2024 Ausmash Awards
2023 Ausmash Awards
Who is the best overall player?
3 votes
(Brog, Widdershin, Gravity)
- Next person to call link midtier has to money match RaZe - Widdershin
- Yeah Jdizzle is the best, but RaZe can beat him. And did beat him at BAM. …Should’ve won BAM… - Gravity
2021 Ausmash Awards
Who is the best overall player?
1 vote
- Actual next-level player and constantly hits the clips for the fans - Leshy
Who is the nicest player?
6 votes
(meepAsAur, Insie, Sora1, MilkMeme, Jdizzle, Piski)
2020 Ausmash Awards
Who has the best Twitter presence?
1 vote
Who is the nicest player?
1 vote
2019 Ausmash Awards
Who has the best Twitter presence?
10 votes
(Korea, ClassicJono, Scarpian, Catburger, LoneZen, Copycat, Leliel, Fortune, xenonau, Invisi)
Who is your favourite player, for any reason?
1 vote
- The things he does as Link is something I wish I can do. - Scarpian