• 961 Current Elo
  • 1288 Peak Elo

Biggest upset



New Zealand Memelounge 2: Jujgis Saga 4/02/2017

Melee Singles +87

L4 Cerphres 971 ↘ 961 -10 1437 ↗ 1447 Ballsack Tim
L3 Cerphres 911 ↗ 971 +60 998 ↘ 938 eli
L2 Cerphres 848 ↗ 911 +63 959 ↘ 896 E-Dude
W2 Cerphres 874 ↘ 848 -26 1104 ↗ 1130 Lunchbillion

New Zealand More Forward Smash #11 11/09/2015

Melee Singles +29

L2 Cerphres 884 ↘ 874 -10 1364 ↗ 1374 Lima
L1 Cerphres 815 ↗ 884 +69 992 ↘ 923 Bygboi
W1 Cerphres 845 ↘ 815 -30 1033 ↗ 1063 Flatfeet

New Zealand Hambats Round 10 8/08/2015

Melee Singles -70

L2 Cerphres 888 ↘ 845 -43 950 ↗ 993 chumz
W2 Cerphres 915 ↘ 888 -27 1127 ↗ 1154 trippymane

New Zealand HamBats 2015 - Round 7 27/06/2015

Melee Singles -64

L3 Cerphres 957 ↘ 915 -42 1031 ↗ 1073 trippymane
L2 Cerphres 923 ↗ 957 +34 776 ↘ 742 Fank009
W1 Cerphres 979 ↘ 923 -56 929 ↗ 985 trippymane

New Zealand HamBats 2015 - Round 5 30/05/2015

Melee Singles -46

L4 Cerphres 1033 ↘ 979 -54 1000 ↗ 1054 swamp
L3 Cerphres 987 ↗ 1033 +46 950 ↘ 904 trippymane
L2 Cerphres 952 ↗ 987 +35 815 ↘ 780 Fank009
W1 Cerphres 1025 ↘ 952 -73 813 ↗ 886 trippymane

New Zealand HamBats 2015 - Round 4 16/05/2015

Melee Singles -32

L4 Cerphres 1087 ↘ 1025 -62 983 ↗ 1045 Luthadel
L3 Cerphres 1056 ↗ 1087 +31 879 ↘ 848 Fank009
W2 Cerphres 1057 ↘ 1056 -1 1986 ↗ 1987 MojoMonkey

New Zealand HamBats 2015 - Round 1 21/03/2015

Melee Singles -97

L2 Cerphres 1127 ↘ 1057 -70 945 ↗ 1015 Beef
W1 Cerphres 1154 ↘ 1127 -27 1370 ↗ 1397 Lima

New Zealand Revival of Auckland 2 17/01/2015

Melee Pools -46

P3 Cerphres 1228 ↘ 1154 -74 1000 ↗ 1074 ynthrepic
P3 Cerphres 1200 ↗ 1228 +28 1000 ↘ 972 Garuda
P3 Cerphres 1212 ↘ 1200 -12 1641 ↗ 1653 Spud
P3 Cerphres 1169 ↗ 1212 +43 1111 ↘ 1068 FERALxPANDA
P3 Cerphres 1213 ↘ 1169 -44 1262 ↗ 1306 Kelots
P3 Cerphres 1200 ↗ 1213 +13 778 ↘ 765 Locurian

New Zealand Revival of Auckland 26/07/2014

Melee Finals Bracket -19

L4 Cerphres 1251 ↘ 1200 -51 1245 ↗ 1296 Lima
W3 Cerphres 1288 ↘ 1251 -37 1403 ↗ 1440 SpeedyJ
W2 Cerphres 1246 ↗ 1288 +42 1174 ↘ 1132 massi4h
W1 Cerphres 1219 ↗ 1246 +27 1000 ↘ 973 R

Melee Pools +219

P1 Cerphres 1190 ↗ 1219 +29 992 ↘ 963 ChairmanMao
P1 Cerphres 1157 ↗ 1190 +33 1000 ↘ 967 Gluehold
P1 Cerphres 1120 ↗ 1157 +37 1000 ↘ 963 86Damacy
P1 Cerphres 1079 ↗ 1120 +41 1000 ↘ 959 Immure
P1 Cerphres 1033 ↗ 1079 +46 1000 ↘ 954 CF MountainDiu
P1 Cerphres 990 ↗ 1033 +43 926 ↘ 883 Toash
P1 Cerphres 1000 ↘ 990 -10 1470 ↗ 1480 Dz