Is Pincadia Pummel on tonight but not listed?
Ausmash is now 6 years old 🎉 Voting for the 2024 Ausmash Awards are now open
woo yeah miss gay man watch !!
After fumbling around for a week, I have successfully split up every (post 2023) Wellington VOD into different videos for each match!
Shoutout to the person on my right
Shoutouts to myself
I disagree with the shoutout on the right
Shoutouts to Nichirin
Ausmash now has a podcast feature!
No shoutouts to uploading triple elimination brackets
Shoutouts to Triple elimination brackets
You can now set your user profile character to random
It's been an honour to be playing for all this time (old news but still)
Sign up for Super Duper Sunshine! Still some Early bird registration available.
every time i look up this website i fatfinger and accidentally type susmash
hello google please play megalovania undertale
RE: Taicho. Unfortunately I have a reaction time of 300ms and can't react to getting crossed up by DA. Can you pls vod review me vs rebs?
up b oos is a true punish on any grounded move, if you're getting frame 13 dash grabbed you're outplayed and taking 11% max get a grip
RE: Taicho
but what if he crosses up my shield, let alone grab me !!
Happy elo day
give me a hell yeah if you came to aussmash to stalk your opponents profile for info before floating point
Just block Connor what's he gonna do
Can someone teach me how to beat gren? thank u
We ran a ladder at Super Sunshine Smash this weekend and it was a really good time. Definitely something to consider for your monthlies
I'm a kitty! meow meow!
how tf do we get to the Point if its Floating? like when i get to Sydney am i supposed to bring a ladder or a jetpack???
auckland is next
and then australia after that...
you telling me melbourne battled this arena
Cant believe I reached my daily Ausmash view limit already :/
Damn this new twitter update is a banger
yeah this could work if twitter dies
If you are in Melbourne already for BAM shoot me a message on twitter @phyco_smash or discord Phyco#7586 for games.
Hey did you guys know Duck Hunt Duo's FSmash can hit ledgehang? This has been a #KnowledgeCheck with Kanga
Have a smashing Easter, everyone
milk before cereal
GN Ausmash ^^
The new Sydney major, Floating Point looks hype!
hope everybody has an amazing day
So real for that <3
love you all ♡♡¿
Rego for The Action ends this Sunday. Don't miss out!
Early bird rego for The Action ends this Sunday! Also cop a sick t-shirt at
if you write me (jäger/william) as most improved i will cry with joy so pls do it
vote 1 gravydice in the ausmash awards and i will change all the water bubblers to soda!!!
bro what did i just type???
thanks sifoclaus for pissmas
an early merry pissmas
When will Ausmash let me have all 6 characters in my results section. My 6 mains getting oppressed frfr
Chop Pissmas rego. Yea that's right I'm talking to you, bud
Good luck for the big cheese everyone!!!
Good luck to the Queenslanders attending the Big Cheese!
Good luck at big cheese everyone :)
Shoutouts to SebPro101 for existing. keep doing that man. #WeTheSeb
what did i do?
Oh my goodness Cheese 3 weeks away
Wow only 3 weeks away
Big Cheese 3 is only 3 weeks away
What does wetheseb mean
Anyone else enter in the ultimate AU/NZ winter open
Please subscribe, you'll be a pretty cool guy if you do.
I have made a prototype autoseeder and tested it on the BAM bracket! DM me if you want me to take a look at your seeding.
I just want to wish the best of luck to all of those participating in BAM 2022
Ausmash can now track international players by country
friendly reminder to stop procrastinating and rego for bam and book your airbnbs and flights
BAM pog
Because project m counts for this website even though it’s a mod and not a full game, then should we add smash remix to this website?
Instead of raiding QLD, come join the ACT online local
Hi I’m new can’t wait to participate
all these people making interstate beef no one cares get on the fornite you nerds
Rudd Jonas
fire emblem
Project+ brackets can now be imported from - now go get that sweet PM Elo
kalos legal counter pick pls. (yoshi's story sucks)
apparently project+ brackets can't be added to ausmash because they aren't project m, please fix this shitashi i want my p+ elo
Henlo Sora now let's make Hollow Bastion legal
add nick all star brawl to ausmash?
Shoutouts to scott/max for breaaking my code with the slash in his tag
according to elo I'm the best pyra/mythra in australia and that's really fucking funny
Brawl Elo
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
i love ori and the will of the wisps :)
Ken is awesome!!
Wanna be a cool dude or gal?
Sonic and hold forward, he's super cool
Yes not like me to forget to add the latest DLC to this site 😅
Got my atari controller ready for the Kazuya 10 hit combo
poor bam