Screwing around = playing like LEF = we should lynch you even if you are town
Win win situation.
03/29/2016 23:55:50
Ok then Dyna. Who do you think is scum and why?
03/30/2016 00:04:27
03/30/2016 00:04:27
I don't know who is scum but I know other things
03/30/2016 00:38:34
03/30/2016 00:38:34
Aight I'm up to date
Dyna didn't vote LEF and tried to start a random bandwagon so you gotta give us reason to not lynch you.
03/30/2016 00:39:16
Dyna didn't vote LEF and tried to start a random bandwagon so you gotta give us reason to not lynch you.
03/30/2016 00:39:16
^ soft claim
03/30/2016 00:39:26
03/30/2016 00:39:26
What other things do you know?
03/30/2016 00:39:55
03/30/2016 00:39:55
At dyna not ghost obvs
03/30/2016 00:40:05
03/30/2016 00:40:05
basically useless knowledge. would you like me to state my role? i think Solemnly is town tho
03/30/2016 00:43:49
03/30/2016 00:43:49
Vote: Dyna_Hole
You are acting really sus and you are desperate to not be lynched even though you wanted to at the start of the game. You still have not claimed a role or position and haven't suggested anything. For that you are now l-1 Wait did my vote work? It isn't bold Vote: Dyna_Hole
03/30/2016 01:38:27
You are acting really sus and you are desperate to not be lynched even though you wanted to at the start of the game. You still have not claimed a role or position and haven't suggested anything. For that you are now l-1 Wait did my vote work? It isn't bold Vote: Dyna_Hole
03/30/2016 01:38:27
and add a / for the closing bracket {b} but replace the {} with []
03/30/2016 01:39:54
03/30/2016 01:39:54
nek shkin what is dyna at? L-2?
03/30/2016 01:41:40
03/30/2016 01:41:40
l-4/5 i think :c
03/30/2016 01:42:20
03/30/2016 01:42:20
VOTE:Dyna_Hole Got it. Thank you haha. Sorta put yourself at l-1 though
03/30/2016 01:43:17
03/30/2016 01:43:17
np man
03/30/2016 01:43:45
03/30/2016 01:43:45
Dyna, L-2 means you're 2 votes off being lynched.
basically lynch minus two votes
03/30/2016 01:44:12
basically lynch minus two votes
03/30/2016 01:44:12
cAKE said:
nek shkin what is dyna at? L-2?
Dyna_Hole said:
l-4/5 i think :c
He/She's at l-1 I counted and it was stated earlier that she was l-3 and then i and someone else voted for her/him
03/30/2016 01:45:20
ohhh kay i geddit now
03/30/2016 01:46:52
03/30/2016 01:46:52
cAKE said:
Dyna, L-2 means you're 2 votes off being lynched.
basically lynch minus two votes
cAKE there has been 6 votes for her/him including mine. It's 7 to lynch
03/30/2016 01:47:52
btw, what doesn't look like an act of desperationg trying not to get lynched in this game? write a page long essay on why you shouldn't instead of tl;dr?
03/30/2016 01:48:02
03/30/2016 01:48:02
Biley said:
cAKE said:
Dyna, L-2 means you're 2 votes off being lynched.
basically lynch minus two votes
cAKE there has been 6 votes for her/him including mine. It's 7 to lynch
I was explaining to them with L-2 as an example, dumbo.
03/30/2016 01:51:49
cAKE said:and thank you for that. :D
Biley said:
cAKE said:
Dyna, L-2 means you're 2 votes off being lynched.
basically lynch minus two votes
cAKE there has been 6 votes for her/him including mine. It's 7 to lynch
I was explaining to them with L-2 as an example, dumbo.
03/30/2016 01:57:31
I'm willing to place bets on Dyna being a serial killer.
I'm surprised no one else was surprised that there was 2 people who died last night compared to 1 on night 1.
Also the governer plot point went out the window somewhere, is it town or admin aligned? Also how is ThatLaggyPerson still alive when he's said nothing all game.
03/30/2016 02:08:51
I'm surprised no one else was surprised that there was 2 people who died last night compared to 1 on night 1.
Also the governer plot point went out the window somewhere, is it town or admin aligned? Also how is ThatLaggyPerson still alive when he's said nothing all game.
03/30/2016 02:08:51
I'm still very keen to hear from Hydro.
03/30/2016 02:09:48
03/30/2016 02:09:48
didn't he say we was at a farm in the middle of nowhere?
03/30/2016 02:10:22
03/30/2016 02:10:22
Hydro is busy beating Attila in bracket
03/30/2016 02:13:41
03/30/2016 02:13:41