• 27912 Elo gain
  • 24790 Elo loss
  • 3122 Elo change

Regional breakdown

Top players

Player Elo gained Elo lost Elo change
Queensland ClassicJono 7363 6418 945
New South Wales Shmu 1759 1043 716
Victoria Ktan 640 362 278
Queensland Toketchan 3892 3037 855
Western Australia Hopcat 959 541 418
Western Australia Vlade 404 33 371
Western Australia KIC 649 308 341
Queensland Ilex 1794 1396 398
New Zealand Crunkle 327 200 127
Western Australia The Fresh Prince of Back Air 269 220 49
Queensland Sceub 180 105 75
New South Wales ThisGuy222 335 228 107
Western Australia Misty 61 0 61
Western Australia Ninjarisu 3041 2991 50
Queensland Dyldo 55 19 36
Queensland Soar 494 489 5
New South Wales TurtleCat 306 219 87
New Zealand MortaL 213 123 90
Queensland Slice 152 94 58
Western Australia Chub 148 115 33
Victoria Orphen 13 0 13
New South Wales Tame 25 17 8
Queensland Kami 94 50 44
Queensland lime 130 64 66
Western Australia DrZu 60 0 60
Queensland Jolt 11 10 1
Queensland Gords 36 18 18
Queensland Jezmo 82 0 82
New South Wales SaucyDancer 80 52 28
Victoria Tibs 18 0 18
New Zealand Brook 48 30 18
New Zealand iDeeKay 78 0 78
Victoria Conan 83 18 65
New Zealand Ballsack Tim 48 0 48
New South Wales Spike 273 262 11
New Zealand Simikins 12 0 12
Queensland Nicc 102 91 11
Victoria Duon 103 0 103
Victoria Luma 2 0 2
Victoria Ignis 19 9 10
Queensland Crabs 17 3 14
Tasmania Trucks 6 0 6
New South Wales Scarpian 1 0 1
New South Wales Killy 18 16 2
Western Australia Turn Up 26 13 13