- 1218 Current Elo
- 1266 Peak Elo
Biggest upset
Templee #16 25/08/2024
Melee Singles Actual Bracket -8
L3 | Aloly | 1266 ↘ 1218 | -48 | 1281 ↗ 1329 | Sk8orDie |
L2 | Aloly | 1177 ↗ 1266 | +89 | 1622 ↘ 1533 | Magicalthing |
W1 | Aloly | 1226 ↘ 1177 | -49 | 1232 ↗ 1281 | Clemancholy |
Camp Firefox 16/12/2023
Melee Singles Pools +113
City of Melee 19 9/09/2023
Melee Singles Bracket -63
The Schlocal July 2023 29/07/2023
Melee Singles Pools +46
Templee #3 18/06/2023
Melee Singles Actual Bracket +67
CouchWarriors April Ranbat 2023 1/04/2023
Melee Singles +11
CouchWarriors February Ranbat 2023 4/02/2023
Melee Singles +36
Couchwarriors January Ranbat 2023 7/01/2023
Melee Singles +6
L2 | Aloly | 1053 ↘ 1016 | -37 | 1171 ↗ 1208 | Kenz |
L1 | Aloly | 1003 ↗ 1053 | +50 | 999 ↘ 949 | HoboinaShack |
W1 | Aloly | 1010 ↘ 1003 | -7 | 1584 ↗ 1591 | Helium |
CouchWarriors December Ranbat 2022 3/12/2022
Melee Singles -48
CouchWarriors CrossUp 2022 20/11/2022
Super Smash Bros Melee Singles Pools +63
W5 | Aloly | 985 ↗ 1058 | +73 | 1203 ↘ 1130 | MurMur |
W3 | Aloly | 990 ↘ 985 | -5 | 1615 ↗ 1620 | Helium |
W2 | Aloly | 990 ↘ 990 | 2242 ↗ 2242 | Microsoft J | |
W1 | Aloly | 995 ↘ 990 | -5 | 1617 ↗ 1622 | sumirekt |
CouchWarriors November Ranbat 2022 5/11/2022
Melee Singles +50
BAM 12 15/05/2022
Super Smash Bros Melee Singles [BAM 2022] -55
L2 | Aloly | 988 ↘ 945 | -43 | 1045 ↗ 1088 | bombin0 |
W1 | Aloly | 1000 ↘ 988 | -12 | 1437 ↗ 1449 | Hardpelicn |