• 1591 Current Elo
  • 1944 Peak Elo



Western Australia BigWin Championship 4/08/2018

Melee - Singles Top 16 -41

L3 Exor 1621 ↘ 1591 -30 1801 ↗ 1831 Lemonpot
L2 Exor 1599 ↗ 1621 +22 1329 ↘ 1307 BigUchiha47
W1 Exor 1632 ↘ 1599 -33 1786 ↗ 1819 Jnuts

Melee - Singles Pools -11

W5 Exor 1653 ↘ 1632 -21 1938 ↗ 1959 Microsoft J
W4 Exor 1650 ↗ 1653 +3 862 ↘ 859 Crash Dandicoot
W2 Exor 1643 ↗ 1650 +7 1087 ↘ 1080 Cream

Western Australia Smash @ The Box 3/12/2017

Melee Singles -135

L4 Exor 1701 ↘ 1643 -58 1631 ↗ 1689 Chappos
L3 Exor 1688 ↗ 1701 +13 1283 ↘ 1270 Benjo
L2 Exor 1684 ↗ 1688 +4 1000 ↘ 996 legacy
W2 Exor 1778 ↘ 1684 -94 1198 ↗ 1292 Cruzybecks

Western Australia DI Another Day 2: 9 -11 September 9/09/2016

Melee Top 32 -19

L2 Exor 1837 ↘ 1778 -59 1756 ↗ 1815 Chappos
W2 Exor 1877 ↘ 1837 -40 1966 ↗ 2006 Joshman
W1 Exor 1797 ↗ 1877 +80 2098 ↘ 2018 Kaiza

Melee Pools -113

P4 Exor 1794 ↗ 1797 +3 1000 ↘ 997 Roog
P4 Exor 1791 ↗ 1794 +3 996 ↘ 993 Moonups
P4 Exor 1786 ↗ 1791 +5 1159 ↘ 1154 Noied
P4 Exor 1780 ↗ 1786 +6 1165 ↘ 1159 NiGHTS
P4 Exor 1766 ↗ 1780 +14 1363 ↘ 1349 Reef
P4 Exor 1846 ↘ 1766 -80 1551 ↗ 1631 Niven
P4 Exor 1910 ↘ 1846 -64 1785 ↗ 1849 MC

Western Australia Smash West Presents: Sector Z 10 5/09/2016

Sector Z 10 Singles +77

L8 Exor 1944 ↘ 1910 -34 2088 ↗ 2122 Karu
L7 Exor 1897 ↗ 1944 +47 1869 ↘ 1822 Chappos
L6 Exor 1856 ↗ 1897 +41 1778 ↘ 1737 KIC
W4 Exor 1887 ↘ 1856 -31 2063 ↗ 2094 Karu
W3 Exor 1839 ↗ 1887 +48 1824 ↘ 1776 Chappos
W2 Exor 1833 ↗ 1839 +6 1242 ↘ 1236 Cruzybecks

Western Australia Sector Z 8 8/08/2016

Sector Z 8: Melee Singles +18

L8 Exor 1888 ↘ 1833 -55 1847 ↗ 1902 KIC
W5 Exor 1893 ↘ 1888 -5 2518 ↗ 2523 Spud
W4 Exor 1824 ↗ 1893 +69 1999 ↘ 1930 Sundowns
W3 Exor 1817 ↗ 1824 +7 1246 ↘ 1239 Gojira
W2 Exor 1815 ↗ 1817 +2 1000 ↘ 998 TH

Western Australia Smash West Presents: Sector Z 7 27/06/2016

Smash West Presents: Sector Z 7 -42

L7 Exor 1876 ↘ 1815 -61 1782 ↗ 1843 KIC
L6 Exor 1848 ↗ 1876 +28 1648 ↘ 1620 Niven
W4 Exor 1877 ↘ 1848 -29 2070 ↗ 2099 Karu
W3 Exor 1862 ↗ 1877 +15 1490 ↘ 1475 DKBoy
W2 Exor 1858 ↗ 1862 +4 1176 ↘ 1172 Cruzybecks
W1 Exor 1857 ↗ 1858 +1 910 ↘ 909 h

