2024 Ausmash Awards
Who do you wish would come back tournaments?
2 votes
(Lukas, SEIHJ)
Who is the best overall player?
17 votes
(Elliot, Morgone, Relo, Ryan, Dmo, DarkKuriboh, Kite, Shyne, Meatlivers, Kitt, Dugongs22, Meshuga, smit, CryptoBlue, Violet, Nop, SEIHJ)
2023 Ausmash Awards
Who is the best overall player?
16 votes
(Lonk, BigMrAMan, Kitt, Smasio, Dugongs22, germanpogostick, BigRatt, Elliot, Benthoven, Shyne, Violet, sushi, Morgone, Amro, Mike_KOOL, Apriicot)
- won a monthly with a d20 dice character randomiser. best grabs aus, incredible adaption and movement, limitless knowledge of characters and scenarios. the goat - Lonk
- different - BigMrAMan
- My mans is dropping the weights now that high school is over - Kitt
- He won an Epping with a mfing dice - Smasio
- The sizzler hasn’t won an Epping - Dugongs22
- i cooka da grub - germanpogostick
- Might actually be the best player in the world - Violet
- Mashing has it’s peaks - Morgone
- grub - Amro
2022 Ausmash Awards
Who is your favourite player, for any reason? Winner
2 votes
(Anthonoot, FerousFolly)
- By far my fav player not even close - Anthonoot
- he's always cooking something - FerousFolly
2021 Ausmash Awards
Who is the best new or up and coming player?
11 votes
(Bjschoey, ipewu, meepAsAur, DumBob, Matter, MilkMeme, YoursTruly, Jetstar2007, Yazari, KayJay, Chok_B)
- Kids insane. Give it like 6 months. - Bjschoey
- 6 months and he is the best player oce - ipewu
- hes cracked out of his mind - meepAsAur
- Young gun whos unstoppable for how little IRL tournaments hes been in - Matter
- He won a t-shirt, what more could you want? - YoursTruly
- Absolutely amazing player who definitely has the opportunity to be a top level threat in just a few months time - Jetstar2007
- won a tourney that ryan was in? ive seen enough - Chok_B
Who is your favourite player, for any reason?
1 vote