2024 Ausmash Awards
2023 Ausmash Awards
Who is your rival?
1 vote
- To be fair, we both are god awful at smash. But we have always been at the same level in most fighting games so playing each other is great. - MarchOfHell
Who is the most valuable community member?
2 votes
(Brog, DD)
- Wish I could give this to both craven and marchofhell because they’re both equal in their contributions and how much they’ve done for us - DD
2022 Ausmash Awards
Who is your favourite tournament organiser?
2 votes
(DekuMeister, Hyper)
- He’s funny asf idk it’s a vibe - DekuMeister
- one of the nicest, helping and outgoing people in Aus. love his passion for the community and helping us get the best quality vods and streams. Special shoutout to Marcel too, if I could vote both of them I would - Hyper