Western Australia Smash West Presents: Sector Z 5 30/05/2016

Smash West Presents: Sector Z 5 -24

L8 Exor 1892 ↘ 1857 -35 2030 ↗ 2065 Quetz
L7 Exor 1865 ↗ 1892 +27 1651 ↘ 1624 Niven
L6 Exor 1854 ↗ 1865 +11 1390 ↘ 1379 DKBoy
W4 Exor 1891 ↘ 1854 -37 2006 ↗ 2043 Quetz
W3 Exor 1882 ↗ 1891 +9 1371 ↘ 1362 Lemonpot
W2 Exor 1881 ↗ 1882 +1 758 ↘ 757 Spiffy

Western Australia SmashWest: Sector Z 3 (Melee) 7/03/2016

Melee Singles +239

GF Exor 1894 ↘ 1881 -13 2315 ↗ 2328 Spud
L10 Exor 1826 ↗ 1894 +68 1991 ↘ 1923 Sundowns
W6 Exor 1836 ↘ 1826 -10 2305 ↗ 2315 Spud
W5 Exor 1747 ↗ 1836 +89 2201 ↘ 2112 Karu
W4 Exor 1671 ↗ 1747 +76 1920 ↘ 1844 Sundowns
W3 Exor 1647 ↗ 1671 +24 1402 ↘ 1378 AvocadoBride
W2 Exor 1642 ↗ 1647 +5 1012 ↘ 1007 davinchau

Western Australia SmashWest: Sector Z 2 (Melee) 22/02/2016

Melee Singles -28

L7 Exor 1692 ↘ 1642 -50 1695 ↗ 1745 Mikel
L6 Exor 1673 ↗ 1692 +19 1353 ↘ 1334 Lemonpot
W4 Exor 1681 ↘ 1673 -8 2211 ↗ 2219 Karu
W3 Exor 1672 ↗ 1681 +9 1178 ↘ 1169 Cruzybecks
W2 Exor 1670 ↗ 1672 +2 852 ↘ 850 Krystal

Western Australia SmashWest: Sector Z 1 (Melee) 8/02/2016

Melee Singles -15

L8 Exor 1728 ↘ 1670 -58 1662 ↗ 1720 Dank
W5 Exor 1756 ↘ 1728 -28 1957 ↗ 1985 Sundowns
W4 Exor 1706 ↗ 1756 +50 1703 ↘ 1653 Chappos
W3 Exor 1693 ↗ 1706 +13 1276 ↘ 1263 Noied
W2 Exor 1686 ↗ 1693 +7 1139 ↘ 1132 Gojira
W1 Exor 1685 ↗ 1686 +1 760 ↘ 759 OlJimGrizzigsby

Western Australia PRIME II - 23rd-24th Jan 23/01/2016

Prime II Melee Pools +27

P1 Exor 1681 ↗ 1685 +4 999 ↘ 995 OlJimGrizzigsby
P1 Exor 1678 ↗ 1681 +3 896 ↘ 893 Snaff
P1 Exor 1676 ↗ 1678 +2 798 ↘ 796 cmk
P1 Exor 1673 ↗ 1676 +3 893 ↘ 890 Tears in Rain
P1 Exor 1661 ↗ 1673 +12 1218 ↘ 1206 Bearfist
P1 Exor 1654 ↗ 1661 +7 1099 ↘ 1092 BDawg
P1 Exor 1632 ↗ 1654 +22 1363 ↘ 1341 CubT
P1 Exor 1658 ↘ 1632 -26 1880 ↗ 1906 Sundowns

Western Australia Smash West's Curtin Smashfest 18th Jan: Melee / Smash 64 18/01/2016

