2024 Ausmash Awards
Who is the best overall player?
4 votes
(Mexi, w00tkins, Wifike, VTPooks)
Who is your favourite person who helps organise tournaments?
7 votes
(Aloly, MAST, Cookiezac, Hazzacka, DD, DragonKnight957, Slimboy17)
2023 Ausmash Awards
Who has the best Twitter presence?
2 votes
(Phyco, Mexi)
Who is your favourite tournament organiser?
3 votes
(MasterofDisaster, P9, DD)
- Did what he had to in order to keep vic alive - MasterofDisaster
- keeping TSG going which matters a great deal - P9
- TSG Mafia GOAT - DD
2022 Ausmash Awards
Who has the best Twitter presence?
1 vote
- A lot of bangers tbh, hard to choose one person - DekuMeister
2021 Ausmash Awards
2019 Ausmash Awards
Who is the best new or up and coming player?
2 votes
(Kizzabam, Maruu)