
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Western Australia 23/02/2025 65th / 100 Journey to the West Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Western Australia 23/02/2025 33rd / 51 Journey to the West Ultimate Redemption Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 15/10/2023 5th / 6 Big Cheese 4 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 15/10/2023 17th / 19 Big Cheese 4 Smash Ultimate Singles Redemption Bracket Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 30/04/2023 7th / 7 SA Arcadian 3 Ultimate Singles Pools Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 30/04/2023 5th / 11 SA Arcadian 3 Smash Singles Redemption Bracket Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 11/01/2023 25th / 36 WeeklyVac #127 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 9/11/2022 25th / 36 WeeklyVac #120 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 29/10/2022 129th / 157 Big Cheese 3 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles FoxPokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 29/10/2022 33rd / 56 Big Cheese 3 Big Cheese 3 - Ultimate Redemption Bracket FoxPokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Victoria 15/05/2022 257th / 343 BAM 12 Super Smash Bros Ultimate Singles [BAM 2022] Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 30/04/2022 4th / 5 South Australian Arcadian 2 Ultimate Singles Pools Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 30/04/2022 13th / 24 South Australian Arcadian 2 SA Arcadian 2 Redemption Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 27/04/2022 33rd / 43 WeeklyVac #97 Ultimate WeeklyVac #97 (27/04/22) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 13/03/2022 33rd / 41 Cheese League March 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 13/03/2022 13th / 13 Cheese League March 2022 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 13/03/2022 13th / 15 Cheese League March 2022 - Ultimate Cheese League March Ultimate Redemption Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 11/03/2022 25th / 34 BonusVac #1 Bonus-vac #1 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 10/11/2021 33rd / 34 WeeklyVAC #77 Ultimate WeeklyVac #77 (10/11/21) FoxPokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 24/10/2021 9th / 14 The Cheese Platter - 24/10/21 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 24/10/2021 6th / 6 The Cheese Platter - 24/10/21 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles Pools
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 15/09/2021 33rd / 38 WeeklyVAC #69 Ultimate WeeklyVac #69 (15/09/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 12/09/2021 9th / 13 Cheese League September 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 1/09/2021 25th / 31 WeeklyVAC #67 Ultimate WeeklyVac #67 (01/09/21) Mii Swordfighter
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 22/08/2021 4th / 8 Cheese League August 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 27/06/2021 9th / 12 Cheese League June 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 23/06/2021 17th / 31 WeeklyVac #61 Ultimate WeeklyVac #61 (23/06/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 9/06/2021 25th / 32 WeeklyVac #59 Ultimate WeeklyVac #59 (09/06/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 2/06/2021 25th / 39 WeeklyVAC #58 Ultimate WeeklyVac #58 (02/06/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 26/05/2021 17th / 33 WeeklyVAC #57 Ultimate WeeklyVac #57 (26/05/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 19/05/2021 25th / 31 WeeklyVAC #56 Ultimate WeeklyVac #56 (19/05/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 12/05/2021 25th / 36 WeeklyVAC #55 Ultimate WeeklyVac #55 (12/05/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 24/04/2021 33rd / 70 South Australia Arcadian Ultimate Singles Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 24/04/2021 17th / 40 South Australia Arcadian Arcadian Redemption 24/04/21 Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 7/04/2021 25th / 35 WeeklyVac #51 Ultimate WeeklyVac #51 (07/04/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Brawl South Australia 2/04/2021 9th / 21 Brawl @ Evac 4 Brawl @ EVAC 4 - The Crucifixion Of Meta Knight Marth
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 28/03/2021 33rd / 39 El Queso League March Ultimate Singles Bracket Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 28/03/2021 17th / 24 El Queso League March El Queso League Redemption March 21 Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 24/03/2021 25th / 32 WeeklyVAC #49 Ultimate WeeklyVac #49 (24/03/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 10/03/2021 33rd / 47 WeeklyVAC #47 Ultimate WeeklyVac #47 (10/03/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 3/03/2021 33rd / 43 WeeklyVAC #46 Ultimate WeeklyVac #46 (03/03/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 14/02/2021 33rd / 51 Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 14/02/2021 17th / 20 Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 14/02/2021 17th / 24 Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate Cheese League February 2021 - Ultimate Redemption Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 10/02/2021 25th / 43 WeeklyVAC #43 Ultimate WeeklyVac #43 (10/02/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 20/01/2021 33rd / 47 WeeklyVAC #40 Ultimate WeeklyVac #40 (20/01/21) Fox
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 16/12/2020 25th / 48 WeeklyVAC #39 Ultimate WeeklyVac #39 (16/12/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 12/12/2020 25th / 38 Cheese League December 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League December - Ultimate Singles (12/12/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 12/12/2020 5th / 11 Cheese League December 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League December - Ultimate Doubles (12/12/20)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 12/12/2020 9th / 21 Cheese League December 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League December 2020 - Ultimate Redemption (12/12/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 9/12/2020 25th / 32 WeeklyVAC #38 Ultimate WeeklyVac #38 (09/12/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 11/11/2020 25th / 35 WeeklyVAC #37 Ultimate WeeklyVac #37 (11/11/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 4/11/2020 25th / 38 WeeklyVAC #36 Ultimate WeeklyVac #36 (04/11/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 28/10/2020 25th / 35 WeeklyVAC #35 Ultimate WeeklyVac #35 (28/10/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 25/10/2020 33rd / 58 Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League October - Ultimate Singles (25/10/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 25/10/2020 7th / 17 Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League October - Ultimate Doubles (25/10/20)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 25/10/2020 7th / 28 Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate Cheese League October 2020 - Ultimate Redemption Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 21/10/2020 25th / 36 WeeklyVAC #34 Ultimate WeeklyVac #34 (21/10/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 14/10/2020 25th / 31 WeeklyVAC #33 Ultimate WeeklyVac #33 (14/10/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 7/10/2020 17th / 41 WeeklyVAC #32 Ultimate WeeklyVac #32 (07/10/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 30/09/2020 33rd / 42 WeeklyVAC #31 Ultimate WeeklyVac #31 (30/09/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 23/09/2020 25th / 41 WeeklyVAC #30 Ultimate WeeklyVac #30 (23/09/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 26/02/2020 25th / 47 WeeklyVac #27 Ultimate WeeklyVac #27 26/02/20 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 21/02/2020 33rd / 42 Evac February 2020 Ultimate Evac February 21/02/2020 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 16/02/2020 33rd / 46 Cheese League February 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 16/02/2020 17th / 23 Cheese League February 2020 Cheese League February 2020 Redemption Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 12/02/2020 17th / 39 WeeklyVac #25 Ultimate WeeklyVac #25 (12/02/2020) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 9/02/2020 25th / 45 Smash @ UniSA #7 Smash Ultimate Singles @ UniSA #7 (9/2/20) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 9/02/2020 9th / 27 Smash @ UniSA #7 UniSA 7 Ultimate Redemption Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 5/02/2020 25th / 35 WeeklyVAC #24 Ultimate WeeklyVac #24 (05/02/2020) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 22/01/2020 17th / 34 WeeklyVac #22 Ultimate WeeklyVac #22 (22/01/2020) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 19/01/2020 25th / 36 Cheese League January 2020 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 19/01/2020 5th / 5 Cheese League January 2020 Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 19/01/2020 13th / 20 Cheese League January 2020 Cheese League Round 1 Redemption (19/1/2020) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 8/01/2020 33rd / 37 WeeklyVac #21 Weekly #21 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 7/12/2019 33rd / 46 Big Cheese 2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Redemption Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 7/12/2019 97th / 153 Big Cheese 2 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 5/12/2019 33rd / 52 Smaller Cheese 2019 Big Cheese 2: Smaller Cheese Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 27/11/2019 25th / 36 WeeklyVAC #20 Weekly #20 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 15/11/2019 25th / 36 EVAC November 2019 Smash Ultimate EVAC November (15/11) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 13/11/2019 25th / 31 WeeklyVAC #18 Weekly #18 (13/11/19) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 6/11/2019 17th / 28 WeeklyVAC #17 Weekly #17 (6/11/2019) Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 3/11/2019 25th / 35 Smash @ UniSA #6 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #6 3/11 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 23/10/2019 17th / 24 WeeklyVAC #15 WeeklyVAC #15 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 20/10/2019 33rd / 47 Cheese League Round 10 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 16/10/2019 25th / 36 WeeklyVAC #14 WeeklyVac #14 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 9/10/2019 25th / 34 WeeklyVAC #13 WeeklyVac #13 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 6/10/2019 25th / 32 Smash @ UniSA #5 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #5 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 2/10/2019 17th / 30 WeeklyVAC #12 WeeklyVAC #12 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 25/09/2019 25th / 32 WeeklyVAC #11 WeeklyVac #11 25/09/19 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 18/09/2019 17th / 27 WeeklyVac #10 Weekly #10 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 15/09/2019 33rd / 48 Cheese League Round 9 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 8/09/2019 25th / 40 Smash @ UniSA #4 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #4 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 4/09/2019 13th / 25 WeeklyVac #8 WeeklyVac #8 04/09/19 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 21/08/2019 25th / 33 WeeklyVAC #6 WeeklyVAC #6 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 18/08/2019 33rd / 52 Cheese League Round 8 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 14/08/2019 25th / 28 WeeklyVAC #5 WeeklEVAC #5 Pokémon Trainer
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 7/08/2019 25th / 27 WeeklyVAC #4 WeeklyVAC #4 Joker
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 14/07/2019 33rd / 52 Cheese League Round 7 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Captain FalconJoker
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 23/06/2019 25th / 42 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #2 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #2 Joker
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 9/06/2019 33rd / 43 Cheese League Round 6 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Joker
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 4/05/2019 33rd / 44 The Edsta Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Joker
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 4/05/2019 7th / 9 The Edsta Smash Ultimate Doubles Bracket
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 7/04/2019 33rd / 47 Cheese League Round 4 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Corrin
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 31/03/2019 33rd / 46 Smash @ UniSA #1 Smash Ultimate @ UniSA #1 Greninja
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 24/02/2019 33rd / 57 Cheese League #2 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Greninja
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 10/02/2019 25th / 32 Smash @ Popclub #10 Ultimate Singles Bracket Greninja
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 1/02/2019 33rd / 46 EVAC February 2019 EVAC 1/02/2019 Greninja
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 20/01/2019 33rd / 70 Cheese League #1 Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket Greninja
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate South Australia 16/12/2018 33rd / 41 Revival of SA #6 RoSA #6 Ultimate Singles Little Mac