Melee Singles +4

GF Exor 1697 ↘ 1658 -39 1792 ↗ 1831 Chappos
GF Exor 1748 ↘ 1697 -51 1741 ↗ 1792 Chappos
W5 Exor 1692 ↗ 1748 +56 1748 ↘ 1692 Chappos
W4 Exor 1679 ↗ 1692 +13 1257 ↘ 1244 NiV
W3 Exor 1657 ↗ 1679 +22 1382 ↘ 1360 DKBoy
W2 Exor 1654 ↗ 1657 +3 907 ↘ 904 Cream

Western Australia Smash West: Melee 11th Jan 11/01/2016

Maylay +63

L10 Exor 1702 ↘ 1654 -48 1722 ↗ 1770 Chappos
L9 Exor 1653 ↗ 1702 +49 1643 ↘ 1594 Niven
L8 Exor 1622 ↗ 1653 +31 1446 ↘ 1415 StriderAce
W5 Exor 1662 ↘ 1622 -40 1750 ↗ 1790 Sundowns
W4 Exor 1625 ↗ 1662 +37 1509 ↘ 1472 Dank
W3 Exor 1597 ↗ 1625 +28 1394 ↘ 1366 Lemonpot
W2 Exor 1591 ↗ 1597 +6 1000 ↘ 994 Updown Moons

Western Australia Smash West Presents: Curtin Smashfest: Melee + Smash 64 Mondays 4/01/2016

Melee Singles -82

L5 Exor 1653 ↘ 1591 -62 1547 ↗ 1609 KIC
L4 Exor 1637 ↗ 1653 +16 1279 ↘ 1263 Fray
W3 Exor 1679 ↘ 1637 -42 1751 ↗ 1793 Chappos
W2 Exor 1674 ↗ 1679 +5 1050 ↘ 1045 NiGHTS
W1 Exor 1673 ↗ 1674 +1 661 ↘ 660 Ignatowski

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 98: Melee Monday (15 Dec) 14/12/2015

Melee Singles -42

L8 Exor 1717 ↘ 1673 -44 1769 ↗ 1813 Chappos
W5 Exor 1788 ↘ 1717 -71 1594 ↗ 1665 Sundowns
W4 Exor 1731 ↗ 1788 +57 1795 ↘ 1738 Chappos
W3 Exor 1719 ↗ 1731 +12 1289 ↘ 1277 Fray
W2 Exor 1715 ↗ 1719 +4 1032 ↘ 1028 Tears in Rain

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 95: Melee Monday Dec 7th 7/12/2015

Melee +27

GF Exor 1769 ↘ 1715 -54 1734 ↗ 1788 Chappos
GF Exor 1710 ↗ 1769 +59 1793 ↘ 1734 Chappos
L8 Exor 1678 ↗ 1710 +32 1516 ↘ 1484 KIC
W5 Exor 1726 ↘ 1678 -48 1745 ↗ 1793 Chappos
W4 Exor 1701 ↗ 1726 +25 1457 ↘ 1432 KIC
W3 Exor 1690 ↗ 1701 +11 1228 ↘ 1217 Bearfist
W2 Exor 1688 ↗ 1690 +2 787 ↘ 785 RosalinaSama

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 87: Melee Monday 23rd Nov 23/11/2015

Melee -103

L8 Exor 1753 ↘ 1688 -65 1617 ↗ 1682 Chappos
L7 Exor 1735 ↗ 1753 +18 1399 ↘ 1381 Lemonpot
L6 Exor 1719 ↗ 1735 +16 1352 ↘ 1336 StriderAce
W4 Exor 1797 ↘ 1719 -78 1519 ↗ 1597 Niven
W3 Exor 1792 ↗ 1797 +5 1144 ↘ 1139 Noied
W2 Exor 1791 ↗ 1792 +1 707 ↘ 706 Smesty

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Melee + 64 Monday Nov 16th 16/11/2015

