -10

L2 Treesus 1262 ↘ 1200 -62 1157 ↗ 1219 Olag
W2 Treesus 1263 ↘ 1262 -1 2375 ↗ 2376 Shmu
W1 Treesus 1210 ↗ 1263 +53 1238 ↘ 1185 chizzL



L3 Treesus 1275 ↘ 1210 -65 1142 ↗ 1207 Gords
L2 Treesus 1179 ↗ 1275 +96 1893 ↘ 1797 Phoebe
W1 Treesus 1198 ↘ 1179 -19 1518 ↗ 1537 Veness

New South Wales Star Forge Underground #16 24/11/2019

Ultimate Singles -31

L2 Treesus 1250 ↘ 1198 -52 1232 ↗ 1284 Lunchy
W2 Treesus 1255 ↘ 1250 -5 1909 ↗ 1914 Phoebe
W1 Treesus 1229 ↗ 1255 +26 1000 ↘ 974 GNU

New South Wales Never Stand Still Arcadian 9/11/2019

Smash Ultimate Singles +282

L7 Treesus 1233 ↘ 1229 -4 1925 ↗ 1929 Mr Leak
L6 Treesus 1170 ↗ 1233 +63 1290 ↘ 1227 chizzL
L4 Treesus 1088 ↗ 1170 +82 1414 ↘ 1332 Avongarde
L3 Treesus 1037 ↗ 1088 +51 1045 ↘ 994 prto
L2 Treesus 1011 ↗ 1037 +26 785 ↘ 759 Nor
W2 Treesus 1012 ↘ 1011 -1 2025 ↗ 2026 Matter
W1 Treesus 947 ↗ 1012 +65 1085 ↘ 1020 DB

New South Wales Star Forge Underground #15 27/10/2019

Ultimate Singles -90

L1 Treesus 1003 ↘ 947 -56 950 ↗ 1006 charies
W1 Treesus 1037 ↘ 1003 -34 1181 ↗ 1215 tony1c

New South Wales Star Forge Underground #14 29/09/2019

Ultimate Singles +14

L2 Treesus 1078 ↘ 1037 -41 1160 ↗ 1201 Kitt
L1 Treesus 1022 ↗ 1078 +56 1076 ↘ 1020 Sinkusm
W1 Treesus 1023 ↘ 1022 -1 2056 ↗ 2057 Merebry

New South Wales Star Forge Underground #13 25/08/2019

Ultimate Singles +23

L3 Treesus 1050 ↘ 1023 -27 1267 ↗ 1294 Lunchy
L2 Treesus 999 ↗ 1050 +51 1007 ↘ 956 EiRiK
W2 Treesus 1000 ↘ 999 -1 2086 ↗ 2087 Glace

New South Wales Star Forge Underground #12 28/07/2019

Ultimate Singles -28

L3 Treesus 1044 ↘ 1000 -44 1094 ↗ 1138 Nuke
L2 Treesus 993 ↗ 1044 +51 1006 ↘ 955 You
W1 Treesus 1028 ↘ 993 -35 1161 ↗ 1196 Tdoge

New South Wales Star Forge Arcadian 2 14/07/2019

Arcadian Singles +28

L3 Treesus 1068 ↘ 1028 -40 1157 ↗ 1197 Kitt
L2 Treesus 1037 ↗ 1068 +31 867 ↘ 836 Knoble
W2 Treesus 1039 ↘ 1037 -2 1855 ↗ 1857 Shaoweater
W1 Treesus 1000 ↗ 1039 +39 904 ↘ 865 Hiryu