-waits for a NSW major so I can travel-
11/05/2015 07:57:13
Asking out a girl: "Show me your moves" "no" "FALCON PAUCH!!!"
11/05/2015 06:50:15
@GIRL I can totally see how asking a girl to "show me your moves" and then falcon punching her when she obliges would be considered "awful"
11/05/2015 06:47:38
And thats how GIRL never got a girlfriend and lost at smash. the end.
11/05/2015 05:39:24
I'm awful at both.
11/05/2015 05:16:34
@azure I apply a similar mindset to smash as I do talking to women.
11/05/2015 05:16:22
@Aero anytime. I gladly accept your dontation to my elo train. Choo choo
11/05/2015 03:11:01
Hmm, that's odd. I'll have to lab to see why it's hitting me. Maybe you hit me before the frames of super armour were active.
11/05/2015 00:37:21
I MUST. Also while I remember, I don't think Megaman dair has any special armour breaking properties as Yoshi can flutter through it
11/05/2015 00:35:33
Kaion please. I only have 1,298 Elo, YOU CAN'T STRIP MY Elo THAT'S CRUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/05/2015 00:33:38
11/05/2015 00:14:02
11/05/2015 00:11:42
I am not filled with detemmienation on this day
11/04/2015 23:00:29
my head hurts
11/04/2015 22:59:05
When Azen accepts your friend request, then you talk to him and he says that he likes Cario because he is Cool.
11/04/2015 22:16:00
lol, Cava just jumped 14 places into 6th, what a lad.
11/04/2015 22:06:13
just come visit, we're giving it away. we've got a bunch to spare
11/04/2015 22:04:51
Cava and GIRL on the way up in QLD. I'll have to find a way now to strip NSW of some Elo.
11/04/2015 21:37:02
why do the smashboards character forums always make me want to kill myself and everyone who visits that place?
11/04/2015 14:44:34
11/04/2015 12:44:23
Someone have a chat with me on skype :( (BC2255)
11/04/2015 11:48:47
I agree. Sleep tight Googesrzn
11/04/2015 11:18:53
Googahz shut up plz.
11/04/2015 11:01:34
Fuk I am dumb
11/04/2015 10:59:36
Goog night
11/04/2015 10:58:31
Perhaps "Googer Nap". When you mentally fall asleep during your games!
11/04/2015 10:58:07
I'm literally going to have to coin my own term for when I go braindead during a match
11/04/2015 10:57:44
I fell asleep mid match and went 0-2 drop
11/04/2015 10:49:18
How did you go googer? did you win?
11/04/2015 10:40:06
SO MANY MUNS!!!! Can Googer really accepts???
11/04/2015 10:36:14
Tonight I got Grumpy Googer :c
11/04/2015 10:35:31
Villy is a girl? the more you knowwwwwwwwwwww
11/04/2015 09:32:01
SA major sounds hype. Oneday I won't work weekends, I want to meet my bro Empire too
11/04/2015 09:19:44
I would like a ghost sandwich though...
11/04/2015 07:47:39
Not feeling up to it right now, sorry.
11/04/2015 07:41:19
11/04/2015 07:39:39
Googers I can't donate over Paypal but do you accept premium Temmie Flakes?
11/04/2015 07:32:39
Cheers grommits. I'll set up my paypal for donating this weekend.
11/04/2015 06:16:19
Stfu, Googers,
11/04/2015 06:04:00
11/04/2015 05:46:36
15th Jan? er k
11/04/2015 05:42:10
I would go but school too. O wait. I'd go anyway cuz I'm Googer!
11/04/2015 05:41:09
1 vs 1 me F-Zero GX
11/04/2015 05:39:00
I would go but school...
11/04/2015 05:33:13
Don't joke around about me going to Genesis I actually will
11/04/2015 05:31:22
Jayce and Googers should go to Genesis. lel
11/04/2015 05:28:26
@Aero, sorry for my lag! My internet is sometimes good, sometimes bad. Ping me next time you're bored. I have ~2 more hours of ethics. :-)
11/04/2015 05:10:06
ggs Aero! was fun!