No. 83: Melee +69

GF Exor 1767 ↗ 1791 +24 1515 ↘ 1491 Niven
W5 Exor 1742 ↗ 1767 +25 1502 ↘ 1477 Niven
W4 Exor 1731 ↗ 1742 +11 1267 ↘ 1256 Lemonpot
W3 Exor 1725 ↗ 1731 +6 1144 ↘ 1138 AvocadoBride
W2 Exor 1722 ↗ 1725 +3 999 ↘ 996 Cream

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 80: Melee Monday 9/11/2015

Melee Monday +62

L8 Exor 1741 ↘ 1722 -19 2059 ↗ 2078 Karu
L7 Exor 1706 ↗ 1741 +35 1574 ↘ 1539 Sundowns
L6 Exor 1698 ↗ 1706 +8 1180 ↘ 1172 NiV
W4 Exor 1705 ↘ 1698 -7 2261 ↗ 2268 Quetz
W3 Exor 1669 ↗ 1705 +36 1547 ↘ 1511 Sundowns
W2 Exor 1660 ↗ 1669 +9 1146 ↘ 1137 Noied

Western Australia PRIME: A Perth Smash BiMonthly #1 24/10/2015

Prime 1 Melee -52

L5 Exor 1733 ↘ 1660 -73 1513 ↗ 1586 Sundowns
L4 Exor 1713 ↗ 1733 +20 1418 ↘ 1398 KIC
W3 Exor 1726 ↘ 1713 -13 2143 ↗ 2156 Karu
W2 Exor 1715 ↗ 1726 +11 1253 ↘ 1242 DKBoy
W1 Exor 1712 ↗ 1715 +3 918 ↘ 915 Gus

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 73!!!: Melee Mondays [Poor Zhu Edition] 19/10/2015

Curtin Smashfest No 73: Melee +180

GF Exor 1726 ↘ 1712 -14 2129 ↗ 2143 Karu
GF Exor 1741 ↘ 1726 -15 2114 ↗ 2129 Karu
W5 Exor 1648 ↗ 1741 +93 2197 ↘ 2104 Karu
W4 Exor 1597 ↗ 1648 +51 1608 ↘ 1557 Chappos
W3 Exor 1537 ↗ 1597 +60 1621 ↘ 1561 Sundowns
W2 Exor 1532 ↗ 1537 +5 896 ↘ 891 Rush

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest: Melee Mondays ft. Rivals of Aether 12/10/2015

Curtin Smashfest No 69: Moolee Moondees -36

L5 Exor 1583 ↘ 1532 -51 1575 ↗ 1626 Sundowns
L4 Exor 1559 ↗ 1583 +24 1308 ↘ 1284 RedFalco
W3 Exor 1585 ↘ 1559 -26 1817 ↗ 1843 Elka
W2 Exor 1568 ↗ 1585 +17 1221 ↘ 1204 Fray

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 65: Melee Monday ft. Rivals of Aether 5/10/2015

Melee Singles -71

L6 Exor 1619 ↘ 1568 -51 1611 ↗ 1662 Chappos
L5 Exor 1603 ↗ 1619 +16 1248 ↘ 1232 Lemonpot
L4 Exor 1583 ↗ 1603 +20 1287 ↘ 1267 RedFalco
W3 Exor 1654 ↘ 1583 -71 1464 ↗ 1535 Niven
W2 Exor 1644 ↗ 1654 +10 1166 ↘ 1156 Noied
W1 Exor 1639 ↗ 1644 +5 1000 ↘ 995 Wanye

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 62: Melee Monday 28/09/2015

Melee Singles +162

GF Exor 1652 ↘ 1639 -13 2068 ↗ 2081 Quetz
L8 Exor 1592 ↗ 1652 +60 1683 ↘ 1623 Chappos
L7 Exor 1560 ↗ 1592 +32 1395 ↘ 1363 KIC
L6 Exor 1514 ↗ 1560 +46 1478 ↘ 1432 Niven
W4 Exor 1522 ↘ 1514 -8 2044 ↗ 2052 Quetz
W3 Exor 1489 ↗ 1522 +33 1333 ↘ 1300 KIC
W2 Exor 1477 ↗ 1489 +12 1050 ↘ 1038 YoshiPkz

