Cheers GIRL I'm actually pretty important in this community. I'm glad someone finally recognized my worth.
I take it back, the bloody character limit on shoutouts does my head in. Consider my message of thanks revoked you lemon slinging piece of s
I don't think the people who make this community function get enough praise. Jett, all TO's (particularly urisk) aero and most of all kaion.
i shaved off my beloved sideburns today
I'll be hosting wave.
I'll see if Skry is interested in attending that weekend too. Who is Wave staying with?
Beat Shitashi a couple of weeks ago, Fool last week, and took games off Jaice. Providing The March PR doesn't go up, I'm going for that $120
I hope waveguider is ready for all you hungry kids to claw at his body asking for friendlies. its going to be like the walking dead.
$1 MM
I doubt it can be a friendly because thats an easy way to get $50 each.
I'll have a crack at wave guider, not confident, but I want Jezmo to give me $100 updated for 1.1.5 go check it out!
(Cat) (FrameDataCat)
Who is Wave Guider? I only know of waveguider
I'll pay out the first 2 people to beat him, Whether that's in pools, bracket or in an MM with him afterwards.
If anyone non-PR beats Wave in a competitive set, I'll give them at least $100
implying qld non pr have a chance against waveguider hue nice top meme lads ily fam
Technically I'm not a PR player atm (removed due to inactivity). Coming for that $20.
At all or does it have to be in bracket
As an added incentive to come, any non PR players who beat Wave Guider at Stacked will earn $20
yeah he's been getting deece results lately, would be genuinely interesting too see who wins because we have such different playstyles
Don't sleep on MrL
@CubT gets it
@Archaze done and sold. I look forward to disgracing you and getting the rights to my skin.
@brenthiele, I'll MM your Falcon for $5 for sole rights and ownership of the pink Falcon alt colour.
Did someone say best falcon?
Boozer made it onto the Brisbane Guf PR before the Guf Geelong PR.
im on the guf leaderboard notice me
I'm from qld can I claim best falcon?
Will do falcon ditto to maybe get a dair4dollar.
@GIRL Oi dickhead, check your phone.
Oh, who cares? Come on... Sound like me a year ago.
BESTFlaconAU = Orion t b h
Next time Skry is up I'll let you know so you can play him @GIRL.
Guf does not have a PR it was made by lachlan and Shitashi won't let me remove it. It by no means represents who is a good player at GUF.
I find it hard to believe that Jezmo isn't best falcon. Just my opinion as a falcon main.
Guf has a ranking too? Now we might as well have a Casual PR. Measure who best utilises pokeballs and bunny ears.
Scapes and all* Lumi confirmed for selling rune scimmy's.
Sometimes before I go to work in the morning. I do WFT's dash attack IRL. Scrapes and all
It's on!
It'll be sick if we get to fight eachother in bracket, you'll probs wipe the floor with me tho xP But it'll be fun nonetheless!
not another one of THOSE nights, isnt it
The difference is, in the US the majority are stupid - the same cant be said here.
Rather than be shady, why don;t you just come out and say what you mean?
Skry has the best Falcon in Aus from what I've seen. Jezmo's is good but Skry punishes everything.
Seeing as we're repeating ourselves, this is where I noted that the 'majority' of the US think Trump should be the most powerful man irl.
BTW why does GUF has it's own PR and why is Jezmo only 5th?
Where as the majority, agree with what Aero says <3
My point was that silencing Aero was pointless, and plays into the agenda of a specific group of people (minority)
Was pointing out the weaknesses in the majority rule. Has nothing to do with Aero. But if you want to make the connection, go for it :)
So it's not okay for Aero to make passive aggressive comments, but you're going to allow Archaze to compare Aero to Trump (dog)
im going to sandbag' revenge next week. If we don't play in bracket i'll mm you. My falcon is 4/5ths the skill of Jezmos :o
The 'majority' of the US want Donald Trump to be the most powerful man in the world.
It would be different if what Aero was saying, isn't what the majority are thinking though.
Chris/R4VEN/Kaion is doing it 'for the community'
Mike (Girl) is sick at the moment, try again next week
That's why I want to fight him boi
@MrL I don't wanna hurt your ego here, but Girl is easily the best falcon in qld, bar Jezmo. Also, he probs won't come to tournies anymore.
Shitashi is the kinda God I'd worship on free public holidays rather than just eating chocolate.
I bet Shitashi actually just shadow banned Googers as well because of all the shitposting. Praise Robocop.
Shitashi you could not be more BasedJesus in my eyes now.
Shoutouts to Shitashi the ultimate puppet master. The Victorian scene thanks you for introducing Elo to tourney results lol
"I like it" - Aero
Can this be the new banner to commemorate qldsmash 2.0?
Yo why do people want Duck Hunt banned rather than Bayo? He isn't that broken I swear.
Transparency is good
Asked Aero to cut back the passive aggressive shoutouts and he just said he was gonna do more of them so now he can't post shoutouts (dog)
Oi Girl come to a tourney some time so we can have a money match
don't kid yourself Aero.
I'm updating KH's stat tables. Spending time on things for the community is fun.
Time constraints.....
he planned it specifically as he knew you were busy Lumi
If you were to make it waveguider couldnt :/
Shoutouts to Urisk for hosting an event where Waveguider is coming, knowing I can't make it. :]
Time constraints..
Two Stock Doubles? what blasphemy is this?
i hope we have competitive coin battles some time in the near future.
3 stock the future.
We will also have pools doubles and an amatuer bracket. All of which will consist of 3 stocks
R.i.p Perth Smash. Your memes will be missed. Sort of. Not really.
It will be at guf and this one is happening on sunday but they will most likely be saturdays to facilitate interstaters.
Doubles are also two stock for sandbags due to time constraints sorrrry for anyone who cares
On Sundays??!
@urisk, is it at GUF?
If yure from qld. Make sure you find your way to the new tournament series Stacked. Featuring top out of state talent every month.
Perth Smash is dead goodnight
ELO: Expected Level of Optimism
AzureWolf: C'mon guys do people really care about Elo?
Shoutouts to Jezmo for forgetting i told him about Expand Gong.
And Also Code_E. Crazy changes in one week.
WHOA! Amazing work to both Vasi and Archaze for exploding with Elo.
Shoutouts to Atyeo for being the only person to notify me about Expand Gong.
PHaZeX3RO makes me hard