2024 Ausmash Awards
Who is the best new or up and coming player?
17 votes
(Benthoven, Yean, J-Rods, Lukas, fuckencunce, BattleDolphin, smol, Jorsa, BrainPower, Smasio, Lain, Thracia, salmongain, Litty, Swate, Blurry, Shitashi)
- The future of QLD Smash. - Benthoven
- while not new, he's definitely gotten heaps better within the past little while, and his showing at Piss - Yean
- Trust me I'm not bad he's legit just kicking my ass - J-Rods
- On the up - Lukas
- Also good taste in music - fuckencunce
- Good kid with a heart of gold. also made qld win a lot of pisscoin - smol
- My 🐐 - Jorsa
- Really impressive stuff coming out from him this year for sure, excited to see him keep rising - Smasio
- In his contract to win against a top player every other week. Kid is crazy with it. - Thracia
- He's like this state's Sparg0, I love watching his improvement and he plays a unique character, it'd be terrible if an upcoming player played Mario or something we already have lol He's hype!! - Litty
- the right mindset and infinite potential. - Swate
- He's gonna get there soon. - Blurry
- Pretty sick M2 - Shitashi