
Queensland CWQLD | May Ranbat 2024 27/05/2024

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Queensland Friday Night Smash 259 7/05/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Queensland CouchWarriors QLD April Ranbat 2021 24/04/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate CW QLD April 21 Ranbat Amateurs

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Queensland Friday Night Smash 257 23/04/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Queensland Friday Night Smash 250 26/02/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Queensland Friday Night Smash 248 12/02/2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles

Queensland Friday Night Smash 247 5/02/2021

Queensland Queensland Arcadian: Mid-Level Madness 18/01/2020

Queensland Friday Night Smash 221 4/10/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 221

Queensland Friday Night Smash 214 16/08/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 214 Amateurs

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 214

Queensland Friday Night Smash 208 5/07/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 208

Queensland Friday Night Smash 200 10/05/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 200 B

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 200

Queensland Friday Night Smash 198 26/04/2019

Queensland Friday Night Smash 190 1/03/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 190

Queensland Couchwarriors QLD February 2019 Ranbat 23/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L4 Nicc / Bigfatelli 2 - 0 DarkFire 52 / Code_E
L3 DarkFire 52 / Code_E 2 - 1 InfamousL / Breezy
L2 DarkFire 52 / Code_E 2 - 0 ydnarB / ALiieNzZ
W2 Luminescent / Jaice 2 - 0 DarkFire 52 / Code_E
W1 DarkFire 52 / Code_E 2 - 0 JaxWan / TDEE

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Pros

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Pools

Queensland Friday Night Smash 188 15/02/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 188

Queensland Couchwarriors QLD Smash Ultimate New Year Bash Bros 5/01/2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket

L3 Crabs / asa 2 - 0 Code_E / Umbrella
L2 Code_E / Umbrella 2 - 0 Lucijutsu / Lt Longshot
W2 Grumbley / Zyphenor 2 - 0 Code_E / Umbrella
W1 Code_E / Umbrella 2 - 0 Gameraid453 / Tak-Tics

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pros

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Bracket

Queensland Friday Night Smash 181 28/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 181

Queensland Friday Night Smash 180 21/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Friday Night Smash 180

Queensland Smash by the Beach 12 - Ultimate 16/12/2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Smash by the Beach 12 Pros

Queensland Couchwarriors QLD September Ranbat 29/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Pools

Queensland Friday Night Smash 167 21/09/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Bracket

Queensland QUT Smash #7 25/08/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L3 gus + TheCons 2 - 1 Umbrella + Code_E
L2 Umbrella + Code_E 2 - 1 Kai + Nimbus
W2 Jaice + Zyphenor 2 - 0 Umbrella + Code_E
W1 Umbrella + Code_E 2 - 0 Truth + Negima

Queensland QUT Smash #4 23/06/2018

Queensland QUT Smash #2 12/05/2018

Queensland QUT Smash #1 28/04/2018

Queensland Fight For Flight 10 4/03/2018

Queensland Friday Night Smash 137 23/02/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash4 Singles

Queensland Fight For Flight 8 4/02/2018

Queensland Friday Night Smash 132 5/01/2018

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles

Queensland FNS Saturday Special #4 23/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Redemption (Amatuer Bracket)

Queensland Friday Night Smash 128 1/12/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles

Queensland FNS Saturday Special #3: Curtain Bebop 18/11/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles

Queensland UQ Smash 37 - October 28/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Doubles

L2 Truth & Poop 3 - 2 Code_E & Switch
W1 Negima & BattleDolphin 3 - 1 Code_E & Switch

Queensland Friday Night Smash 123 27/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles

Queensland Friday Night Smash 120 6/10/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles

Queensland UQ Smash 36 - September 24/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U WiiU Bracket

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U WiiU Doubles

L2 BshortZ / Raibok 2 - 1 Code_E / UMKO
W2 SadHour / cjeccjec 2 - 0 Code_E / UMKO
W1 Code_E / UMKO 2 - 0 jakir / squidlet

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U WiiU Pools

Queensland Fight For Flight 3 10/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Amateurs

