- 941 Current Elo
- 1311 Peak Elo
Biggest upset
Jubilee Thursdays #14 6/07/2017
Smash Web #4 10/06/2017
SM4SH Singles +18
L2 | Brook | 1049 ↘ 1023 | -26 | 1280 ↗ 1306 | Zubola |
W2 | Brook | 1053 ↘ 1049 | -4 | 1718 ↗ 1722 | Aluf |
W1 | Brook | 1005 ↗ 1053 | +48 | 989 ↘ 941 | Ayowddupmang |
Hambats 2017 Round 4 29/04/2017
Smash 4 Singles -160
Smash Web #2 15/04/2017
Smash 4 Singles -3
Limit to Win It #6: April Fools 1/04/2017
Smash 4 Singles -120
L3 | Brook | 1247 ↘ 1168 | -79 | 965 ↗ 1044 | Ayowddupmang |
W2 | Brook | 1288 ↘ 1247 | -41 | 1364 ↗ 1405 | Flatfeet |
Smash-Web #1 18/03/2017
Smash4 Singles +22
L4 | Brook | 1311 ↘ 1288 | -23 | 1569 ↗ 1592 | Spotyus |
L3 | Brook | 1285 ↗ 1311 | +26 | 1056 ↘ 1030 | Tangerine |
W2 | Brook | 1290 ↘ 1285 | -5 | 1938 ↗ 1943 | Aluf |
W1 | Brook | 1266 ↗ 1290 | +24 | 1021 ↘ 997 | Ayowddupmang |
Memelounge 2: Jujgis Saga 4/02/2017
SM4SH Singles +93
GF | Brook | 1296 ↘ 1266 | -30 | 1481 ↗ 1511 | eli |
L6 | Brook | 1231 ↗ 1296 | +65 | 1365 ↘ 1300 | Lunchbillion |
L5 | Brook | 1198 ↗ 1231 | +33 | 1049 ↘ 1016 | E-Dude |
L4 | Brook | 1174 ↗ 1198 | +24 | 929 ↘ 905 | Ballsack Tim |
W3 | Brook | 1205 ↘ 1174 | -31 | 1382 ↗ 1413 | Lunchbillion |
W2 | Brook | 1173 ↗ 1205 | +32 | 1012 ↘ 980 | MortaL |
Smash Net Ranbats 16/10/16 16/10/2016
Smash 4 Singles +78
Smash Net Ranbats 18/9/16 18/09/2016
Smash 4 Singles +16
L3 | Brook | 1134 ↘ 1095 | -39 | 1230 ↗ 1269 | Ash (Smash 4) |
L2 | Brook | 1100 ↗ 1134 | +34 | 956 ↘ 922 | Crunkle |
W2 | Brook | 1120 ↘ 1100 | -20 | 1424 ↗ 1444 | Nightlife |
W1 | Brook | 1079 ↗ 1120 | +41 | 1000 ↘ 959 | Starblitz |
Yosh Land 3 6/08/2016
Smash 4 Singles -9
L3 | Brook | 1146 ↘ 1079 | -67 | 988 ↗ 1055 | Crunkle |
L2 | Brook | 1119 ↗ 1146 | +27 | 908 ↘ 881 | MrHealthy |
W2 | Brook | 1126 ↘ 1119 | -7 | 1700 ↗ 1707 | Big Red |
W1 | Brook | 1088 ↗ 1126 | +38 | 981 ↘ 943 | Sgt_Pepper |
Northland Smash Reborn 5/07/2016
Smash 4 Singles +102
GF | Brook | 1118 ↘ 1088 | -30 | 1297 ↗ 1327 | Lunchbillion |
L4 | Brook | 1063 ↗ 1118 | +55 | 1104 ↘ 1049 | HashSlash |
W3 | Brook | 1094 ↘ 1063 | -31 | 1266 ↗ 1297 | Lunchbillion |
W2 | Brook | 1038 ↗ 1094 | +56 | 1091 ↘ 1035 | Crunkle |
W1 | Brook | 986 ↗ 1038 | +52 | 1000 ↘ 948 | Cody' |
Smash-Net Ranbats 26/6/16 26/06/2016
Smash 4 Singles -74
L2 | Brook | 1036 ↘ 986 | -50 | 1032 ↗ 1082 | Unladen |
L1 | Brook | 1000 ↗ 1036 | +36 | 879 ↘ 843 | The Doll Room. |
W1 | Brook | 1060 ↘ 1000 | -60 | 972 ↗ 1032 | Jimmy |
Smash-Net Ranbats 12/6/16 12/06/2016
Smash 4 Singles +213
The Windbox #1 21/5/16 21/05/2016
Christchurch 2016 Ranbats Round 4 14/05/2016
Smash 4 Singles -126
Smash-Net Ranbats 3/4/16 3/04/2016
Smash 4 Singles -83
First Blood VI (feat. JEZMO and AERODROME) 26/03/2016
Pools -50
Skynet Ranbats 20/03/16 22/03/2016
Smash 4 Singles -34
Yosh Land Smash 1 12/03/2016
Yosh Land Smash SSB4 1 +32
Skynet Ranbats 06/03/16 6/03/2016
Smash 4 Singles +54
Skynet Ranbats 28/02/16 28/02/2016
Smash 4 Singles -34
The Windbox #0 20/02/2016
Smash 4 Singles +19
L5 | Brook | 1225 ↘ 1169 | -56 | 1174 ↗ 1230 | Simikins |
L4 | Brook | 1179 ↗ 1225 | +46 | 1141 ↘ 1095 | MrHealthy |
W3 | Brook | 1206 ↘ 1179 | -27 | 1422 ↗ 1449 | Valos |
W2 | Brook | 1170 ↗ 1206 | +36 | 1048 ↘ 1012 | hughgazi |
W1 | Brook | 1150 ↗ 1170 | +20 | 845 ↘ 825 | GreenLightn1ng |
Northland Smash 3 13/02/2016
Smash 4 Singles +23
GF | Brook | 1197 ↘ 1150 | -47 | 1221 ↗ 1268 | Lunchbillion |
L6 | Brook | 1149 ↗ 1197 | +48 | 1128 ↘ 1080 | HSG |
W4 | Brook | 1203 ↘ 1149 | -54 | 1167 ↗ 1221 | Lunchbillion |
W3 | Brook | 1167 ↗ 1203 | +36 | 1046 ↘ 1010 | Crunkle |
W2 | Brook | 1127 ↗ 1167 | +40 | 1037 ↘ 997 | Ballsack Tim |
Petone Ranbats February 2016 Final Smash 6/02/2016
Smash 4 Singles -25
AvT LAN Auckland 2016 30/01/2016
Smash 4 Singles -3
L4 | Brook | 1192 ↘ 1152 | -40 | 1284 ↗ 1324 | Maelstron |
L3 | Brook | 1158 ↗ 1192 | +34 | 1017 ↘ 983 | Thing One |
W2 | Brook | 1188 ↘ 1158 | -30 | 1368 ↗ 1398 | Aluf |
W1 | Brook | 1155 ↗ 1188 | +33 | 1000 ↘ 967 | Kup5killer |
Jams @ Jacobs 14/12/2015
Smash 4 Singles +155
GF | Brook | 1105 ↗ 1155 | +50 | 1107 ↘ 1057 | Ballsack Tim |
W3 | Brook | 1050 ↗ 1105 | +55 | 1094 ↘ 1039 | HSG |
W2 | Brook | 1000 ↗ 1050 | +50 | 1004 ↘ 954 | Ballsack Tim |