I'm free alot atm Aero. I could even do it tonight if your free. If not then we could do it tomorrow night or Sunday night because i'm not doing much at all this weekend. Which ever you prefer.
03/06/2015 09:15:08
Tomorrow would be preferable if that's ok with you. Some time during the night?
03/06/2015 10:04:01
03/06/2015 10:04:01
Yeah that's fine. I'll just message you on here tomorrow night? I'm really not fussed about the time so we can sort it out then?
03/06/2015 10:08:51
03/06/2015 10:08:51
No worries, see you then.
03/06/2015 10:36:59
03/06/2015 10:36:59
Hey Aero what time tonight is good for you?
03/07/2015 06:55:37
03/07/2015 06:55:37
Hey man, really sorry, my internet's been down pretty much the last 24 hours, I can't stay connected for more than 5 mins.
I'm hoping it will be better tomorrow (That is, Sunday), can we reschedule for then?
03/07/2015 14:03:30
I'm hoping it will be better tomorrow (That is, Sunday), can we reschedule for then?
03/07/2015 14:03:30
Np man. That sucks about your net. Yeah can do it tomorrow , late afternoon/early night? Just message me if your net is working first lol. I want to use my Greninja btw not ZSS , enjoying him alot atm and haven't played ZSS lately.
03/07/2015 14:21:27
03/07/2015 14:21:27
Early night, any time from now I guess.
03/08/2015 07:29:01
03/08/2015 07:29:01
Is in 30 mins cool? Lol sorry next time i will say a actual time , just can be a bit unpredictable over weekends.
03/08/2015 07:33:48
03/08/2015 07:33:48
Sounds great.
03/08/2015 07:38:09
03/08/2015 07:38:09
I'm jumping on now Aero and adding you , do you mind if we just play on omega stages or like Smashville lol , i have hardly played anything else tbh lol and i'd rather not have bad things show just from being so unfamiliar with stages and instead have you focus on what i normally have bin doing. If that makes sense lol
03/08/2015 08:04:03
03/08/2015 08:04:03
I generally only pick neutrals like BF, FD and Smashville.
03/08/2015 08:06:45
03/08/2015 08:06:45
Oh ok cool , Sorry need a minute to restart router for some reason I can't even get to friends list lol. Just be a sec Wow I cant believe the difference in versing someone experienced , I thought i had fixed my rolling habit but I couldn't help but do it , That is definitely the most hopeless I have felt on smash lol
03/08/2015 09:20:43
03/08/2015 09:20:43
Alright buddy, you're pretty solid, I think you'll improve primarily from playing more and matchup experience. Apart from the rolling (which you seem to notice already), two things I've noticed that I think you can improve on:
1) Overextending and challenging other moves - One thing you've been doing is spacing incorrectly which leads to being either shieldgrabbed or beaten out by other moves. Was fairly evident when you played my Marth where I outspaced you quite hard, leading to some very powerful tipper F-smashes landed. Against my Bowser you got shieldgrabbed numerous times due to bad spacing also. You'll learn this with experience with your character and the game in general.
2) Shield - Please shield more. Run up > shield is a generally very safe option, it protects your approaches from attacks like aerials and random forward smashes which can then be punished. Shields are quite good to abuse but be careful of attacks with extra shield damage like Shieldbreaker and Bowser Bomb. I definitely think you should shield more since I found you rarely bothered, it was almost like you forgot you could shield.
03/08/2015 09:32:41
1) Overextending and challenging other moves - One thing you've been doing is spacing incorrectly which leads to being either shieldgrabbed or beaten out by other moves. Was fairly evident when you played my Marth where I outspaced you quite hard, leading to some very powerful tipper F-smashes landed. Against my Bowser you got shieldgrabbed numerous times due to bad spacing also. You'll learn this with experience with your character and the game in general.
2) Shield - Please shield more. Run up > shield is a generally very safe option, it protects your approaches from attacks like aerials and random forward smashes which can then be punished. Shields are quite good to abuse but be careful of attacks with extra shield damage like Shieldbreaker and Bowser Bomb. I definitely think you should shield more since I found you rarely bothered, it was almost like you forgot you could shield.