Queensland FNS Saturday Special #2: SadHour Genesis 2/09/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash4 Pro

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash4 Doubles

L2 UMKO & Negima 3 - 1 Glyph & Code_E
W1 DFS & Yoyo 3 - 1 Glyph & Code_E

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash4 Pools

Queensland Friday Night Smash 115 1/09/2017

Queensland FNS Saturday Special Baby! 19/08/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L2 Zyphenor + JustKaus FalcoLucarioMarthSheik 3 - 1 BayonettaCloudLucinaPitToon Link Code_E + Umbrella
L1 Code_E + Umbrella 2 - 0 EMYKS + Palace
W1 32 + Kneesus 2 - 1 Code_E + Umbrella

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash4 Pro

Queensland Friday Night Smash 112 11/08/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash4 Singles

Queensland Friday Night Smash 111 4/08/2017

Queensland Friday Night Smash 109 21/07/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles

Queensland Friday Night Smash 105 23/06/2017

Queensland UQ Smash 33 - June 2017 3/06/2017

Queensland Friday Night Smash 102 2/06/2017

Queensland Friday Night Smash 99 12/05/2017

Queensland Friday Night Smash 94 7/04/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash4 Singles

Queensland UQ Smash 28 - February 2017 25/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Doubles

L4 SadHour + Cjeccjec 3 - 2 Umbrella + Code_E
L3 Umbrella + Code_E 2 - 0 Emyks + BigTrouble
L2 Umbrella + Code_E 2 - 1 Raibok + BlubbleMunching
W2 McJobo + Facetious 2 - 1 Umbrella + Code_E
W1 Umbrella + Code_E 2 - 0 TimTam + Gilgy

Queensland Smash on the Hill #1 12/02/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Pro Singles

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L5 Cava + Shitashi MarthMega Man 3 - 2 BayonettaToon Link Code_E + Umbrella
L4 Code_E + Umbrella 2 - 0 Jumpo + Spooky
L3 Code_E + Umbrella 2 - 0 Palace + BattleDolphin
L2 Code_E + Umbrella Captain FalconDiddy KongToon Link 2 - 0 LinkRyu G + Shadrew
W2 SadHour + Mr L CloudRobin 2 - 0 BayonettaDark PitToon Link Code_E + Umbrella
W1 Code_E + Umbrella Dark PitToon Link 2 - 0 LinkMarth Teekay + Westwood

Queensland Friday Night Smash 83 20/01/2017

Queensland UQ Smash 27 - January 2017 7/01/2017

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L6 Sp00kykeleton + Jumpo - Umbrella + Code_E
L5 Umbrella + Code_E - BigTrouble + Trunkle?!?
L4 Umbrella + Code_E - B1shop and Rooster
W3 EnVYAust + Mr.L ($11.98) - Umbrella + Code_E
W2 Umbrella + Code_E - Ket + Switch

Queensland Friday Night Smash 75 25/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Friday Night Smash #75

Queensland Friday Night Smash 74 18/11/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

Queensland UQ Smash 24 29/10/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #71 28/10/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #68 7/10/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash 4 Singles

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #67 30/09/2016

Queensland Stacked 6 17/09/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Bottom 18 - Amateur

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L5 Jyoshi Archaze 2 - 1 Cava Code_E
L4 Cava Code_E 2 - 1 thecons + Girl
L3 Cava Code_E 2 - 0 Danzah Glyph
W2 Ilex Trunkle 2 - 1 Cava Code_E

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #63 - The death of the old guard 2/09/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #62 - I'm gone baby 26/08/2016

Queensland Stacked 5 20/08/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Stacked 5 Singles

Queensland UQ Smash - Final Destination 2016 - 9th + 10th of July 9/07/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Doubles

L7 AzureWolf Umbrella - Code_E Vasi
L6 Code_E Vasi - Mr. L Karnu
W4 Seymour Butts Shitashi - Code_E Vasi
W3 Code_E Vasi - Mastodon Dr_Ellis
W2 Code_E Vasi - SadHour BlazikenGod

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U UQ FD Smash 4 Top 32

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #55 - The one where I am back 8/07/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #54 - The one where you should all come cause I won't be there 1/07/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

