• 1136 Current Elo
  • 1272 Peak Elo



Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 22nd Oct 22/10/2015

Curtin Smashfest No 75: Smash 4 +31

L4 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1169 ↘ 1136 -33 1327 ↗ 1360 Quetz
L3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1137 ↗ 1169 +32 976 ↘ 944 BanditKeith
L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1123 ↗ 1137 +14 721 ↘ 707 Espio
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1173 ↘ 1123 -50 1169 ↗ 1219 Zivhayr
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1105 ↗ 1173 +68 1268 ↘ 1200 Shulk

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 15th Oct 15/10/2015

Curtin Smashfest No 71: Smash 4 +116

L3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1150 ↘ 1105 -45 1196 ↗ 1241 Orion
L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1064 ↗ 1150 +86 1456 ↘ 1370 Maribro
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1065 ↘ 1064 -1 1991 ↗ 1992 Corpsecreate
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 989 ↗ 1065 +76 1242 ↘ 1166 Nommad

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays! 8/10/2015

Curtin Smashfest No 67: Smash 4 -25

L3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1036 ↘ 989 -47 1063 ↗ 1110 shane3x
L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 991 ↗ 1036 +45 948 ↘ 903 Dog
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1027 ↘ 991 -36 1150 ↗ 1186 Juniper
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1014 ↗ 1027 +13 602 ↘ 589 Bearfist

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Sm4sh and Project M Thursday Sept 24 24/09/2015

Sm4sh -63

L3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1075 ↘ 1014 -61 981 ↗ 1042 Ravia
L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1053 ↗ 1075 +22 782 ↘ 760 Eclairpse
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1077 ↘ 1053 -24 1327 ↗ 1351 Futurecow

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 17th Sept 17/09/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 57: Smash 4 -127

L3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1157 ↘ 1077 -80 858 ↗ 938 MTBlocks
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1204 ↘ 1157 -47 1231 ↗ 1278 Futurecow

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 10th Sept 10/09/2015

Smashfest 54: Smash 4 -11

L4 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1264 ↘ 1204 -60 1176 ↗ 1236 Little Z
W3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1272 ↘ 1264 -8 1804 ↗ 1812 PudgyBoy
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1215 ↗ 1272 +57 1274 ↘ 1217 Orion

Western Australia DI Another Day 28/08/2015

DI Another Day: Super Smash Bros. For Wii U Top 32 -44

L1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1251 ↘ 1215 -36 1379 ↗ 1415 ChuJelly?~
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1259 ↘ 1251 -8 1802 ↗ 1810 Jollus

DI Another Day Super Smash Bros For Wii U Pool D +136

P1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1230 ↗ 1259 +29 1031 ↘ 1002 GTG
P1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1159 ↗ 1230 +71 1350 ↘ 1279 Quetz
P1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1120 ↗ 1159 +39 1027 ↘ 988 Smesty
P1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1123 ↘ 1120 -3 1853 ↗ 1856 Kira

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 20th Aug 20/08/2015

Curtin Smashfest No 51: Smash 4 -42

L3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1188 ↘ 1123 -65 1050 ↗ 1115 Baehunter
L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1158 ↗ 1188 +30 977 ↘ 947 Bullywog
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1188 ↘ 1158 -30 1373 ↗ 1403 ChuJelly?~
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1165 ↗ 1188 +23 908 ↘ 885 BigWin | Beer

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 13th Aug 13/08/2015

Curtin Smashfest No 49: Smash 4 +61

L5 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1211 ↘ 1165 -46 1244 ↗ 1290 Orion
L4 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1143 ↗ 1211 +68 1306 ↘ 1238 Sable
L3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1098 ↗ 1143 +45 1057 ↘ 1012 Saige
L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1042 ↗ 1098 +56 1096 ↘ 1040 cmk
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1104 ↘ 1042 -62 1000 ↗ 1062 41+1

