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Super Smash Bros. tournaments in South Australia

Adelaide Super Smash Bros. tournaments

There are 3 regular Super Smash Bros. tournaments in Adelaide


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
When: 4pm - 12 Midnight, Wednesday every week
Where: Adelaide University (UniBar)
Cost: No venue fee, $2 tournament entry

WeeklyVac is a weekly Super Smash Bros. tournament series playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The event features a single double elimination bracket at each event.

Registration for the event is done at the venue. You can catch public transport to the venue or use city parking if you are driving.

Please remember to bring your own controller, and if possible it is recommended to bring a game console.
Latest WeeklyVac tournament results

Cheese League

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Super Smash Bros. Melee
When: monthly, 12pm - 8pm
Where: Adelaide University (Fix Lounge)
Cost: $5 venue fee, $5 per bracket
Twitch stream: or

Cheese League is a monthly Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament held at the Adelaide University. The event features both a singles and team double elimination bracket.

Registration for the event is done at the venue. You can catch public transport to the venue or use city parking if you are driving.

Please remember to bring your own controller, and if possible it is recommended to bring a game console.

Since it's a new year with a new game we're going to be running a 10 round league with a points system with the winner getting flights to the first major of 2020 (probably Phantom 2 or equivalent).


Super Smash Bros. Melee
When: 4pm - 12 Midnight, every two week alternating between Melee and Ultimate
Where: Adelaide University (Fix Lounge)
Cost: No venue fee, $5 tournament entry
Twitch stream: or

EVAC is a biweekly Super Smash Bros. tournament series which alternates between Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Super Smash Bros. Melee. The event features a single double elimination bracket at each event.

Registration for the event is done at the venue. You can catch public transport to the venue or use city parking if you are driving.

Please remember to bring your own controller, and if possible it is recommended to bring a game console.