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 59: Melee Mondays 21/09/2015

Melee Singles -4

L4 Exor 1521 ↘ 1477 -44 1577 ↗ 1621 Sundowns
W3 Exor 1526 ↘ 1521 -5 2163 ↗ 2168 Karu
W2 Exor 1484 ↗ 1526 +42 1415 ↘ 1373 KIC
W1 Exor 1481 ↗ 1484 +3 716 ↘ 713 RosalinaSama

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 53: Melee Mondays 7/09/2015

Melee Singles +54

L8 Exor 1530 ↘ 1481 -49 1536 ↗ 1585 Niven
L7 Exor 1481 ↗ 1530 +49 1471 ↘ 1422 KIC
L6 Exor 1451 ↗ 1481 +30 1271 ↘ 1241 Fray
W4 Exor 1487 ↘ 1451 -36 1612 ↗ 1648 Sundowns
W3 Exor 1442 ↗ 1487 +45 1402 ↘ 1357 KIC
W2 Exor 1427 ↗ 1442 +15 1045 ↘ 1030 Bullywog

Western Australia DI Another Day 28/08/2015

Melee Finals Bracket -55

L3 Exor 1475 ↘ 1427 -48 1492 ↗ 1540 Earl
L2 Exor 1453 ↗ 1475 +22 1178 ↘ 1156 Fray
W2 Exor 1500 ↘ 1453 -47 1524 ↗ 1571 Niven
W1 Exor 1482 ↗ 1500 +18 1153 ↘ 1135 Bearfist

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 50: Melee Mondays!! 17/08/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 50: Melee Mondays!! +75

L7 Exor 1524 ↘ 1482 -42 1596 ↗ 1638 Sundowns
L6 Exor 1461 ↗ 1524 +63 1578 ↘ 1515 Niven
W4 Exor 1496 ↘ 1461 -35 1630 ↗ 1665 Elka
W3 Exor 1441 ↗ 1496 +55 1485 ↘ 1430 Chappos
W2 Exor 1411 ↗ 1441 +30 1225 ↘ 1195 Bearfist
W1 Exor 1407 ↗ 1411 +4 742 ↘ 738 RosalinaSama

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 47: Melee Mondays 10/08/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 47: Melee Mondays -86

L5 Exor 1481 ↘ 1407 -74 1252 ↗ 1326 Hag
L4 Exor 1461 ↗ 1481 +20 1163 ↘ 1143 SUGAR
W3 Exor 1505 ↘ 1461 -44 1555 ↗ 1599 Niven
W2 Exor 1493 ↗ 1505 +12 1062 ↘ 1050 BDawg

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 44: Melee Mondays 3/08/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 44: Melee Mondays +33

L8 Exor 1548 ↘ 1493 -55 1504 ↗ 1559 Niven
W5 Exor 1560 ↘ 1548 -12 1985 ↗ 1997 Quetz
W4 Exor 1500 ↗ 1560 +60 1592 ↘ 1532 Chappos
W3 Exor 1470 ↗ 1500 +30 1282 ↘ 1252 Lemonpot
W2 Exor 1460 ↗ 1470 +10 985 ↘ 975 Bullywog

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 41: Melee Mondays 27/07/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 41: Melee Mondays +49

L6 Exor 1508 ↘ 1460 -48 1528 ↗ 1576 Corpsecreate
L5 Exor 1434 ↗ 1508 +74 1665 ↘ 1591 Polaroid
L4 Exor 1414 ↗ 1434 +20 1110 ↘ 1090 SaltyParis
W3 Exor 1451 ↘ 1414 -37 1569 ↗ 1606 Sundowns
W2 Exor 1424 ↗ 1451 +27 1208 ↘ 1181 Lemonpot
W1 Exor 1411 ↗ 1424 +13 1000 ↘ 987 Rush

