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1/01/2016 Victoria [VIC] Geelong Melee Cave 2016 #1 - Melee RR Super Smash Bros. Melee
P1Victoria Izzago MarthVictoria Nubs11 Fox
P1Victoria Rin Captain FalconFalcoFoxPeachVictoria Scorp NessSamus
P1Victoria Rin FalcoVictoria Nubs11 Fox
P1Victoria Nubs11 FoxLuigiVictoria Googers MarthRoy
P1Victoria Googers Dr. MarioMarthVictoria Scorp NessSamus
3/07/2016 Victoria [VIC] Outback Jamboree 3 - wii u doubles Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
W4Victoria Extra
Victoria Duon
Victoria Nicks
Victoria Earl
26/04/2016 New South Wales [NSW] SGT Late Night Masters - PM Top 8 Project M
W1New South Wales Star SonicNew South Wales Azza Lucario
W1New South Wales Ando Captain FalconNew South Wales Cole Lucas
W2New South Wales Star SonicNew South Wales Ando Captain Falcon
30/01/2016 Victoria [VIC] Googers' Outback Jamboree II - Doubles Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
W1Victoria SpongeBev
Victoria JEANS BowserToon Link
Victoria Krasic
Victoria Dean CloudKing Dedede
5/12/2015 Victoria [VIC] City of Melee - Melee singles Super Smash Bros. Melee
GFQueensland smopup FoxVictoria S.D Fox
W3Victoria Splice JigglypuffVictoria Toshiba Fox
W5Queensland smopup FoxVictoria S.D Fox
W3Victoria Dekar MarthPeachVictoria Deeks Ice Climbers
W2Victoria Dekar MarthWestern Australia Quetz Peach
17/10/2015 Victoria [VIC] CouchWarriors Melee Oct 2015 - Melee singles pro bracket Super Smash Bros. Melee
W3Victoria Splice FalcoVictoria Samuel L. Blaxon Peach
8/11/2015 Victoria [VIC] CouchWarriors Wii U Nov 2015 - Wii U pro bracket Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
W2Victoria Earl Little MacRyuVictoria Nicks Diddy Kong
23/10/2015 New South Wales [NSW] Ganon Boss Battle 2 - Wii U Top 16 Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
W2New South Wales Shaya MetaknightMr. Game and WatchRoyNew South Wales TurtleCat Sheik
W1New South Wales TurtleCat SheikNew South Wales Invisi Jigglypuff
10/10/2015 South Australia [SA] SAFGC Finals - Wii U singles Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
W1Western Australia Charles LucarioSouth Australia Flow Rats Palutena
9/10/2015 New South Wales [NSW] Ganon's Boss Battle - Ganon's WiiU top 16 Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
W1New South Wales Scarpian Captain FalconRyuNew South Wales Grizz Zero Suit Samus
2/08/2015 Australian Capital Territory [ACT] Capital Smash 4 - Smash 4 Pools Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
P1Australian Capital Territory Bogo Donkey KongAustralian Capital Territory Devnog Diddy Kong
14/06/2015 New South Wales [NSW] SGT - Leaderboards - SGT. Wii U Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
W4New South Wales Shaya Zero Suit SamusNew South Wales Kira Zero Suit Samus
19/04/2015 Queensland [QLD] UQ Smash 7 - SM4SH Pro Bracket Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
W4Queensland Jezmo Dr. MarioJigglypuffQueensland HopeDealer GreninjaSheik
W3Queensland HopeDealer FalcoSheikQueensland Aero Sheik

