• 932 Current Elo
  • 1050 Peak Elo



Victoria Pixel Smash #164 13/03/2023

Pixel SMASH Bracket -5

L2 Reizo 936 ↘ 932 -4 1621 ↗ 1625 Icebanana
W1 Reizo 937 ↘ 936 -1 1847 ↗ 1848 Ryzuul

Victoria Pixel Smash #131 25/07/2022

Pixel SMASH Bracket -51

L1 Reizo 939 ↘ 937 -2 1839 ↗ 1841 Piggins
W1 Reizo 988 ↘ 939 -49 1000 ↗ 1049 Blu-two

South Australia Cheese League March 2022 - Ultimate 13/03/2022

Cheese League March Ultimate Redemption -13

L4 Reizo 1010 ↘ 988 -22 1281 ↗ 1303 The J
L3 Reizo 980 ↗ 1010 +30 796 ↘ 766 Zorn
W1 Reizo 1001 ↘ 980 -21 1285 ↗ 1306 The J

Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket -35

L1 Reizo 1009 ↘ 1001 -8 1528 ↗ 1536 Nadgey
W1 Reizo 1036 ↘ 1009 -27 1253 ↗ 1280 Zekora

South Australia BonusVac #1 11/03/2022

Bonus-vac #1 +36

L2 Reizo 1050 ↘ 1036 -14 1447 ↗ 1461 Munchie
W2 Reizo 1050 ↘ 1050 2342 ↗ 2342 Heaven
W1 Reizo 1000 ↗ 1050 +50 1000 ↘ 950 Nurse