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 38: Melee Mondays 20/07/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 38: Melee Mondays -40

L8 Exor 1463 ↘ 1411 -52 1446 ↗ 1498 Niven
W5 Exor 1518 ↘ 1463 -55 1471 ↗ 1526 Chappos
W4 Exor 1475 ↗ 1518 +43 1418 ↘ 1375 Niven
W3 Exor 1453 ↗ 1475 +22 1175 ↘ 1153 DKBoy
W2 Exor 1451 ↗ 1453 +2 620 ↘ 618 Bieltanman

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 35: Melee Mondays 13/07/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 35 Melee Mondays +69

L8 Exor 1494 ↘ 1451 -43 1555 ↗ 1598 Sundowns
L7 Exor 1445 ↗ 1494 +49 1435 ↘ 1386 Niven
L6 Exor 1417 ↗ 1445 +28 1210 ↘ 1182 Bearfist
W4 Exor 1427 ↘ 1417 -10 1902 ↗ 1912 Karu
W3 Exor 1393 ↗ 1427 +34 1248 ↘ 1214 Lemonpot
W2 Exor 1382 ↗ 1393 +11 936 ↘ 925 JawZ

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 32: Melee Mondays 6/07/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 32: Melee Mondays -23

L7 Exor 1438 ↘ 1382 -56 1384 ↗ 1440 Dank
L6 Exor 1404 ↗ 1438 +34 1262 ↘ 1228 Lemonpot
W4 Exor 1460 ↘ 1404 -56 1410 ↗ 1466 Niven
W3 Exor 1423 ↗ 1460 +37 1307 ↘ 1270 Dank
W2 Exor 1405 ↗ 1423 +18 1076 ↘ 1058 Lemonpot

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest 29: Melee Mondays! 29/06/2015

Melee Singles +175

L8 Exor 1434 ↘ 1405 -29 1627 ↗ 1656 Vlade
L7 Exor 1372 ↗ 1434 +62 1478 ↘ 1416 Chappos
L6 Exor 1308 ↗ 1372 +64 1437 ↘ 1373 Niven
L5 Exor 1275 ↗ 1308 +33 1117 ↘ 1084 StriderAce
L4 Exor 1236 ↗ 1275 +39 1140 ↘ 1101 KIC
W3 Exor 1252 ↘ 1236 -16 1613 ↗ 1629 Sundowns
W2 Exor 1230 ↗ 1252 +22 953 ↘ 931 Campbell

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 27: Melee Mondays 22/06/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 27: Melee Mondays +15

L6 Exor 1275 ↘ 1230 -45 1319 ↗ 1364 Niven
L5 Exor 1238 ↗ 1275 +37 1125 ↘ 1088 Bearfist
L4 Exor 1197 ↗ 1238 +41 1119 ↘ 1078 KIC
W3 Exor 1241 ↘ 1197 -44 1296 ↗ 1340 Nasch
W2 Exor 1215 ↗ 1241 +26 983 ↘ 957 Lemonpot

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 23: Melee Mondays 8/06/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 23: Melee Mondays +55

L6 Exor 1244 ↘ 1215 -29 1435 ↗ 1464 Sundowns
L5 Exor 1196 ↗ 1244 +48 1182 ↘ 1134 Noied
L4 Exor 1170 ↗ 1196 +26 948 ↘ 922 BDawg
W3 Exor 1192 ↘ 1170 -22 1470 ↗ 1492 Chappos
W2 Exor 1160 ↗ 1192 +32 1000 ↘ 968 Sam

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 21 Melee Mondays 1/06/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 21 Melee Mondays -90

L3 Exor 1235 ↘ 1160 -75 1000 ↗ 1075 Sam
L2 Exor 1211 ↗ 1235 +24 961 ↘ 937 Bing
W2 Exor 1258 ↘ 1211 -47 1285 ↗ 1332 Nasch
W1 Exor 1250 ↗ 1258 +8 712 ↘ 704 Hexicate