YouTube channels

SA Smash TV 4124 02/16/2025 14:56:14
Respawn Esports Centre VODs 515 02/12/2025 10:20:45
CouchWarriors Smash 4058 12/10/2024 08:51:35
New Zealand Smash Bros 1215 11/28/2024 02:27:26
UltimentMedia 10 08/24/2024 06:24:22
SodaZo 72 08/06/2024 08:44:27
Melbourne Melee 1765 07/13/2024 11:59:48
Project+ Australia 27 07/12/2024 10:47:49
The Schlocal 52 07/11/2024 15:23:09
Sydney Smash 499 06/24/2024 14:49:40
MarchOfHell 631 06/24/2024 01:14:11
Project Melbourne 91 06/16/2024 09:46:53
Star 413 06/16/2024 08:11:55
Jetfantastic 177 06/05/2024 07:18:00
Smash West 645 05/30/2024 04:56:36
Perth Smash Archives 125 05/28/2024 13:43:50
Lynkle 38 05/28/2024 08:28:19
Asthetec 20 05/28/2024 07:59:10
mask1n 17 05/28/2024 06:42:12
fhsjgkga 11 05/28/2024 03:59:50
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SAFGCLive 71 05/26/2024 15:44:03
ACT Smash 615 05/15/2024 11:06:07
Perth Smash Ultimate 18 04/21/2024 18:38:11
James Zagami 15 12/21/2023 08:31:52
Tournameta 4910 08/11/2023 13:25:16
Sayhnim 72 02/20/2023 22:19:44
Smash Bendigo 21 01/08/2023 22:38:50
Ignis Thoron 14 01/04/2023 23:23:35
Mulletcap 11 01/04/2023 23:03:55
Down Tilt Australia 1554 12/20/2022 05:21:12
VGBootCamp 62 10/04/2022 05:18:48
The Bamboozler 2 08/03/2022 11:10:05
Queensland Smash (Melee) 1101 07/07/2022 05:16:12
Cairns Smash 89 06/18/2022 13:35:32
Nikes 47 06/09/2022 06:07:05
Megan Leet 15 06/09/2022 04:09:01
Zill Gaming Australia 22 06/09/2022 03:51:25
BigWinSmash 973 06/09/2022 02:41:09
Scrail 940 05/27/2022 04:03:49
GomazVsPedro 247 05/25/2022 03:20:56
Newcastle Smash 33 05/02/2022 03:27:48
Game City 16 04/20/2022 09:57:36
Geelong Smash 36 04/20/2022 06:32:43
Wollongong FGC 12 04/17/2022 03:18:44
Bay Side Smash 28 04/10/2022 11:42:37
Smashbros Tas 71 04/10/2022 10:49:37
UNSW Smash 60 04/07/2022 10:53:01
UpSideDown Smash 54 04/07/2022 10:29:30
alegreman07 4 04/07/2022 08:32:30
Jamage007 4 02/16/2022 07:52:58
ssbbshmot 6 02/16/2022 05:11:57
Dean P 57 02/13/2022 08:02:47
Perth Smash 41 02/13/2022 07:31:42
Rhetoric 32 02/12/2022 11:51:52
Apples_13 14 02/12/2022 11:26:50
CouchWarriors 44 02/11/2022 11:44:46
kel0ts 2 02/11/2022 02:36:20
HiyaShaya 3 02/10/2022 03:20:39
Arbitation 11 02/10/2022 03:15:55
Kaiza 4 02/10/2022 00:44:12
YouTube Help 1 02/09/2022 09:43:14
Smashu Bruthars 1 02/09/2022 09:38:26
Vitality Events 26 02/09/2022 05:36:19
Battle Kat Bunker VODS 1 01/11/2022 04:54:57
Mukora 67 06/24/2021 07:25:06
JonCheeex3 3 06/10/2021 12:15:24
Shadow2Bijou 3 06/10/2021 09:18:42
Gords1229 16 06/10/2021 08:27:34
Berathen Games 1 06/10/2021 07:48:29
Zearal Gaming 8 06/10/2021 07:36:38
Syke's channel 2 06/07/2021 09:00:58
TalesOfKeshaion 41 06/07/2021 08:57:29
Scarpian 27 06/06/2021 12:52:52
Christchurch FGC 41 06/06/2021 12:17:32
StandingFierceNZ 13 06/06/2021 08:54:40
NZ Smash Archive 137 06/06/2021 08:20:14
Auckland Smash 1 06/06/2021 03:36:12
Wellington Smash Bros. 151 06/06/2021 03:33:03
AFTERSHOCK FGC 10 04/27/2021 23:08:25
きなじKinaji 2 10/25/2020 02:35:53
BigWinSmash VODs 1 09/17/2017 05:44:11