2024 Ausmash Awards
Who has the best social media presence?
4 votes
(Mexi, DragonKnight957, phosphor1111, VTPooks)
- Stats, weekly writeups, upset info for majors, I keep coming back to his twitter - Mexi
- the upset threads and recaps for major tournaments (+ the ravstats!!) on his twitter are so nice to have and he does a great job with them - phosphor1111
- The stats man himself, lovely fella too! - VTPooks
Who is the most valuable community member?
7 votes
(Coco, Nop, Daaronaaronax, DragonKnight957, phosphor1111, RAMBO, FroggSocks)
- I literally live for the ravstats - Daaronaaronax
- ravstats keep me going - phosphor1111
- still yet to post a real upset - RAMBO
- Where TF would Smash be without the Ravstats??? How would we know about the SPR?? - FroggSocks
2023 Ausmash Awards
Who has the best Twitter presence? Winner
21 votes
(Taipan, JayBird810, Personate, mini, Pondi, sushi, Shitashi, Sylvee, DragonKnight957, Cumings12, VTPooks, joeyoh, Coco, salmongain, LimeFlurry, Iceman, Yosh4, Mike_KOOL, Wash, RealPageOne, Naru)
- Stonks - Taipan
- thx for the stats - JayBird810
- When I get on the Ravstats 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇 - Personate
- smoked ryan and gave us ravstats - mini
- RavStats Rise Up - Pondi
- Rav stats are like crack - Shitashi
- Ravstats are the best - Sylvee
- GOAT - DragonKnight957
- funny man - joeyoh
- Hope you're proud of your work mate! Your presence was missed at Pissmass this year. - salmongain
- Love the dedication to the scene, makes it so easy to see what’s going on elsewhere. - Yosh4
- Ravstats always wins - RealPageOne
- "Okay sure" - Naru
Who is the most valuable community member? Winner
19 votes
(MasterofDisaster, Wifike, Olag, Bilby, Phyco, Beet, Governor, Beefyboi, JOKER, Slimboy17, Pondi, Mexi, Sylvee, DragonKnight957, Cumings12, VTPooks, Nop, Mike_KOOL, Naru)
- Keeps people in the loop for all things vic even when you can't make it to an event and creates a lot of high quality content. Looking forward to seeing more in the future. - MasterofDisaster
- Ravstats really help with missing events and uniting people in general - Wifike
- Such an incredible and articulate effort to keep people in the loop of the country's tournaments. Easy vote - Olag
- Really like the stats, its really interesting - Bilby
- The way you have consistently been doing weekly write ups is incredible for the scene! - Phyco
- He does it for no pay, just passion for the community. The impact might be hard to see but is undeniably super important. - Governor
- Aus smash isn't the same without a ravstats recap every week - Beefyboi
- Ravstats!!!!!! - Slimboy17
- RavStats. Enough Said - Pondi
- I love you, Rav. Please don’t stop doing what you’re doing for the community <3 - Mexi
- Literally the guy everyone should know - DragonKnight957
- The ravstats articals, the videos and over all engagement brings eyes to both vic and aus smash - VTPooks
- Ravstats - Mike_KOOL
Who is your favourite player, for any reason?
1 vote
- this man saved my 4 kittens from a burning building AND let me borrow his Lamborghini for a week - Naru
2022 Ausmash Awards
Who has the best Twitter presence?
4 votes
(Nerdminecraft, Qizou, dasmii, Willo)
- he does ravstats - Nerdminecraft
- Ravsav keeps everyone updated and I've only had positive interactions with them - Qizou