
Victoria Phantom 2024 7/07/2024

Project M Project + Doubles Bracket

L3 Arcanist Jimmy / DD 3 - 0 recordio_ / Amph
L2 recordio_ / Amph 3 - 0 Bubby / Tighnara
W2 Star / Tyler 3 - 0 recordio_ / Amph
W1 recordio_ / Amph 3 - 0 Pierce / Dan

Australian Capital Territory The Action 2: Action Replay 7/04/2024

New South Wales Metal Cavern 38 28/10/2023

Project M Project + Singles Bracket

New South Wales Mega Metal Cavern #4 30/07/2023

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Brawl Singles Bracket

L2 Lowinor 2 - 1 Recordio
W1 Luxingo 2 - 0 Recordio

Project M Project + Doubles Bracket

L2 Jetfantastic / Monke 2 - 0 Callisto / recordio_
W1 FUCK THE AVALON AIRSHOW / Jimmy_ 2 - 0 Callisto / recordio_

New South Wales Metal Cavern 34 15/04/2023

Project M Project + Singles Bracket

Australian Capital Territory The Action 22/01/2023

Project M Project + Doubles Bracket

L2 GazzaAbblettLegendCats22 / Jimmy_ 2 - 0 Naga / Recordio_
W1 Amph / Chat MarioSamus 2 - 0 GanondorfLucario Naga / Recordio_

New South Wales Metal Cavern 31 22/10/2022

Project M P+ Doubles Bracket

L3 RoyinoZ / UltimentM 2 - 1 Recordio_ / Fruit
W3 Wolf / Star 2 - 0 Recordio_ / Fruit
W2 Recordio_ / Fruit 2 - 1 lapis / Maspenguin

Project M Project + Singles Bracket

New South Wales Mega Metal Cavern 3 31/07/2022

Project M Project + Doubles Bracket

L2 Monke / thecod 2 - 0 mask1n / Recordio_
W2 Jimmy_ / RoyinoZ CharizardMarth 2 - 0 BowserGanondorf mask1n / Recordio_

New South Wales Phantom 2022 17/07/2022

Project M P+ Singles Bracket

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles

L2 Simzje 2 - 0 Recordio
W2 Fess 2 - 0 Recordio
W1 Recordio 2 - 0 Waffleboy

New South Wales Metal Cavern 27 9/04/2022

Super Smash Bros. Melee Smash Bros. Melee Singles Bracket

Project M Project + Singles Bracket

New South Wales Metal Cavern 26 20/11/2021

Project M Project + Singles Bracket

New South Wales Phantom 2020 7/03/2020

Project M Project M Singles Pools

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

New South Wales Metal Cavern 24 22/02/2020

Project M Project M (P+) Singles Bracket

New South Wales Mega Metal Cavern 2 16/11/2019

Project M Project M (P+) Doubles Bracket

L1 Llamas / Amph 2 - 0 Recordio_ / Callisto
W1 Rukai / Maspenguin 2 - 1 Recordio_ / Callisto

Project M Project M (P+) Singles Pools

New South Wales Metal Cavern 21 31/08/2019

Project M Project M (P+) Singles Bracket

New South Wales Star Forge #74 14/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Star Forge #74

New South Wales Star Forge #70 9/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Star Forge #70

New South Wales Expand Gong 4 5/04/2019

Project M EG4 PM Singles Pools

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate EG4 Smash Ultimate Singles

New South Wales Star Forge #68 2/04/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Star Forge #68

New South Wales Star Forge Underground 8 31/03/2019

New South Wales Star Forge #67 26/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Star Forge 67

New South Wales Star Forge #65 12/03/2019

New South Wales Phantom 2019 2/03/2019

Project M Project M Singles Pools

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

New South Wales Star Forge #63: Phantom Edition 1/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Star Forge 63: Phantom Edition

New South Wales Star Forge Underground #7 24/02/2019

New South Wales Star Forge #62 19/02/2019

New South Wales Star Forge #61 12/02/2019

New South Wales Star Forge #60 5/02/2019

New South Wales Star Forge #59 29/01/2019

New South Wales Star Forge #58 22/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Star Forge 58

New South Wales Metal Cavern 16 - PM/N64 19/01/2019

Project M Project M Singles Bracket

New South Wales Star Forge #57 15/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Star Forge 57

New South Wales Mega Metal Cavern 21/09/2018

Project M Project M Singles Top 16

Project M Project M Singles Pools

Victoria BAM 10 19/05/2018

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee singles

New South Wales Metal Cavern 4 - PM/N64 25/11/2017

Project M Project M Singles Pools

New South Wales OzHadou Nationals 15 16/09/2017

Project M Project M Pool 5

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles

L1 h1ppo + Hoppalot22 2 - 0 Recordio + MOO
W1 KIC + Quetz 2 - 0 Recordio + MOO

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles

New South Wales Metal Cavern 2 - PM/N64 20/08/2017

Project M Project M Singles Pools

New South Wales Metal Cavern 1 - PM/N64 29/07/2017

New South Wales Newtown Aero Dive #4 11/06/2017

Victoria BAM #9 12/05/2017

New South Wales Expand Gong #2 31st March - 2nd April. 1/04/2017

Project M PM Doubles Bracket

L2 MadDogJono / Dr. D 2 - 0 Recordio_ / ngaw
W2 luxingo / Zxv 2 - 0 Recordio_ / ngaw

