I support a like button for shoutouts. I wanna know how many people laugh at my jokes.
AHAHAH Aero's shoutout about Cameron
er mah gerd its me :^}
How does one like this last shoutout from aero?
Oh look, I found Cameron http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/182/6/9/herp_derp_charizard_by_muddy1kippy-d3kpzhn.png
Aero's job actually is to not play Blade in tournament sets. Because we all know how that goes based on 3DS results.
I would like Shitashi's shoutout, but you know, I can't. (y)
Shitashi's job is to never play me in tournament sets.
Do people want a like button for shoutouts? I had considered this wasn't a thing but can change if people want. Aero's job is to lose to me
Where's the like button for shoutouts
Isn't that Aero's job though?
I shall enjoying crushing Smamlorde tonight. He'll be losing with Aeros controller.
I'm pretty sure Shitashi would classify this as a horror movie given he "hates" Pac Man
I saw that shitashi, I think maribro is uber hyped =P
Wtf real life Pacman the movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diqZBS-RTAw
We need a thread for all of the things in this game that are cancer
Customs Palutena is pretty much cancer.
Seems SmashCapps is impressed with Meteor from NSWs custom palutena. I am too.
I wanna see you try #Shotsfired
I will destroy you
So it seems I have Aero's orange controller...
Hmm, no.
Aerdrome, if Lucario is Cancer and you can beat the Cancer, fight me, if you dare. ;)
I can counter the cancer now
Thank you Jett for having this recorded.
hi dean
Tripped v Shuki needs to happen now. Tripped did really well at UQ and Shuki is solid too obvs.
So much Link, yet no Shuki ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
UQ Wii U results http://qldsmash.com/Results/QLD/UQ%20Smash%20VI ft. Diddy Link Falcon & Yoshi
Hinchy! I swear I will beat you one day.
Had a great day today at the UQ Smash Tourney. Was my first tourney ever and I managed to come 17th out of 60 entrants, so proud of myself!
I think Elton is the M2K of Australia ;)
Congrats to jezmo for winning UQ again. Jezmo and I are the Ken and Isai of QLD just sayin'
hey im new on this site. someone add me so we can play!
Zivhayr. I'm ready to Vs you anytime without customs. Fight me, if you dare.
[NSW] Sm4shing Good Time Tournament MMXV: https://www.facebook.com/events/810535635649173/
You peeps should start trying.
To anyone playing V in customs. Don't F with her because she will break you. She is so good it hurts :)
You should post the picture you sent me imo
Also the truck just had CAMERON on it so confirmed boozers fault.
A truck driver just ran into a tree, knocking it down right outside my office window and all I could think was 'dat Killager.
Urgent changes to the ruleset of Maribro Party!
It was good until I found out I have to take 3 stocks off you in 6 minutes.
Hows that yoshi coming along?
I can only handle 1 ridiculous change 3 days out from an event. No customs thankfully.
For those who don't know, UQ Smash on Sunday now has a 3 stock, 6 minute timer. Might as well give Kaion the prize now.
Im not scared of any blue furries
Shitashi, you keep saying I'm on your Hit List. I think the truth is that you are to scared to come for me. Jk lol
I won a stereo system from that.
Playing for glory while Uploading. Hue Hue Hue
So when I come to QLD the biggest hype event will be me vs. Blade in a RPS showdown? Sounds good to me.
Blade has won like the biggest RPS event I've ever seen. You need to beat him for me to respect you.
Can QLD have an account claims thread for rock, paper, scissors matches won? I went 7-0 yesterday. Any challengers for RPS champion?
Luigi misfire into 3 turnip uair KO? What are the chances lol. Good quality for phone Jon
http://youtu.be/gglGuozhrAM Game 1
http://youtu.be/urBFqVIt_uk Game 2
http://youtu.be/DZ42otQ5VgM Game 3
i recorded the bracket reset with my phone (hopefully it aint potato quality) and will hopefully upload it tomorrow
GG to all players who played in Myriade's SM4SH tourney!
You can now find out about the sounds on the site from the online page next to where you can toggle them. Silly emery....
Does anybody know where I can find a SM4SH soundbank? I want to move away from using the Brawl one which is currently in place.
Just a PSA to anyone i haven't already told. If you would like some WiFi games recorded, send me a message on here and we can organize.
Keen to play add me for a battle :D
hi fives for the women.
UQ Smash VI Rego Open:
All other info on the Facebook Event.
I respect your DK Omta. The only person who I've played who uses his nair to try and get the spike. Much more useful than the fair. Gg
Went over character limit http://smashboards.com/threads/oceanic-skype-netplay-smash-wii-u-on-fridays-pm-on-sundays.366199/
@Dean, I am getting an error from that link
Australian online Wii U tournament sign-ups open now http://smashboards.com/threads/oceanic-skype-netplay-smash-wii-u-on-fridays-pm-on-sunda
When? where? what??
First perth major hype. I wanna see as many of you as possible over here!
Welcome, MinkZ! :)
I also like how u stayed humble. :7
That would be smash caps that said that in the comments section on smash boards on BAM7. His appeared in the smashboard skype group before.
That's nice of whoever said that, but I'm not that amazing. xD
" Australiareally does have some insane players in Melee and all of the other games (Like Villyness who's taken a game off Zero in tourney!"
anyone up for some games?
SuperSmashCon http://supersmashcon.com US 4 game Smash convention tourney with $30,000 prizes. Please bring to Australia
Don't hesitate. When the time comes, just act!
What is it then?
Lol. Nope.
Ok wait I'm guessing it's the new player :) Welcome Syke! :D
QLD Power Rankings http://qldsmash.com/Rankings/QLD/SSBU/1 look at all the stupid women Jaice plays
Smam Lorde does not tolerate personal attacks. Those trying to make others bow to them will bow to Smam Lorde.
Melee finals from Queensland major on now http://www.twitch.tv/kaizmo
samus sounds are #1
i still dont know what all the new sounds do
no really who's the hell is bailey
wat who's bailey
Congrats to Bailey for winning Button smash wii u.
ACT Arena - Smash 4 tournament. Tune in on http://twitch.tv/VitalityEvents :)