Elo breakdown

Rank Elo Elo δ Player
1st 2986 Victoria Grandmaster Ryzuul NessMetaknightMarth
2nd 2710 New South Wales Grandmaster Joshman FoxDonkey KongMarth
3rd 2452 Victoria Master Tyler WolfSnakeZero Suit Samus
4th 2253 New South Wales Master RNGReallyNotGood MarthIkeSheik
5th 2231 New Zealand Master IcyK BowserGanondorfIke
6th 2139 New South Wales Master Star SonicLinkIke
7th 2072 Victoria Master Nido NessROBFox
8th 1981 New South Wales Master Luxingo ZeldaSheikDiddy Kong
9th 1837 Victoria Master Dekar Captain FalconMarthPeach
10th 1813 New Zealand Diamond The Doll Room. Captain FalconFoxLucas
11th 1802 -80 Western Australia Master Maribro Mr. Game and WatchToon LinkFox
12th 1795 New South Wales Diamond lewdelli LucasZero Suit Samus
13th 1780 Victoria Diamond DD Donkey KongCaptain FalconWario
14th 1749 -101 Victoria Platinum mask1n Mr. Game and WatchBowserPit
15th 1744 New South Wales Master Sock FoxMarthRoy
16th 1726 New South Wales Diamond Monke FoxFalcoPit
17th 1720 +138 New Zealand Diamond Unladen PeachMarioGanondorf
18th 1702 -10 New Zealand Diamond Zingar ROBSnakeFalco
19th 1698 New South Wales Platinum Pierce Mr. Game and WatchFox
20th 1684 South Australia Diamond Muscat ROBZeldaFox
21st 1658 Western Australia Diamond necromancer kush FalcoIke
22nd 1655 Victoria Master Luma KnucklesGanondorfDonkey Kong
23rd 1651 Victoria Master Bubby MetaknightGanondorf
24th 1650 Australian Capital Territory Platinum yoshhs FoxZero Suit SamusCaptain Falcon
25th 1606 New South Wales Platinum Wolf IkeRoy
26th 1596 +109 Western Australia Platinum Seb SheikFoxFalco
27th 1568 Victoria Diamond Amph IvysaurPikachuJigglypuff
28th 1559 Western Australia Diamond RosalinaSama BowserZeldaMetaknight
29th 1531 Queensland Diamond Jetfantastic GanondorfMarth
30th 1522 New Zealand Gold Currypuffs SheikLinkFox
31st 1511 Western Australia Gold Clyde FoxMarthCaptain Falcon
32nd 1487 Western Australia Gold Hayhay NessKing Dedede
33rd 1477 South Australia Platinum Kaiza RoyFalcoWolf
34th 1437 Victoria Gold Milun ZeldaIvysaurKirby
34th 1437 -34 New Zealand Gold Mackarp JigglypuffSheik
36th 1431 Victoria Platinum Naga YoshiLucarioZero Suit Samus
37th 1396 New South Wales Gold RoyinoZ RoyMarthCaptain Falcon
38th 1340 New Zealand Platinum Hob CharizardYoshiKing Dedede
39th 1329 New Zealand Gold chimps Donkey KongMetaknightWolf
40th 1327 New Zealand Gold Taurii ZeldaPeachSamus
41st 1313 Victoria Gold Lapis FoxMetaknight
42nd 1299 Western Australia Silver TKano MarioFoxMarth
43rd 1292 Western Australia Gold Sump Fox
44th 1287 Western Australia Gold BDawg LuigiGanondorf
45th 1284 New South Wales Gold Jimmy CharizardSheikSamus
46th 1257 Victoria Silver Naan LucarioWolf
47th 1244 Queensland Gold Dan SonicMarthRandom
48th 1240 +103 New Zealand Silver Eggus IvysaurDonkey KongKing Dedede
49th 1235 New Zealand Silver Sharpy FalcoMarthFox
50th 1224 New Zealand Silver Josto IkeSheik
51st 1185 Victoria Gold Timic83 SheikKnucklesSnake
52nd 1174 +23 New Zealand Silver BoBert GanondorfFalcoZero Suit Samus
53rd 1173 Western Australia Gold the heron MarthMarioLucario
54th 1160 South Australia Silver SwagMan
55th 1148 New Zealand Silver Big Red MarthFox
56th 1138 +65 Western Australia Silver Lynkle MarioRandomNess
57th 1130 Victoria Silver Sindocus Zero Suit SamusCharizardCaptain Falcon
58th 1129 Queensland Bronze ravishna Diddy KongRandomMarth
59th 1085 New South Wales Bronze UltimentM WarioKnuckles
60th 1075 Western Australia Silver Juniper SamusRandom
61st 1061 New South Wales Bronze Recordio GanondorfNessMr. Game and Watch
62nd 1036 Victoria Bronze SebPro101 Mr. Game and WatchJigglypuffROB
63rd 1029 Victoria Bronze Deku Meister
64th 1023 New Zealand Bronze Entry SheikDiddy KongJigglypuff
65th 1022 Victoria Silver Aloly MarthRoyFox
66th 1010 Queensland Bronze Buttsubushi Ganondorf
67th 1004 New Zealand Bronze Mook Mario
68th 1002 -161 New Zealand Silver AlastairBL MarthZero Suit SamusRoy