03/31/2016 20:10:19
I hope waveguider is ready for all you hungry kids to claw at his body asking for friendlies. its going to be like the walking dead.
03/31/2016 13:48:26
03/31/2016 13:47:41
I doubt it can be a friendly because thats an easy way to get $50 each.
03/31/2016 13:46:10
03/31/2016 13:42:58
I'll have a crack at wave guider, not confident, but I want Jezmo to give me $100
03/31/2016 13:42:09
http://kuroganehammer.com/Smash4 updated for 1.1.5 go check it out!
03/31/2016 13:10:49
(Cat) (FrameDataCat)
03/31/2016 13:07:09
Who is Wave Guider? I only know of waveguider
03/31/2016 12:48:11
I'll pay out the first 2 people to beat him, Whether that's in pools, bracket or in an MM with him afterwards.
03/31/2016 12:23:19
If anyone non-PR beats Wave in a competitive set, I'll give them at least $100
03/31/2016 12:21:20
implying qld non pr have a chance against waveguider hue nice top meme lads ily fam
03/31/2016 12:19:22
Technically I'm not a PR player atm (removed due to inactivity). Coming for that $20.
03/31/2016 12:16:09
At all or does it have to be in bracket
03/31/2016 12:14:10
As an added incentive to come, any non PR players who beat Wave Guider at Stacked will earn $20
03/31/2016 12:12:54
03/31/2016 12:10:27
yeah he's been getting deece results lately, would be genuinely interesting too see who wins because we have such different playstyles
03/31/2016 12:06:08
Don't sleep on MrL
03/31/2016 11:19:01
@CubT gets it
03/31/2016 11:08:06
@Archaze done and sold. I look forward to disgracing you and getting the rights to my skin.
03/31/2016 11:03:01
@brenthiele, I'll MM your Falcon for $5 for sole rights and ownership of the pink Falcon alt colour.
03/31/2016 10:58:14
Did someone say best falcon?
03/31/2016 10:57:48
Boozer made it onto the Brisbane Guf PR before the Guf Geelong PR.
03/31/2016 10:52:01
im on the guf leaderboard notice me
03/31/2016 10:48:24
I'm from qld can I claim best falcon? Will do falcon ditto to maybe get a dair4dollar.
03/31/2016 10:43:38
@GIRL Oi dickhead, check your phone.
03/31/2016 10:42:16
Oh, who cares? Come on... Sound like me a year ago.
03/31/2016 10:40:47
BESTFlaconAU = Orion t b h
03/31/2016 10:37:00
Next time Skry is up I'll let you know so you can play him @GIRL.
03/31/2016 10:33:55
Guf does not have a PR it was made by lachlan and Shitashi won't let me remove it. It by no means represents who is a good player at GUF.
03/31/2016 10:31:58
I find it hard to believe that Jezmo isn't best falcon. Just my opinion as a falcon main.
03/31/2016 10:30:23
Guf has a ranking too? Now we might as well have a Casual PR. Measure who best utilises pokeballs and bunny ears.
03/31/2016 10:27:49
Scapes and all* Lumi confirmed for selling rune scimmy's.
03/31/2016 10:27:15
Sometimes before I go to work in the morning. I do WFT's dash attack IRL. Scrapes and all
03/31/2016 10:24:18
It's on! It'll be sick if we get to fight eachother in bracket, you'll probs wipe the floor with me tho xP But it'll be fun nonetheless!
03/31/2016 10:24:16
not another one of THOSE nights, isnt it
03/31/2016 10:21:13
The difference is, in the US the majority are stupid - the same cant be said here.
03/31/2016 10:20:41
Rather than be shady, why don;t you just come out and say what you mean?
03/31/2016 10:20:17
Skry has the best Falcon in Aus from what I've seen. Jezmo's is good but Skry punishes everything.
03/31/2016 10:20:16
Seeing as we're repeating ourselves, this is where I noted that the 'majority' of the US think Trump should be the most powerful man irl.
03/31/2016 10:16:00
BTW why does GUF has it's own PR and why is Jezmo only 5th?
03/31/2016 10:15:00
Where as the majority, agree with what Aero says <3
03/31/2016 10:11:39
My point was that silencing Aero was pointless, and plays into the agenda of a specific group of people (minority)
03/31/2016 10:11:23
Was pointing out the weaknesses in the majority rule. Has nothing to do with Aero. But if you want to make the connection, go for it :)
03/31/2016 10:09:46
So it's not okay for Aero to make passive aggressive comments, but you're going to allow Archaze to compare Aero to Trump (dog)
03/31/2016 10:01:56
im going to sandbag' revenge next week. If we don't play in bracket i'll mm you. My falcon is 4/5ths the skill of Jezmos :o
03/31/2016 09:56:35
The 'majority' of the US want Donald Trump to be the most powerful man in the world.
03/31/2016 09:42:28
It would be different if what Aero was saying, isn't what the majority are thinking though.