L4 MinkZ Roy 2 - 0 Code_E
L3 Code_E 2 - 0 Link G
L2 Code_E 2 - 1 PalutenaYoshi Taigon
W2 Zeus 2 - 0 Code_E
W1 Code_E 2 - 1 T-Bone

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #53 - Seriously why hasn't anyone killed me? 24/06/2016

Queensland Stacked 3 19/06/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #51 10/06/2016

Queensland Stacked 2 28/05/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L3 Azure + Umbrella (Gone with the wind) 2 - 0 Code + Cav (Code_Cav)
L2 Code + Cav (Code_Cav) 2 - 1 Arby + SadHour (Sad By)
W2 Vasi + Flex 2 - 1 Code + Cav (Code_Cav)
W1 Code + Cav (Code_Cav) 2 - 0 Battle + Danzah (BattleD)

Queensland UQ Smash 20 21/05/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash 48 20/05/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #46 6/05/2016

Queensland UQ Smash 19 - ANZAC Smash 23/04/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L4 Aerodrome + AzureWolf - Vasi + Code_E
L3 Vasi + Code_E - Ned Flounders + B1shop
L2 Vasi + Code_E - Jumpo + Sp00kyskeleton
L1 Vasi + Code_E - xDaniee + Realiti
W1 Aerodrome + AzureWolf - Vasi + Code_E

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #44 22/04/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Singles

Queensland Stacked 1 17/04/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L4 Wiiman + Quen (SF | the fam) 2 - 0 Code + Vasi (Vas_E)
W3 Kira + Shitashi (Lemon Lime) BayonettaFalcoMarthMega Man 2 - 1 BayonettaLittle Mac Code + Vasi (Vas_E)
W2 Code + Vasi (Vas_E) 2 - 0 36c + Pulse (Dark Hummus Alliance)

Queensland Sandbag's Revenge Vol. 2 9/04/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L3 Humpadumpa + Trunkle (Humpatrunk) 2 - 1 Vasi Code_E
L2 Vasi Code_E 2 - 0 Mittens ChazzWazza
L1 Vasi Code_E 2 - 0 Flex Urisk
W1 Cava SeymourButts 2 - 0 Vasi Code_E

Queensland UQ Smash 18 - Easter Smash 26/03/2016

Queensland GUF Friday - Day EASTER Smash #41 25/03/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #40 18/03/2016

Queensland Button Smash 2016 6/03/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L6 Fool + Flex - Vasi + CodeE
L5 Vasi + CodeE - MrL + Jett/Bailey
L4 Vasi + CodeE - Cava + Atom
W3 Jacie + Shitashi - Vasi + CodeE
W2 Vasi + CodeE - Omta + Urisk

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Singles Pool

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #38 4/03/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #36 19/02/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #34 5/02/2016

Queensland UQ Smash 16 23/01/2016

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

GF Vasi + Jezmo 2 - 0 Code_E + Lumi
GF Code_E + Lumi 2 - 1 Vasi + Jezmo
L8 Code_E + Lumi 2 - 0 Cetro + Atom
W5 Vasi + Jezmo 2 - 0 Code_E + Lumi
W4 Code_E + Lumi 2 - 0 Palace + Mr.L
W3 Code_E + Lumi 2 - 0 Mint + ClassyHarry
W2 Code_E + Lumi 2 - 0 Coopy + Edawg

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #31 15/01/2016

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #30 8/01/2016

Queensland UQ Smash 15 19/12/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Singles Pro

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #29 18/12/2015

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #28 11/12/2015

Queensland BIG GUF SMASH - Mission 50% Compree - FNS 5/12/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

L4 Foy + Droop (Big Birds) 2 - 0 Code_E + Umbrella (Emo Royalty)
W3 Jezmo + GIRL (Team "Cool") 2 - 0 Code_E + Umbrella (Emo Royalty)
W2 Code_E + Umbrella (Emo Royalty) 2 - 0 Coopy + Kahleesi (Sons of Brilliance)

Queensland Smashbox IV 14/11/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Pro Bracket

