
2023 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite tournament organiser?

16 votes (Lonk, Johtothan, Ryan, charies, Zowayix, Fumble, BigRatt, Guts_LP, Isak, Blurry, TurtleCat, Coleman, DarkKuriboh, Iceman, Inferno03, Apriicot)
  • the goat. - Lonk
  • 🐐 - charies
  • I'm being a traitor :coolsun: - Zowayix
  • Also Moey - Guts_LP
  • Dude needs to give himself more credit - Blurry
  • If no one let me pay at venue, Kitt let me pay at venue - DarkKuriboh

Who is the most valuable community member?

17 votes (Hal, Taipan, Unfezant, charies, Dugongs22, Fumble, germanpogostick, Elliot, Violet, cloudyoce, Coleman, Morgone, DarkKuriboh, chipotle, Iceman, Amro, Nichirin)
  • The man carries - Hal
  • Where would Sydney be with out them? - Taipan
  • 🐐 - charies
  • He does a lot and goes the extra mile - Dugongs22
  • Puts an unreal amount of effort into Sydney - Fumble
  • undeniable the time he puts in to this scene. still waiting for the spanish rap battle side event tho - germanpogostick
  • Goes without saying - Elliot
  • 🐐 - Violet
  • pushing the PR and community aspect of the scene like nothing else - chipotle

2022 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite tournament organiser? Winner

11 votes (plump, FerousFolly, Luco, Relo, TryThePeanutButter, whIFF, Inf, Rafe, bonsaii, Fez, Shmu)
  • Mf is dedicated to the scene. - plump
  • Phantom 2022 was insane, I have no idea how the man can do it but he does it so well nonetheless - FerousFolly
  • Full bias :) - Luco
  • Haven't gone to many Eppings but the one I did go to was awesome. - TryThePeanutButter
  • I'll beat the Ness someday, that being said based TO. - whIFF
  • Kitt is honestly one of the best people in the sydney scene. Not only does Kitt run two tourneys, but also has mega cool vibes at both tournaments, and always ensures a redemption bracket. - Rafe
  • Hey kitt can U tell luco to say to Jonny pass the message that I said hi on to kitt - Fez

Who is your favourite player, for any reason?

1 vote (Luco)
  • He's the best falco in my room :) - Luco

2021 Ausmash Awards

Who is your favourite tournament organiser?

3 votes (Bjschoey, ipewu, Matter)
  • No question. Alot of love put into epping <3 - Bjschoey
  • OTIE is the best monthly AU no question - Matter