
+1 1st Extra Mr. Game and WatchWario
+8 2nd Jdizzle Toon Link
-2 3rd Ghost BayonettaCloudDonkey Kong
+2 4th Waveguider GreninjaWii Fit Trainer
NEW 5th Tru4 BayonettaSheikShulkZero Suit Samus
+2 6th Luco LucasNess
NEW 7th Sriks LuigiShulk
NEW 8th Pat Sanders Ryu
-2 9th Ignis MarioRobin
NEW 10th Joe LuigiZero Suit Samus
-6 11th Duon Diddy KongFoxLittle MacLuigi
NEW 12th Doctor A.Ness CloudDiddy KongDonkey KongFox
NEW 13th Jon Bombo Toon Link
-11 14th Poppt1 MarioNess
-11 15th Booper Bowser
Australian Smash 4 National Power Rankings 3


2017 was a big year for Australian smash. On top of national majors like BAM and OHN, the introduction of the NSW Smash Circuit saw regional events held in Wollongong, Newcastle and Canberra, attracting the top talent from across New South Wales, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory. This led to increased competition around the southeast of the country, and the emergence of some new talent. At the end, the winner of the leaderboard was awarded a return flight to compete at Evo Japan, with another set aside as the first prize for an invitational event with the next 32 players held at Red Bull HQ in Sydney.

As 2017 draws to a close, and with a number of Australian smashers planning to travel internationally throughout January, we thought this was a perfect time to take a snapshot of the top level of competitive play in Australia and highlight our top threats at overseas events. This PR reflects the efforts and performance of players at regional and national events in Australia last year, beginning with BAM9 in May. There has been a lot of shakeup, but there are a number of familiar faces returning to form as Australia’s top threats. Among them, new threats are emerging and challenging the status quo.

Australian smash is only going to get bigger in 2018, and it kicks off with a bang. There are a number of Australian smashers travelling internationally throughout January, with 4 attendees at Poi Poundaz, 2 at Genesis 5 and over 20 Australians registered for Evo Japan. A number of these are top players who have made this latest rankings, so be sure to read on for an individual breakdown of each player!

Previous ranking players

Player Peaked Last Ranked
New South Wales Mr Leak #9 8/05/2017 (v2)
Victoria Pazx #11 8/05/2017 (v2)
Queensland Jezmo #5 22/09/2016 (v1)
Queensland Jaice #6 22/09/2016 (v1)
Victoria Earl #7 22/09/2016 (v1)
Victoria Revax #10 22/09/2016 (v1)
New South Wales SaucyDancer #12 22/09/2016 (v1)