Elo breakdown

Rank Elo Elo δ Player
1st 2710 New South Wales Grandmaster Joshman FoxDonkey KongMarth
2nd 2253 New South Wales Master RNGReallyNotGood MarthIkeSheik
3rd 2139 New South Wales Master Star SonicLinkIke
4th 1981 New South Wales Master Luxingo ZeldaSheikDiddy Kong
5th 1795 New South Wales Diamond lewdelli LucasZero Suit Samus
6th 1744 New South Wales Master Sock FoxMarthRoy
7th 1726 New South Wales Diamond Monke FoxFalcoPit
8th 1698 New South Wales Platinum Pierce Mr. Game and WatchFox
9th 1606 New South Wales Platinum Wolf IkeRoy
10th 1396 New South Wales Gold RoyinoZ RoyMarthCaptain Falcon
11th 1284 New South Wales Gold Jimmy CharizardSheikSamus
12th 1085 New South Wales Bronze UltimentM WarioKnuckles
13th 1061 New South Wales Bronze Recordio GanondorfNessMr. Game and Watch