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 20: Melee Mondays 18/05/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 20: Melee Mondays +83

L7 Exor 1306 ↘ 1250 -56 1250 ↗ 1306 Nasch
L6 Exor 1252 ↗ 1306 +54 1285 ↘ 1231 Beans
L5 Exor 1214 ↗ 1252 +38 1111 ↘ 1073 RedFalco
L4 Exor 1184 ↗ 1214 +30 1000 ↘ 970 Sam
L3 Exor 1146 ↗ 1184 +38 1036 ↘ 998 Bullywog
L2 Exor 1131 ↗ 1146 +15 756 ↘ 741 Fosku
W2 Exor 1199 ↘ 1131 -68 1031 ↗ 1099 Hag
W1 Exor 1167 ↗ 1199 +32 1000 ↘ 968 Ryan

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 18: Melee Mondays 11/05/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 18: Melee Mondays +28

L5 Exor 1217 ↘ 1167 -50 1213 ↗ 1263 Niven
L4 Exor 1185 ↗ 1217 +32 1019 ↘ 987 Bullywog
W3 Exor 1210 ↘ 1185 -25 1451 ↗ 1476 Polaroid
W2 Exor 1174 ↗ 1210 +36 1049 ↘ 1013 Jon
W1 Exor 1139 ↗ 1174 +35 1000 ↘ 965 Orion

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 16: Melee Mondays 4/05/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 16: Melee Mondays +43

L5 Exor 1179 ↘ 1139 -40 1270 ↗ 1310 Dank
L4 Exor 1132 ↗ 1179 +47 1107 ↘ 1060 KIC
W3 Exor 1135 ↘ 1132 -3 1859 ↗ 1862 Quetz
W2 Exor 1096 ↗ 1135 +39 1000 ↘ 961 Sam

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 14: Melee Mondays 27/04/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 14: Melee Mondays +142

L5 Exor 1139 ↘ 1096 -43 1200 ↗ 1243 Beans
L4 Exor 1076 ↗ 1139 +63 1189 ↘ 1126 KIC
L3 Exor 1037 ↗ 1076 +39 939 ↘ 900 Lemonpot
L2 Exor 985 ↗ 1037 +52 1000 ↘ 948 Kieran
W2 Exor 995 ↘ 985 -10 1482 ↗ 1492 Elka
W1 Exor 954 ↗ 995 +41 877 ↘ 836 Bearfist

Western Australia OzHadou Perth BAM Qualifiers - Smash 4 Melee 19/04/2015

Melee +178

L4 Exor 968 ↘ 954 -14 1369 ↗ 1383 Elka
L3 Exor 908 ↗ 968 +60 1000 ↘ 940 Andrew
L2 Exor 846 ↗ 908 +62 951 ↘ 889 Cream
W2 Exor 858 ↘ 846 -12 1285 ↗ 1297 Vlade
W1 Exor 776 ↗ 858 +82 1112 ↘ 1030 Noied

Western Australia Curtin Smashfest No. 10: Melee Mondays 6/04/2015

Curtin Smashfest No. 10: Melee Mondays -61

L2 Exor 805 ↘ 776 -29 1000 ↗ 1029 Sam
W1 Exor 837 ↘ 805 -32 1000 ↗ 1032 Dank

Western Australia Curtin SmashFest No. 6: Melee Mondays 23/03/2015

Curtin SmashFest No. 6: Melee -101

L2 Exor 881 ↘ 837 -44 933 ↗ 977 Luke
W1 Exor 938 ↘ 881 -57 875 ↗ 932 Bieltanman

Western Australia Curtin SmashFest No. 4: Melee 16/03/2015

Curtin SmashFest No. 4: Melee -62

L3 Exor 992 ↘ 938 -54 957 ↗ 1011 Bollywog
L2 Exor 944 ↗ 992 +48 923 ↘ 875 Bieltanman
W1 Exor 1000 ↘ 944 -56 947 ↗ 1003 Andrew