2024 Ausmash Awards
Who is your rival?
2 votes
(Mexi, Bigman)
Who is the best new or up and coming player? Winner
21 votes
(LimeFlurry, Grati0, Iceman, MAST, Beet, Cookiezac, Luma, Hazzacka, Mexi, Pudge, Beefyboi, w00tkins, Nop, Bigman, DragonKnight957, phosphor1111, Willsword42, Ravsav, Zekora, VTPooks, Gravity)
- Most tense Ammies grands set I've ever had - LimeFlurry
- I fear the man who secretly grids, more than the man who states they are gonna make it. He wants it, and has the passion, I am a believer. - MAST
- goat - Luma
- “I FUCKING HATE TONKADONKA” - Bigman 2024 - Mexi
- Won rising star for a reason - Beefyboi
- Bro went to 38/44 tourneys in the Autumn season - Nop
- #macka up - VTPooks
- When you beat me, you know you’ve made it. - Gravity