03/31/2016 09:32:32
Chris/R4VEN/Kaion is doing it 'for the community'
03/31/2016 09:31:28
03/31/2016 09:26:42
Mike (Girl) is sick at the moment, try again next week
03/31/2016 09:17:40
That's why I want to fight him boi
03/31/2016 09:07:00
@MrL I don't wanna hurt your ego here, but Girl is easily the best falcon in qld, bar Jezmo. Also, he probs won't come to tournies anymore.
03/31/2016 08:59:30
Shitashi is the kinda God I'd worship on free public holidays rather than just eating chocolate.
03/31/2016 08:51:26
I bet Shitashi actually just shadow banned Googers as well because of all the shitposting. Praise Robocop.
03/31/2016 08:49:42
Shitashi you could not be more BasedJesus in my eyes now.
03/31/2016 08:48:51
Shoutouts to Shitashi the ultimate puppet master. The Victorian scene thanks you for introducing Elo to tourney results lol
03/31/2016 08:45:47
"I like it" - Aero
03/31/2016 08:45:31
Can this be the new banner to commemorate qldsmash 2.0? http://i.imgur.com/HNatznuh.jpg
03/31/2016 08:33:58
Yo why do people want Duck Hunt banned rather than Bayo? He isn't that broken I swear.
03/31/2016 08:33:43
Transparency is good
03/31/2016 08:30:41
Asked Aero to cut back the passive aggressive shoutouts and he just said he was gonna do more of them so now he can't post shoutouts (dog)
03/31/2016 08:20:26
Oi Girl come to a tourney some time so we can have a money match
03/31/2016 08:08:03
don't kid yourself Aero.
03/31/2016 07:53:54
I'm updating KH's stat tables. Spending time on things for the community is fun.
03/31/2016 07:52:27
Time constraints.....
03/31/2016 07:47:16
he planned it specifically as he knew you were busy Lumi
03/31/2016 07:30:55
If you were to make it waveguider couldnt :/
03/31/2016 07:15:46
Shoutouts to Urisk for hosting an event where Waveguider is coming, knowing I can't make it. :]
03/31/2016 07:13:06
Time constraints..
03/31/2016 06:17:24
Two Stock Doubles? what blasphemy is this?
03/31/2016 06:12:40
i hope we have competitive coin battles some time in the near future.
03/31/2016 05:33:13
3 stock the future.
03/31/2016 05:31:11
We will also have pools doubles and an amatuer bracket. All of which will consist of 3 stocks
03/31/2016 05:18:58
R.i.p Perth Smash. Your memes will be missed. Sort of. Not really.
03/31/2016 05:14:37
It will be at guf and this one is happening on sunday but they will most likely be saturdays to facilitate interstaters.
03/31/2016 04:51:00
Doubles are also two stock for sandbags due to time constraints sorrrry for anyone who cares
03/31/2016 04:43:07
On Sundays??!
03/31/2016 04:20:53
@urisk, is it at GUF?
03/31/2016 04:16:15
If yure from qld. Make sure you find your way to the new tournament series Stacked. Featuring top out of state talent every month.
03/31/2016 04:14:02
Perth Smash is dead goodnight
03/31/2016 03:58:21
ELO: Expected Level of Optimism
03/31/2016 01:43:04
AzureWolf: C'mon guys do people really care about Elo? AzureWolf: WOAH GUYS VASI AND ARCHAZE EXPLODED IN Elo
03/31/2016 01:38:56
Shoutouts to Jezmo for forgetting i told him about Expand Gong.
03/31/2016 01:31:45
And Also Code_E. Crazy changes in one week.
03/31/2016 01:12:27
WHOA! Amazing work to both Vasi and Archaze for exploding with Elo. https://media.giphy.com/media/1jQhFdU2XHYD6/giphy.gif
03/31/2016 01:11:09
Shoutouts to Atyeo for being the only person to notify me about Expand Gong.
03/31/2016 01:04:50
03/31/2016 00:53:34
Congrats Vasi on the 511 elo gain. Huge plays. Climbing faster than me after my 4 months off.
03/31/2016 00:49:16
(it's your daily reminder btw. It might change to hourly. I have enough to continue for months xoxo)
03/30/2016 23:48:17
I'm excited for guf stream tomorrow. Maybe I'll donate (again) because I'm such an awful human being <3
03/30/2016 23:27:29
Excited to be representing QLD at EXPAND GONG with Jaice Weeb & Omta this weekend thanks to 4Par! <3 PREPARE FOR LEMONS
03/30/2016 22:18:33
@AzureWolf It wasn't meant to be serious.
03/30/2016 21:25:32
Do people seriously stress about Elo? Just focus on improving and your Elo will grow. Think of Elo as the tears of those you defeat.
03/30/2016 21:24:41
God damn it, my elo dropped too. Kill me!
03/30/2016 20:58:29
I just woke up and saw my Elo went down. I cried in my room.
03/30/2016 20:40:23
Wednesday night at Guf Geelong. You just gotta beat Earl bruh.
03/30/2016 15:11:47