Singles videos
9/07/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July - UQ FD Smash 4 Pools | P1 | Gords | xDaniee |
9/07/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July - Wii U Amateur Singles | W5 | xDaniee | cAKE |
9/07/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July - UQ FD Smash 4 Pools | P1 | Gords | xDaniee |
9/07/2016 [QLD] UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July - Wii U Amateur Singles | W5 | xDaniee | cAKE |