2024 Ausmash Awards
2023 Ausmash Awards
Who is your favourite streamer?
12 votes
(Cookiezac, Wifike, P9, Aloly, JohnyMeBoi, JOKER, Sylvee, DragonKnight957, Rebs, VTPooks, Coco, Wash)
- I can almost guarantee no other ausmash streamer has earnt over $3000 in one stream - Cookiezac
- No better content than mackarp going clinically insane - Wifike
- highest profit margins au - P9
- dont metion where he got allat money - JOKER
- No other streamer brings in the bag like he does, also its fun being able to be one of the contributing factors to a mans decline in mental stability every stream in in - Sylvee
- Xernerrssss - Rebs