03/08/2015 09:32:41
Thanks a lot for taking the time to do this with me , really appreciate it. Honestly it felt pretty overwhelming lol. I will definitely work on what you suggested. What about spot dodging ? That was one of the 2 things I felt i needed to fix because i have a habit of basically never doing it. I will try get some more matchup experience and fix these problems before we have anymore matches. Thanks again Aero!
03/08/2015 09:48:59
03/08/2015 09:48:59
I'll be playing V tomorrow night.
03/12/2015 06:36:36
I'll be playing V tomorrow night.

03/12/2015 06:36:36
Hi. I just joined and was told to come here for pointers on upping my gameplay with certain characters.
03/13/2015 09:33:23
03/13/2015 09:33:23
Hi there, basically the concept is pretty simple, we play for a bit and I give you pointers.
When would you like to play?
03/13/2015 09:41:05
When would you like to play?
03/13/2015 09:41:05
Whenever we are both able I guess, I'm just chilling on for glory now so if you're able to we can play now. Otherwise whenever you are able to.
03/13/2015 09:44:43
03/13/2015 09:44:43
Now sounds good with me. I was meant to play V but she disappeared and is probably busy with the online tournament happening now so I guess we'll have to postpone til Sunday.
Add my NNID: Aerodrome
03/13/2015 09:46:20
Add my NNID: Aerodrome
03/13/2015 09:46:20
03/13/2015 09:51:31
03/13/2015 09:51:31
Alright buddy, here's two major things you should work on, they're both pretty bad habits:
1) Unsafe landings and approaches - Most notably done with Marth, I found you didn't space your aerials very well. For the most part it felt like you were just moving forward and mashing A while in the air. This lead to you getting shield grabbed repeatedly or punished (you could see this in the games vs Bowser where I actually won entirely off punishing your bad approaches). I recommend you try to incorporate retreating aerials into your Marth game, an aerial when retreated is significantly harder to punish than one staying still or moving forward. Alternatively well spaced grounded moves like dtilt are also quite hard to punish for most characters.
2) Rolling - Your roll patterns are too predictable. If you're standing at an f-smash distance of me, 80% of the time you roll towards me. I'm bad at punishing rolls but I could see this clear as day, and so would most others. This habit will get you killed at high percents consistently, so I recommend trying to get rid of it ASAP.
03/13/2015 10:56:57
1) Unsafe landings and approaches - Most notably done with Marth, I found you didn't space your aerials very well. For the most part it felt like you were just moving forward and mashing A while in the air. This lead to you getting shield grabbed repeatedly or punished (you could see this in the games vs Bowser where I actually won entirely off punishing your bad approaches). I recommend you try to incorporate retreating aerials into your Marth game, an aerial when retreated is significantly harder to punish than one staying still or moving forward. Alternatively well spaced grounded moves like dtilt are also quite hard to punish for most characters.
2) Rolling - Your roll patterns are too predictable. If you're standing at an f-smash distance of me, 80% of the time you roll towards me. I'm bad at punishing rolls but I could see this clear as day, and so would most others. This habit will get you killed at high percents consistently, so I recommend trying to get rid of it ASAP.
03/13/2015 10:56:57
Thanks for the matches! Yeah I was thinking during the matches on things I could do differently (e.g. Countering too much, I'm sure you noticed that)
And that bowser match was pretty ridiculous. You could probably tell I have a rough time with heavys.
Thanks for your input, I'll hopefully be able to dispel these habits.
03/13/2015 11:01:46
And that bowser match was pretty ridiculous. You could probably tell I have a rough time with heavys.
Thanks for your input, I'll hopefully be able to dispel these habits.
03/13/2015 11:01:46
Only use counter vs people with predictable attack patterns or as a rare mixup. Use it too much and you'll get punished heavily for it.
I think the reason you have trouble with heavies is because they thrive off punishing bad approaches, which was most of your approaches anyway. Play a bit safer and the matchups aren't as hard.
03/13/2015 11:07:00
I think the reason you have trouble with heavies is because they thrive off punishing bad approaches, which was most of your approaches anyway. Play a bit safer and the matchups aren't as hard.
03/13/2015 11:07:00
Aero mind if we play another time? Soz the online tournament took longer than expected and I think I've had enough smash for one day.
03/13/2015 11:40:19
03/13/2015 11:40:19