Yoshi, middle of the right platform on BF.
Fox was maybe in just a bit more in then Yoshi.
07/06/2015 07:17:00
Lucario is not poorly designed. Yes they did change him from brawl and there are a couple of things I don't like but I love how early he can kill
07/06/2015 07:32:56
07/06/2015 07:32:56
Well bair has like 20 frames of startup, it's not an easy move to land, To live up to a percentage where bair kills like that doesn't mean you were rewarded for bad play cuz I doubt you are a bad player, think of it this way, you were rewarded for outplaying your opponent and surviving that long because as far as im concerned Fox and Yoshi don't have a hard time killing. Falcon's knee could probably kill at similiar percents (probs a bit later) but not only is it easier to land but it also doesn't require you to be on the brink of death. Bad play is not the word to be used to reward lucario because if you were playing bad you would have been dead
07/06/2015 07:36:32
07/06/2015 07:36:32
ReRaze, where did you come from? Yes, I agree with all your comments. I love you bro (No Homo).
Lucario has slow moves which make up for his strong attacks
07/06/2015 07:36:16
ReRaze, where did you come from? Yes, I agree with all your comments. I love you bro (No Homo).
Lucario has slow moves which make up for his strong attacks
07/06/2015 07:36:16
Killing a better player at such low percent is not something that I or the majority call rewarding for saying like, being trashed most of the game..
You're entitled to your opinions but what do I know? Aye? I should try and rob my wins by just pressing B all day like my hero, Deez.
07/06/2015 07:49:57
You're entitled to your opinions but what do I know? Aye? I should try and rob my wins by just pressing B all day like my hero, Deez.
07/06/2015 07:49:57
Hey buddy, there is a technique to pressing b. But if the better player was good, then he would understand all MU and try and avoid all hits possible?
07/06/2015 07:54:40
07/06/2015 07:54:40
Mate, its the properties of an aura boosted Lucario that makes it a poor design. Its not about not getting hit.
07/06/2015 07:57:20
07/06/2015 07:57:20
Karnu said:
Killing a better player at such low percent is not something that I or the majority call rewarding for saying like, being trashed most of the game..
You're entitled to your opinions but what do I know? Aye? I should try and rob my wins by just pressing B all day like my hero, Deez.
He's not a better player if he hasn't killed you by then, what was he (not referrring to anyone in particular here) doing to get you up to that percent, was he only using his jab the entire game? nvm, even some jabs should have killed by then.
Also how do you lose to someone who presses b all day? Aura sphere has alot of startup and cooldown, fox and alot of other characters can reflect or absorb it with ease and this only get's more dangerous for lucario the higher his percentage. Maybe some characters like kirby will have trouble but that's why MU's and Counterpicks exist.
07/06/2015 08:08:13
ReRaze we should play one day imo. You interest me.

07/06/2015 08:10:36

07/06/2015 08:10:36
Haha I'd love to Aerodrome :)
Also @Karnu I hope it doesn't look like i'm picking on you or anything I just like discussions.
07/06/2015 08:13:41
Also @Karnu I hope it doesn't look like i'm picking on you or anything I just like discussions.
07/06/2015 08:13:41
Let's play now. Add me
07/06/2015 08:17:31
07/06/2015 08:17:31
ReRaze said:
Karnu said:
Killing a better player at such low percent is not something that I or the majority call rewarding for saying like, being trashed most of the game..
You're entitled to your opinions but what do I know? Aye? I should try and rob my wins by just pressing B all day like my hero, Deez.
He's not a better player if he hasn't killed you by then, what was he (not referrring to anyone in particular here) doing to get you up to that percent, was he only using his jab the entire game? nvm, even some jabs should have killed by then.
Also how do you lose to someone who presses b all day? Aura sphere has alot of startup and cooldown, fox and alot of other characters can reflect or absorb it with ease and this only get's more dangerous for lucario the higher his percentage. Maybe some characters like kirby will have trouble but that's why MU's and Counterpicks exist.
So you call lets say someone like pappacheese, clearly a better player then me but lost a pool set to me because of Lucario's bair killing him at 40%?????
ALso that last was a sarcastic reference to Deez's ego earlier in the year to "apparently" spotdoding and only using AS
07/06/2015 08:19:06
Yeah, I know that. It was dodge rolling and Aura sphere. I spot dodge more now. Like though, my ego has gone a lot down and I thought we were past that? That's because maybe papa he's didn't get the good enough attack to kill. Then you outplayed him.
07/06/2015 08:22:17
07/06/2015 08:22:17
ANd no not at all, I'm not taking it that way at all. I'm only being sarcastic to deez aha
07/06/2015 08:23:02
07/06/2015 08:23:02
Aero we should play one day imo. You interest me.
07/06/2015 08:28:16
07/06/2015 08:28:16
Maplemage said:You don't interest me, however.
Aero we should play one day imo. You interest me.
07/06/2015 08:29:51
Ponies interest me, I should play with them one day imo
07/06/2015 08:32:35
07/06/2015 08:32:35
Aerodrome said:
Maplemage said:You don't interest me, however.
Aero we should play one day imo. You interest me.
I wanted to try my bowser against yours, he's very fun.
07/06/2015 08:35:17
Karnu said:
So you call lets say someone like pappacheese, clearly a better player then me but lost a pool set to me because of Lucario's bair killing him at 40%?????
ALso that last was a sarcastic reference to Deez's ego earlier in the year to "apparently" spotdoding and only using AS
My bad, I shouldn't use better or worse players, but just generally you were outplaying. Your good plays that allowed you to survive that long and then land the bair when you could have easily died at any moment. edit: Either that or he choked, and Lucario isn't the only character who can capitalise hard off a choke, you wouldn't wan't to choke against ganons dair for e.g which has prety much a faster startup than lucario's bair and kills earlier.
Karnu said:
ANd no not at all, I'm not taking it that way at all. I'm only being sarcastic to deez aha
Haha ok, cool :)
Also, nice to see you get along well with Deez xD
07/06/2015 08:42:40
Deez and I get alone great. He just annoys me at times aha
07/06/2015 08:56:42
07/06/2015 08:56:42
If Lucario has a stock more than you, there's no going back
07/06/2015 12:10:48
07/06/2015 12:10:48
Updated the OP.
07/07/2015 02:30:58
07/07/2015 02:30:58
Blake confirmed to hate his own character.
07/07/2015 06:36:41
07/07/2015 06:36:41
GIRL said:
Blake confirmed to hate his own character.
I try to be more like you~
07/07/2015 07:15:45
An confirm. Karnu and I get along great. I can just get annoying at times. Still working on it.
07/07/2015 10:09:17
07/07/2015 10:09:17