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Teams

L4 Seymour + Weeb JigglypuffYoshi 2 - 0 Dark PitDuck Hunt DuoRoyWii Fit Trainer Code_E + Luminescent
W3 trunkle + trojans 2 - 0 Code_E + Luminescent
W2 Code_E + Luminescent 2 - 0 Hopedealer + Timtam
W1 Code_E + Luminescent 2 - 0 Scrail + Atom

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #24 6/11/2015

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #22 23/10/2015

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #20 9/10/2015

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #19 2/10/2015

Queensland Smashbox III 19/09/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Teams

L8 Jezmo + Shitashi (K~H|I hate Shitashi) 3 - 1 Lumi + Code_E (.,)
W5 Jaice + Aero (In Another Universe) 3 - 0 Lumi + Code_E (.,)
W4 Lumi + Code_E (.,) 2 - 0 Karnu + Blurry (#BACON)
W3 Lumi + Code_E (.,) 2 - 0 Flex + Vasi (JohnnyShitKnuckles)
W2 Lumi + Code_E (.,) 2 - 0 Pulse + 36C (Team Hummus)

Queensland UQ Smash 12 12/09/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Doubles

L6 HumpaTrunk (Trunkle?1? + Humpa) 3 - 1 Code_Vasi(CodeE + Vasi)
W4 KH|Boozer Suckz (Jesse Squared) 2 - 0 Code_Vasi(CodeE + Vasi)
W3 Code_Vasi(CodeE + Vasi) 2 - 0 UtterTrash (Masto+Cava)
W2 Code_Vasi(CodeE + Vasi) 2 - 0 HopeBoe (HopeD + Timboe)
W1 Code_Vasi(CodeE + Vasi) 2 - 1 Lemon|Lime

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Singles Pool 4/Group D

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #15 4/09/2015

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #14 28/08/2015

Queensland UQ Smash 11 22/08/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Doubles

GF Shitashi + Jezmo 2 - 1 Code_E + Lumi
L4 Code_E + Lumi 2 - 0 Flex + Vasi
W3 Shitashi + Jezmo 2 - 1 Code_E + Lumi
W2 Code_E + Lumi 2 - 0 Aero + Cava
W1 Code_E + Lumi 2 - 0 Blubble + Freaky

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #11 7/08/2015

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #9 24/07/2015

Queensland GUF Friday Night Smash #8 17/07/2015

Queensland Smashbox II 6/06/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Teams

L4 theconsxxx + Jewlion 2 - 0 Code_E + Luminescent
L3 Code_E + Luminescent 2 - 0 Shitashi + Scrail
W2 Jindrak + Cats 2 - 1 Code_E + Luminescent

Queensland UQ Smash 8 16/05/2015

Queensland Smashbox I 9/05/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Teams

L6 Jezmo & Shitashi 3 - 1 Code_E & Luminescent
L5 Code_E & Luminescent 2 - 0 PapaCheese & Bailey
L4 Code_E & Luminescent 2 - 0 Aero & Emery
L3 Code_E & Luminescent 2 - 0 CATS & Jindrak
L2 Code_E & Luminescent 2 - 1 Omta & GIRL
W2 PapaCheese & Bailey 2 - 1 Code_E & Luminescent
W1 Code_E & Luminescent 2 - 0 ClassicJono & Fool

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Pro Singles

Queensland UQ Smash 7 19/04/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U SM4SH Pro Bracket

Queensland AutumnSmash 2015 11/04/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Singles Amateur

Queensland ButtonSmash Issue Three 28/02/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash Wii U Doubles

L2 HopeDealer + Arby (SD's are real) - Code-E + Jett (CodeJ)
W1 Dekar + DreadTech (DekTech) - Code-E + Jett (CodeJ)

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Smash Wii U Singles Pools

Queensland UQ Smash 5 21/02/2015

Queensland UQ Smash 4 17/01/2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U Doubles

L2 Voltz + Zydro - Omta + Code_E
W2 Jindrak + Cats - Omta + Code_E
W1 Omta + Code_E - LiFT + Urisk