2020 Ausmash Awards
Who is your favourite commentator?
13 votes
(Money_Doller, Giorno69, Jazz_SSB, Pippy_Pal, chefchefche, Keutz, Orion, Benjo, Jarr, Harriszon46, SadHour, Killeroo, swag_gamer420)
- called joker side b 'howyagoin' once - chefchefche
- The bar is extremely high - Orion
- Look, I'm only voting for Director Cogger because he really has me nostalgic for the smash 4 days, one of the few commentators that make me laugh loudly at my monitor while also offering insight to the game - Jarr
- BAM11 was a treat (Don't forget stabbyj!!) - Harriszon46
- Good energy - SadHour
Who do you wish would come back tournaments?
5 votes
(Hellhammer, Keutz, Orion, Cale_a_vegetable, Saige)
- One day - Hellhammer
- Then we get Orion back to :) - Keutz
- I would probably come back as well if BWB returned - Orion
- I versed him once. - Cale_a_vegetable
- Makes everyone laugh and feel very special - Saige
2019 Ausmash Awards
Who is your favourite tournament organiser?
5 votes
(Turn_Up, rosey, LoneZen, Copycat, Jazzy)
Who is your favourite commentator? Winner
13 votes
(Trojans, HoAN, Gabe, Turn_Up, Scarpian, Bussy, rosey, LoneZen, Trent, OKCOOL, Copycat, xenonau, Jazzy)
- gun lad - xenonau
Who is the most valuable community member?
2 votes
(Turn_Up, Jazzy)
Who has the best Twitter presence?
1 vote
Who do you wish would come back tournaments?
2 votes
(Turn_Up, Jazzy)
Who is the nicest player?
1 vote
Who is the most attractive player?
1 vote
Who is your favourite player, for any reason?
2 votes
(Turn_Up, Jazzy)