Hey Haiku :). Thanks for the compliment but I don't think I'm that good haha
Goldcoast Bestcoast
yo if the Lychee dude i found from fg is here, sup
you're really fuckin good
I just saw this and was about to make a shoutout. Nice lumi!
It seems I made it onto 'Nairo Bets It All'. Good thing you bet properly Nairo :P
Son thats Bam last year. Probably this year as well
Australia should have a major tournament so that top players could come and see the meta in AU
Frostbite is hype. I think AU is not too far from having a major like this.
why is peach so fun?
To those wondering what it does, it removes clutter via clicking the Sigma button near facebook/twitter. It's neat.
For anyone that uses GreaseMonkey and challonge, here's a script for both of you. http://pastebin.com/uXbdqwcX
Registration for UQ Smash 28 this Saturday is up. 2 and bit hours till you miss out on early bird. https://goo.gl/forms/oQKzqBMHoDYFZOxC2
This also confirms that QLD is full of nerds.
Well me and Saber were discussing love live last night so I guess
Check their Discord and find out for yourself... if you dare.
is it true that everyone in vic is a nerd?
When Jaice tries to invade Lumi's home: https://youtu.be/iPHpx_8PkWI?t=3m
Featuring Jaice, Luminescent, Mr. L, BigTrouble and McJobo
Mountain Smash #1 VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeRQ0RCN6tIKBC9EI0im6CXts-Cq0c9DF
Registration for UQ Smash 28 this Saturday is now live.
Final Destination 2: 1st +2nd of July 2017
Trailer: https://youtu.be/m1BzMh18tuE
Rego: smash.gg/uqfd2
FB Event: https://goo.gl/t8CwAF
Pretty keen for Mountain Smash tonight, hope it all goes well!
Flex shows respect by using Jono's most Classic of moves on him: https://youtu.be/oj6VoCA4KUc?list=PLeRQ0RCN6tIJ3ww0Epb1ydrjO75L2XSPK&t=275
Featuring Dr. Ellis, Deez (QLD), Flex, ClassicJono, Umbrella and more.
FNS #87 off-stream VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeRQ0RCN6tIJ3ww0Epb1ydrjO75L2XSPK
walking on a dream
Also upcomming UQ Smash Dates are booked for 25/2, 25/3, 15/4, 1st/5, 20/5, 3rd/6. FD 2017 info coming Wednesday. Cheaper then 2016's event!
https://www.facebook.com/events/1292462180829114/ - UQ Smash 28 | Saturday 25th of FEB | Rego Goes Live Wednesday.
Featuring Jaice, Shitashi, McJobo, Jumpo, SadHour, Mr. L and more.
Full Smash on the Hill #1 VODs are finally up: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeRQ0RCN6tIKY4HcPduOwf8saKXAJX-09
Regos are finally up!
Mountain Smash debuting on the 20th! A Monday night fortnightly at Good Games Upper Mt Gravatt! www.facebook.com/events/364199120616901/
and with that i may ask, do you want a link to the NSW discord?
New to the competitive scene! Nice to meet you all! :D :D
Shoutouts are kinda like the tweets of QLD Smash.
Featuring Cava, SadHour, Cap, Scrail and misleading thumbnail(s).
FNS #86 off-stream VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeRQ0RCN6tIIy_IHDlX6wqETbfiCvYxfN
RIP... Insufficient storage... Time to uninstall some stuff.
congrats on the app aero!
Good games Lumi!!
Maccas ye boi
What the fuck Aero doesn't go to KFC
oh hai guys
Whoever voted on my poll was correct.
This Mafia game is the most beautiful thing ever. Condolences to Ghost and Extra.
Anyone interested in no QLD in top 8?
Anyone interested in winning a trip to EVO?
Featuring Pulse, Shitashi, SadHour and more.
FNS #85 off-stream VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeRQ0RCN6tIJoBRjZsORQPQrg8gF3QFvS
Alcohol is dangerously priced there though
I like how the Jubilee tourney came outta nowhere and is now like the best weekend event in Brisbane. 10/10 PR players attended wow.
Boozer probably does.
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it..?
Of course not otherwise he would have said he did.
did you like it
i kissed a girl
done, MrL. i urge everyone to pitch in as well :)
Fill out this survey and put in smash as an option for an Australian esports event
Featuring Mittens, Jett, McJobo, Cava, Tasmania's Tezz and the Magnificent Double Jigglypuff team of BattleDolphin And Dr. Slump.
Smash by the Beach 7 off-stream VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeRQ0RCN6tILUSz7mg9-Z213VNX5zNk_Q
Gold Coast is _theBestCoast
Lets go Sunshine Coast!
Praise me you insolent chumps
Hugs and kisses
Sincerely, Barney.
EMG giving an HM to Barney the Dinosaur: https://youtu.be/fkvXd4gEE8s?t=6m2s
do you guys like videos? i like videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_txnVARYsg
I'm a sick DM, I'd be keen to run it
Can we play Dungeons and Dragons instead of Mafia next time
Smash By The Beach 7 Highlight of the day!
bad romance
Smash by the beach pro bracket coming soon?
One day I will post a shoutout without an error. Today is not this day.
And I love the new recommend we ruleset
and I love me!
And we love you kneesus
Shoutouts to the entirety of the smash community, I love you all
But baby, I've been, I've been praying hard.
Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things we could be
counting stars
VODs from PvP's Jubilee event are up, feat. Mittens, Lumi and more: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeRQ0RCN6tILeihpbw6uNeK__k5QQn48_
Thanks for your service scrail 😊. Also, blurred lines
FNS #83 off-stream VODs, featuring THE Kurogane Hammer: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeRQ0RCN6tII14GMiiPcsc22o-WNJeymr
In case anyone missed this from the weekend
money money money
If you like Pokemon games I suggest you check out the Dragon Quest series that just came out on 3DS. So Good!
in the music
lose yourself
Top 8 from the invitational is about to start yo
from paris to berlin
Happy Birthday SaucyGoogers
for* gosh darn it
Gratz to Vic for winning all 4 of the GvP Seeded singles. Also shoutouts to Jezmo fro winning the crew battle.