Sign me up! :D
10/28/2016 08:41:40
Entry to this online tourney cuts off in 20 days! Winner will receive a dog related gifts
10/30/2016 21:01:01
10/30/2016 21:01:01
10 days remain
11/09/2016 13:04:39
11/09/2016 13:04:39
11/09/2016 20:16:44
as tassies top dog (we dont have anyone else who plays him) im in
11/11/2016 12:13:52
11/11/2016 12:13:52
Initiate the doggo. It's time to bork and borf your way to victory. You all have two weeks to organise and play your first round or DQs accordingly. GLHF
11/20/2016 01:32:56
Initiate the doggo. It's time to bork and borf your way to victory. You all have two weeks to organise and play your first round or DQs accordingly. GLHF
11/20/2016 01:32:56
It's time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11/20/2016 02:01:04
11/20/2016 02:01:04
I'll be cheering for Ganondorf101.
11/20/2016 02:04:19
11/20/2016 02:04:19
way to cheer for the 1st seed.
11/20/2016 02:30:13
11/20/2016 02:30:13
Random seeds for this random character. Top doggo is above seeding.
11/20/2016 05:51:43
11/20/2016 05:51:43
crabs said:
Random seeds for this random character. Top doggo is above seeding.
doggo isn't above spamming projectiles though hmmmm
11/20/2016 05:52:26
Ready to do my set :D my NNID is Benjamin01
11/20/2016 06:59:21
11/20/2016 06:59:21
Ganondorf101 has requested to be DQ'd because you aren't ready for him to wreck you all.
11/20/2016 08:01:14
11/20/2016 08:01:14
Come fight me Deez (Vic)
Well um... Not right now... I kinda just meant I'd be around to play so let me know.
11/21/2016 09:57:40
cjeccjec said:
Come fight me Deez (Vic)
Well um... Not right now... I kinda just meant I'd be around to play so let me know.
11/21/2016 09:57:40
Hope you are all organising your matches bork!!!
11/23/2016 07:27:28
11/23/2016 07:27:28
When do you want to do our dhd ditto ThatLaggyPerson?
11/23/2016 08:44:19
11/23/2016 08:44:19
I lost 0-2
11/24/2016 08:26:12
11/24/2016 08:26:12
you played well :D
11/24/2016 13:49:14
11/24/2016 13:49:14
2-0 to mike. time to plow through losers
11/25/2016 06:29:02
11/25/2016 06:29:02
Matches pls
11/25/2016 07:44:01
11/25/2016 07:44:01
Play your matches
Do it for Babushka
11/28/2016 09:13:48
awww I didn't see this until now :( Just ask Spacejam, I am confirmed best doggo in Aus we proved it at BAM8
11/28/2016 12:06:51
11/28/2016 12:06:51
lumi can replace me
11/28/2016 13:03:53
11/28/2016 13:03:53
Done dealio, I'll see if I can edit the smash GG otherwise all matches marked aerodrome become Luminescent
11/29/2016 07:51:13
11/29/2016 07:51:13
It's been two weeks and only 3 of the matches have been played lol.
12/05/2016 00:30:22
12/05/2016 00:30:22