Wow, Mafia has started already. Shouldn't have gone to sleep at a reasonable time.
Looks like people are most interested in Lynching Laggy day 1. Not sure if it's the best plan as maybe we want to wait and hear from some people who haven't posted first.
03/03/2016 20:11:10
MrL said:
cAKE said:you're making too many assumptions boi. sounding like you know things..
Started already eh? I'm still voting for laggy I want him to die piece of shit. Anyway wtf TWO MAFIA FACTIONS? It actually isn't as bad as it sounds because think about it.. one Mafia faction only knows who are in their faction (I assume) and ALSO there's likely to be a lot of town power roles.
Vote: cAKE
I've really been the only proactive person so far.. And I really don't know shit I'm just making assumptions (that's what your supposed to do). I'm just saying constructive things so people will join along scum hunting.
03/03/2016 20:18:49
why are we bandwagoning laggy when we could be voting deez or lef, two players who have terrible track records as far as contribution goes (but also perfect posthumous win records)?
03/03/2016 20:31:15
03/03/2016 20:31:15
Maribro said:
CubT said:
I don't really see anything THAT suspicious yet.
How a man as good looking as Jezmo is single?! Definite scum
Maribro X Jezmo for lovers calling it now
03/03/2016 21:39:21
VOTE: Pazx
03/03/2016 22:02:24
03/03/2016 22:02:24
Morning people
Been a while since I played mafia so lets hope this goes well for us, ideally the two mafia will knock each other out lmao.
Pazx and laggy confirmed in mafia together
03/03/2016 22:14:11
Been a while since I played mafia so lets hope this goes well for us, ideally the two mafia will knock each other out lmao.
Pazx said:
why are we bandwagoning laggy when we could be voting deez or lef, two players who have terrible track records as far as contribution goes (but also perfect posthumous win records)?
Pazx and laggy confirmed in mafia together
03/03/2016 22:14:11
Pazx wanting to remove 2 people at once sounds pretty suspicious...
03/03/2016 22:30:01
03/03/2016 22:30:01
VOTE: myself aka "i have no idea how to play this game but that hasn't stopped me signing up 3 times"
03/03/2016 22:58:43
VOTE: myself aka "i have no idea how to play this game but that hasn't stopped me signing up 3 times"
03/03/2016 22:58:43
This is my first time playing this and i'm understanding it alright
03/03/2016 23:04:41
03/03/2016 23:04:41
Pazx said:
VOTE: myself aka "i have no idea how to play this game but that hasn't stopped me signing up 3 times"
BlazikenGod said:
This is my first time playing this and i'm understanding it alright
Laggy was notably bad in the previous games
03/03/2016 23:20:05
It's funny you say that because you haven't accomplished much in the 2 games you have played. Ahuhuhu
03/03/2016 23:22:03
03/03/2016 23:22:03
Aerodrome said:
It's funny you say that because you haven't accomplished much in the 2 games you have played. Ahuhuhu
03/03/2016 23:32:21
Pazx said:get carried by ur 2 extra cops matey
Aerodrome said:
It's funny you say that because you haven't accomplished much in the 2 games you have played. Ahuhuhu
03/03/2016 23:39:17
Hey guys damn everyone has already started
03/03/2016 23:47:28
03/03/2016 23:47:28
Aerodrome said:
Pazx said:get carried by ur 2 extra cops matey
Aerodrome said:
It's funny you say that because you haven't accomplished much in the 2 games you have played. Ahuhuhu
Why can't we be friends Aero Oh yeah VOTE: unvote
03/04/2016 00:07:14
I'll clarify. Last night I edited my post to add in that last note (about telling y'all something when I got up)
Anyway, what I was going to say is; I don't know how well some of you know Dean, or Dean's relationship with me, but I can assure you Dean would absolutely not put me in a position of power in my 1'st game. I'm just a saddie Townie tbh.
Trust. If you know how Dean's psychology works, it's pretty clear.
With that being said VOTE: PAZX
03/04/2016 00:27:46
Anyway, what I was going to say is; I don't know how well some of you know Dean, or Dean's relationship with me, but I can assure you Dean would absolutely not put me in a position of power in my 1'st game. I'm just a saddie Townie tbh.
Trust. If you know how Dean's psychology works, it's pretty clear.
With that being said VOTE: PAZX
03/04/2016 00:27:46
Good cop gone bad tbh
03/04/2016 00:39:17
03/04/2016 00:39:17
Doubt. I've no idea of the relationship between you two but people certainly got power roles their first time playing.
03/04/2016 00:41:12
03/04/2016 00:41:12
O.K, but you owe me belief next game then, fam.
03/04/2016 00:42:12
03/04/2016 00:42:12
I might have to change my vote to laggy if he continues to not post horrible memes.
03/04/2016 00:48:19
03/04/2016 00:48:19
It's completely random, Jezmo.
03/04/2016 00:49:05
03/04/2016 00:49:05
Jezmo said:
O.K, but you owe me belief next game then, fam.
Doubt. Nothing stops you from getting anything any amount of times in a row. Game does not work like that -.-
03/04/2016 00:51:33
Oh? I figured he chose them to stop people getting the same roles over and over. Fair nuff.
Well, in that case, I'm still just a townie.
03/04/2016 00:53:28
Well, in that case, I'm still just a townie.
03/04/2016 00:53:28
SpaceJam said:i was thinking the same thing!! IM ALSO A TOWNIE PLEASE BELIEVE ME
I might have to change my vote to laggy if he continues to not post horrible memes.

03/04/2016 00:55:00
VOTE: Pazx
Cos he's the most suspicious, and if pazx is mafia that tells us laggy probably is too, so it's a 2 for 1 lol.
03/04/2016 00:56:37
Cos he's the most suspicious, and if pazx is mafia that tells us laggy probably is too, so it's a 2 for 1 lol.
03/04/2016 00:56:37