11/04/2015 05:06:18
11/04/2015 04:35:01
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmZwFwRvUNs shameless self promotion goiz lyk mi vidz pls i r googrs frand
11/04/2015 04:29:38
Shrek Superslam was my shit
11/04/2015 03:59:10
I saw you from afar once many years ago at some tournament *upsidedowncryingfacething.jpg*
11/04/2015 03:57:15
implying we've never met before
11/04/2015 03:36:26
I wish I could go to SXC, maybe another time.
11/04/2015 03:17:42
Googers has woken up being spooned at least once on every interstate gaming trip. Don't let him down Shitashi.
11/04/2015 02:15:33
I get to share a bed with Shitashi ((wink emoji))
11/04/2015 00:00:35
I'm going to SXC. I hope I get to meet lots of cool people there like Xettman and Atyeo.
11/03/2015 23:47:54
11/03/2015 23:16:03
11/03/2015 23:04:48
Yes googers smashbox V
11/03/2015 22:50:47
For Gods sake Googers. You made Azen kick everyone out of our smash chat group you fraud
11/03/2015 22:33:14
cAKE r u gonna meet me when I come 2 Smashbox in Jan?
11/03/2015 22:21:22
*Googer vibrates intensely*
11/03/2015 22:09:49
GOoger for Genesis the Third
11/03/2015 22:03:24
11/03/2015 21:05:20
Battle stadium D.O.N (look it up)
11/03/2015 13:14:39
Crumpet dashing is the best tech in a game ever.
11/03/2015 12:46:26
11/03/2015 12:27:22
Look at Shrek the Orge swamping down to his target... WATCH WATCH WATCH OUT OHHHH SWAMPED, FROM OUTTA NOWHERE!
11/03/2015 12:26:23
Shrek Super Slam
11/03/2015 12:15:08
What if it was actually Nickelodeon Party Blast?
11/03/2015 11:58:00
Nah, its gotta be Rivals of Aether.
11/03/2015 11:55:50
TBH, I think it's Playstation All Stars.
11/03/2015 11:55:14
No, its Smash 64 you poop!
11/03/2015 11:54:09
no. It's obviously Melee.
11/03/2015 11:50:40
Whats with all the Meta Knights? Is this brawl?
11/03/2015 11:48:58
11/03/2015 11:47:57
I never left, im always here, sitting, waiting, judging
11/03/2015 10:39:26
Agreed space, got DLC like 2 days ago, already main
11/03/2015 10:25:47
Flex come baaack, ily
11/03/2015 10:25:25
Why is mewtwo fun. This isn't right.
11/03/2015 10:24:31
honestly the fgc bob ross twitter inspires me every day https://twitter.com/FGC_Bob_Ross
11/03/2015 10:22:52
Didn't *
11/03/2015 10:13:00
I'm sorry flex I mean for you to be offended <3
11/03/2015 10:12:41
I think I'm best moo2 because I can SB cancel and Mewtwo is clearly a cloned pokemon.
11/03/2015 10:12:40
@Girl can't tell if that's sarcasm, genuine, or a double meaning where he's ONLY good as metaknight.
11/03/2015 10:05:51
11/03/2015 09:44:22
Where I dispose of my salt piles www.saltybet.com
11/03/2015 09:40:03
11/03/2015 09:28:53
oof, get rekt aero
11/03/2015 09:23:26
@aero I would feel insulted if anyone else said it
11/03/2015 09:20:25
Flex is good at the super smash brothers with metaknight.
11/03/2015 09:17:09
who waveguider? is he spongebob?
11/03/2015 08:37:02
Nah Waveguider is the best mewtwo, since he hasn't lost a match for 7 months in tournament with his mewtwo.
11/03/2015 08:29:15