Project M PM Singles Top 16

Project M PM Singles Pools

New South Wales Newtown Aero Dive #1 19/03/2017

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Pools

New South Wales OzHadou Nationals 14: 26th - 28th August 26/08/2016

Project M Project M Singles Pools

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Singles

L2 ruscur 2 - 0 Recordio
W1 Bu$ 2 - 0 Recordio

Super Smash Bros. Melee Melee Doubles

GF Zxv / Rainbow 3 - 0 S.D / smopup
L9 S.D / smopup 3 - 0 Zorsy / Spud
L8 S.D / smopup 3 - 0 Muscat / Flow Rats
L7 S.D / smopup 3 - 0 Soup / Wibbles
L7 Muscat / Flow Rats 3 - 0 Saucy / Noxus
L6 Soup / Wibbles 3 - 2 C$ / DonB
L6 Saucy / Noxus 3 - 0 Niven / KIC19
W6 Zxv / Rainbow 3 - 0 Zorsy / Spud
W5 Zxv / Rainbow 3 - 1 Muscat / Flow Rats
W5 Zorsy / Spud 3 - 2 S.D / smopup
L5 Soup / Wibbles 2 - 1 Dove / ACTjoe
L5 C$ / DonB 2 - 0 JediLink / Blue
L4 Dove / ACTjoe 2 - 0 Mytus / Cammy
L4 JediLink / Blue 2 - 0 Forte / Pretty Cool Guy
L3 Mytus / Cammy 2 - 1 A52 | Sheepgobeep / Swebe
L3 Dove / ACTjoe 2 - 1 4Par / Thorpenado
L3 Forte / Pretty Cool Guy 2 - 0 Fruit / Gords
L3 JediLink / Blue 2 - 0 Recordio_ / Kaiza
L2 Mytus / Cammy 2 - 0 Pat / Half Baked
L2 4Par / Thorpenado 2 - 1 Sweetchilli / Birdies
L2 Fruit / Gords 2 - 1 MrHealthy / CubT
W3 Muscat / Flow Rats 2 - 0 Soup / Wibbles
W3 Zxv / Rainbow 2 - 0 C$ / DonB
W2 Muscat / Flow Rats 2 - 0 JediLink / Blue
W2 Soup / Wibbles 2 - 0 Forte / Pretty Cool Guy
W2 C$ / DonB 2 - 1 Dove / ACTjoe
W2 Zxv / Rainbow 2 - 0 A52 | Sheepgobeep / Swebe
W1 JediLink / Blue 2 - 0 Mytus / Cammy
W1 Muscat / Flow Rats 2 - 0 Pat / Half Baked
W1 Forte / Pretty Cool Guy 2 - 0 Sweetchilli / Birdies
W1 Soup / Wibbles 2 - 0 4Par / Thorpenado
W1 Dove / ACTjoe 2 - 0 MrHealthy / CubT
W1 C$ / DonB 2 - 0 Fruit / Gords
W1 A52 | Sheepgobeep / Swebe 2 - 0 Recordio_ / Kaiza
L5 Niven / KIC19 2 - 0 DSC / Skelorex
L5 Saucy / Noxus 2 - 1 Phez / Rollic
L4 DSC / Skelorex 2 - 1 MonkeyMan / Party
L4 Phez / Rollic 2 - 1 Edit / Fess
L3 DSC / Skelorex 2 - 1 Atyeo / House
L3 MonkeyMan / Party 2 - 0 Brownie / Rumple
L3 Phez / Rollic 2 - 1 Ryzuul / Vyras
L3 Edit / Fess 2 - 0 MOOP / Fe_G
L2 Atyeo / House 2 - 0 Schnitzel / Bussy
L2 Brownie / Rumple 2 - 0 Reef / Jetfantastic
L2 Phez / Rollic 2 - 0 Jey / Deku
L2 MOOP / Fe_G 2 - 1 debaser / CRUNC
L1 debaser / CRUNC 2 - 1 Spike / Manwich
W4 Zorsy / Spud 2 - 0 Saucy / Noxus
W4 S.D / smopup 2 - 0 Niven / KIC19
W3 Saucy / Noxus 2 - 0 MonkeyMan / Party
W3 Zorsy / Spud 2 - 0 DSC / Skelorex
W3 Niven / KIC19 2 - 0 Edit / Fess
W3 S.D / smopup 2 - 0 Ryzuul / Vyras
W2 MonkeyMan / Party 2 - 0 debaser / CRUNC
W2 Saucy / Noxus 2 - 1 MOOP / Fe_G
W2 DSC / Skelorex 2 - 1 Phez / Rollic
W2 Zorsy / Spud 2 - 0 Jey / Deku
W2 Edit / Fess 2 - 0 Brownie / Rumple
W2 Niven / KIC19 2 - 0 Reef / Jetfantastic
W2 Ryzuul / Vyras 2 - 0 Atyeo / House
W2 S.D / smopup 2 - 0 Schnitzel / Bussy
W1 Schnitzel / Bussy 2 - 0 Spike / Manwich

New South Wales Late Night PM 16 3/05/2016

New South Wales Late Night PM 14 5/04/2016

Project M PM Singles

New South Wales EXPAND GONG (2nd - 3rd April) 2/04/2016

Project M PM Singles Top 12

New South Wales Late Night PM 13 29/03/2016

Project M Project M singles

L5 Ando 2 - 1 Recordio
L4 Recordio 2 - 1 Mealmix
L3 Recordio 2 - 1 Ed
W2 Star Sonic 2 - 0 Recordio
W1 Recordio 2 - 1 Jbrony

New South Wales SGT Late Night 6 5/01/2016

New South Wales SGT. Smash Sunday Weekly | Wii U | Melee | N64 | 3DS | PM 20/09/2015

Project M PM singles