Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
1st | SteveGuy86 | |
2nd | Ryan | |
3rd | Shmu | |
4th | Fruit | |
5th | TWIRLY | |
5th | Dmo | |
7th | Kanga | |
7th | Mukora | |
9th | Beet | |
9th | Johto | |
9th | Guts_LP | |
9th | jT | |
13th | Shaoweater | |
13th | F1ERCE | |
13th | Coleman | |
13th | Invisi | |
17th | Fai | |
17th | Isak | |
17th | chizzL | |
17th | TurtleCat | |
17th | Trojans | |
17th | angelcoolchomp | |
17th | Governor | |
17th | Diablo | |
25th | Olag | |
25th | jeese | |
25th | Scarpian | |
25th | FumbleJr | |
25th | Paristhecoolbat | |
25th | Toonara | |
25th | CloudyOCE | |
25th | metagh0st20XX | |
33rd | Killy | |
33rd | Vostok | |
33rd | Kon | |
33rd | HooperMassiveBlackHole | |
33rd | MrDuck | |
33rd | Lumidyne | |
33rd | Skyreth | |
33rd | Violet | |
33rd | Revman | |
33rd | IntenseQuack | |
33rd | Cure | |
33rd | Haber | |
33rd | Kace Mono | |
33rd | Unfezant | |
33rd | Swifty | |
33rd | lewdelli | |
49th | Mr Leak | |
49th | bounsies | |
49th | Aidan | |
49th | KRY | |
49th | Sticky_G | |
49th | germanpogostick | |
49th | Siris39 | |
49th | kuhaku | |
49th | UltimentM | |
49th | Party Cats |
Smash Ultimate Singles Bracket
The Evolution of NSW During Covid
By Fumble - 27/05/2021
NSW has changed dramatically throughout covid and it's no longer clear how we compare with the rest of Australia. Let's take a look at what's different.