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 6th Aug 6/08/2015

Curtin Smashfest No 45: Smash 4 +157

L6 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1143 ↘ 1104 -39 1236 ↗ 1275 YoshiPkz
L5 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1083 ↗ 1143 +60 1168 ↘ 1108 Orion
L4 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1015 ↗ 1083 +68 1177 ↘ 1109 cmk
L3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 979 ↗ 1015 +36 852 ↘ 816 Cream
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 996 ↘ 979 -17 1344 ↗ 1361 Zivhayr
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 947 ↗ 996 +49 938 ↘ 889 Cruzybecks

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Project M + Smash 4 Thursdays 30/07/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 42: Smash 4 +83

L4 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 976 ↘ 947 -29 1170 ↗ 1199 Read
W3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 996 ↘ 976 -20 1294 ↗ 1314 Ash
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 902 ↗ 996 +94 1509 ↘ 1415 Peahnuts
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 864 ↗ 902 +38 762 ↘ 724 RosalinaSama

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 39: Smash 4 23/07/2015

Sm4sh Singles +29

L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 872 ↘ 864 -8 1402 ↗ 1410 Jollus
L1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 803 ↗ 872 +69 973 ↘ 904 the heron
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 835 ↘ 803 -32 1000 ↗ 1032 Futurecow

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 37: Smash 4 16/07/2015

Smash 4 -59

L3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 867 ↘ 835 -32 1027 ↗ 1059 RamboAz
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 894 ↘ 867 -27 1109 ↗ 1136 Quetz

Western Australia July Myriade Smash 4 Singles 12/07/2015

July Myriade Smash 4 Singles -6

L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 927 ↘ 894 -33 1079 ↗ 1112 Derek
L1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 873 ↗ 927 +54 906 ↘ 852 Tim
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 900 ↘ 873 -27 1121 ↗ 1148 Mic128

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 34: Smash 4 9/07/2015

Curtin Smashfest Smash 4 +76

L4 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 940 ↘ 900 -40 1029 ↗ 1069 YoshiPkz
L3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 861 ↗ 940 +79 1153 ↘ 1074 Character
L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 792 ↗ 861 +69 961 ↘ 892 MegaTeen
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 824 ↘ 792 -32 990 ↗ 1022 Saige

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 30: Smash 4 29/06/2015

Smfoursh -65

L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 842 ↘ 824 -18 1164 ↗ 1182 Little Z
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 889 ↘ 842 -47 915 ↗ 962 Hopcat

Western Australia Myriade June Smash 4 Singles 28/06/2015

Smash 4 Singles +38

L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 913 ↘ 889 -24 1160 ↗ 1184 axE
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 918 ↘ 913 -5 1553 ↗ 1558 JonCheee
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 851 ↗ 918 +67 1000 ↘ 933 Nexus

Western Australia Myriade May Smash 4 Singles 2 17/05/2015

SM4SH Singles +18

L4 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 871 ↘ 851 -20 1171 ↗ 1191 Poppt1
W3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 911 ↘ 871 -40 1000 ↗ 1040 Jaxon
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 833 ↗ 911 +78 1113 ↘ 1035 Cream

Western Australia OzHadou Perth BAM Qualifiers - Smash 4 Melee 19/04/2015

Smash 4 +4

L4 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 856 ↘ 833 -23 1124 ↗ 1147 Zivhayr
W3 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 898 ↘ 856 -42 969 ↗ 1011 FM Marty
W2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 829 ↗ 898 +69 1000 ↘ 931 ATB|ShirtlessBeng

Western Australia April Smash Singles at Cafe Myriade 5/04/2015

wii u singles -86

L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 864 ↘ 829 -35 998 ↗ 1033 Character
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 915 ↘ 864 -51 903 ↗ 954 Cheese

Western Australia Cafe Myriade March 2015 Wii U Singles 29/03/2015

wii u singles -85

L2 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 950 ↘ 915 -35 1089 ↗ 1124 Copycat
W1 The Fresh Prince of Back Air 1000 ↘ 950 -50 1000 ↗ 1050 Xavier