
6th New South Wales Locina 14/10/2024 [SA] Big Cheese 5: South Australian Major Super Smash Bros. Melee Singles Pools Mewtwo
5th New Zealand Taurii 9/06/2024 [NZ] Down Underdog IV Melee Amateur Bracket Bracket Mewtwo
3rd New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 25/07/2019 [NSW] Super Smashin Thursdays 37 Super Smashin Thursdays #37 - SSBMelee FoxMewtwo
4th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 14/06/2017 [NSW] GvP Melee and PM Singles - Episode 8 Melee FoxMewtwo
4th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 24/05/2017 [NSW] GvP - Melee Q2 Episode 6 GvP - Melee Q2 Episode 6 PRO FoxMewtwo
5th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 10/05/2017 [NSW] GvP - Melee Q2 Episode 5 GvP - Melee Q2 Episode 5 FoxMewtwo
9th Queensland S.S.S. Jester 27/04/2017 [QLD] Jubilee Thursdays #4 Melee Singles MewtwoRoy
9th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 26/04/2017 [NSW] GvP Melee and Project M Singles - 26/04/17 GvP Melee Q2 Ep4 PRO FoxMewtwo
3rd New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 19/04/2017 [NSW] GvP Melee Singles Q2 Ep3 GvP Melee Singles Q2 Ep3 PRO FoxMewtwo
9th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 12/04/2017 [NSW] Gvp Melee Singles Q2 Ep2 Melee Pro FoxMewtwo
3rd New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 5/04/2017 [NSW] GvP Melee Singles - Q2 Ep1 GvP Melee Singles - Q2 Ep1 FoxMewtwo
5th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 1/02/2017 [NSW] GvP Melee Singles Q1 Episode 3 GvP Melee Singles Q1 Episode 3 FoxMewtwoYoung Link
5th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 1/02/2017 [NSW] GvP Melee Singles Q1 Episode 3 Amateurs FoxMewtwoYoung Link
9th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 19/01/2017 [NSW] GvP Melee Singles and Smash 4 Doubles #3 Melee Singles FoxMewtwoYoung Link
9th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 5/01/2017 [NSW] GvP Melee Singles and Smash 4 Doubles #2 Melee Singles FoxMewtwoYoung Link
9th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 15/12/2016 [NSW] GvP Melee Singles And Smash 4 Doubles #1 GvP Melee #1 PRO FoxMewtwo
9th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 17/11/2016 [NSW] GvP Melee Singles And Sm4sh Doubles - 17/11/2016 GvP Melee Singles 17/11/2016 PRO FoxMewtwoPichu
9th New South Wales 2Girls1Gus 3/11/2016 [NSW] GvP Melee Singles And Sm4sh Doubles - 03/11/2016 GvP Melee Singles And Sm4sh Doubles - 03/11/2016 PRO MewtwoYoung Link
13th Victoria Corvid 2/01/2016 [VIC] MilTim III Melee Ironman Dr. MarioMarthMewtwoRoy
13th New Zealand Locurian 2/05/2015 [NZ] NZ BAM 7 Qualifier Melee Singles Mewtwo
33rd Victoria Benny P 14/12/2014 [VIC] CouchWarriors December 2014 Melee Singles Mewtwo
7th Australian Capital Territory Bogo 14/06/2014 [ACT] Canberra Colosseum 6 SSBM Low Tiers Mewtwo