2024 Ausmash Awards
Who is your rival?
1 vote
- Pushes me to get better and better every day, great end of a wifi bracket is to play him in a hype g10 set. - Smasio
Who is the best new or up and coming player?
4 votes
(Roosterbugalugs, Aloly, Flow, FroggSocks)
- Future Aus Pr - Roosterbugalugs
- Cunt just beat jdizzle - Aloly
- Stop beating me in game 5s with brawler cheese thanks - Flow
- Kid's gonna top 8 a major within 2 years - FroggSocks
2023 Ausmash Awards
Who is the best new or up and coming player?
5 votes
(MasterofDisaster, Wifike, Mexi, DragonKnight957, Iceman)
- so good so quickly. Genuinely frustrating for us boomers - MasterofDisaster
- Thank god he can't stay for pro bracket - Wifike
- Cringe characters but he kinda clean with em, love our sets - Mexi