.... It's Karissa >.>
I want to know who was the smasher behind the curtain for Marissa. My bet is on either Zero or Jezmo.
King Dedede doesn't have legs
r.o.b. doesn't have legs; i'm confirmed r.o.b. main
I dont think you should play any character with a projectile Dean. Or even chars with legs...
i don't think you're one to talk about spamming roll
Aero you just spam roll too much. Can confirm.
It's reliable because it covers landing options so well, pls stop being bad
Upvote. Fsmash is NOT safe especially v ZSS.
what part of mega man is 'reliable KO moves'? he has bair and then nothing
Aero would know. He judges all the moves
Because lol reflector.
but still have reliable KO moves? It's the epitome of annoying and unbalanced.
no, i think that spammy characters should be heavily discouraged, why should you be allowed to hit people from a distance
Because you would nerf Megaman. He needs buffs if anything.
because no body knows how to balance this game. Why hasn't Sakurai hired me yet?
Why does Megaman's down tilt beat Samus's up B?
Tourney results. Unknown means the player isnt tagged yet.
Pacman usage data. 1st - Unknown
How are you getting these data?
Character usage stats are now a thing http://qldsmash.com/Characters We Mac country. Also random in profiles.
I cannot.
Performing a large update soon. Site may go down for a few minutes. Please understand.
Samurai are not heroes. They are Japanese demons from the past which the Westernized slayed for selfish reasons
My Hero Samurai <3
I don't mind the whole short fat and ugly thing. Just those emotions, it's worse than woman
He is pretty annoying. Upto episode 14. Still not used to him
short, fat and ugly sounds like my sort of protagonist
Accel World is pretty good. Takes awhile until you get used to the main character lol
Watching accel world
...but chrom DOES get aether!
Poor Chrom :(
I hacked your site and deleted tourney results :3
Because hes busy covering ridley :>
Why doesn't Alfonzo replace DHD in his stage if he's a player?
Got some Perth data now thanks to Elton - http://qldsmash.com/Players/ByRegion/WA/1
omfg gaiz Duck Hunt Dog confirmed!
Mario also gave him the finger
Could anyone?
i couldn't do that if i tried
someone lose to me
hyped for Majora's Mask.
where is my hyrule warriors dlc news why was it not on the menu >:
DHD trailer was cool and I swear I saw a DHD stage.
MAJORA'S MASK 3DS HYPE. Good old reliable Joben lol.
Nintendo Direct in 45 minutes - http://www.nintendo.com.au/nintendodirect
PostOffice!Cameron really need to pull his underwear/pants up
I will be posting a small update live soon that may take the site down for a few minutes. Please understand.
There's people all around Australia here. Even Northern Territory
Hey guys,
Just signed up to his mad dog website, keen to tee up some fights with some Queenslanders. Add me and ill add back
What about Alex's but?
b-b-b-but alex...
Also lol fan fiction http://www.wattpad.com/79348809-null
Alex confirmed as a scam http://www.cnet.com/news/marketing-company-claims-responsibility-for-alex-from-target/
I want nintendo to make a movie length feature film.
that was rly bad
8am Thursday Nintendo Direct http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Misc-/Nintendo-Direct/Latest-Nintendo-Direct/Nintendo-Direct-698557.html DHD trailer?
I would upvote it too if I had an account. It's too epicly epic.
Link me this reddit thread. Ill upvote it for Dano <3
Ill even make an account to upvote it.
dano top tier in oz
Holy crap Dano's Sheik gif has 2000+ reddit upvotes. Poor DoT lolol
Aeros new man crush
wtf is up with #alexfromtarget ....
There should be a ledge swap on/off option
Thank you Kaiza for providing the first SA tourney result! <3
Yes those 500 errors are annoying
Confirm random bugs with posting. Debug is on. Plz copy paste entire page and PM me if get errors. Hard to recreate.
Your website keeps giving me 500 error. How dare you.
Site seems to be running abit faster.
I was thinking the same thing. Corneria is strange.
Why did megaman suddenly explode?
Im teemo. Im helping. *blind
im anivia im helping *wall*
Im Jarvan. Im helping
Zyra > Maokai
Sona can save people.
Go plant yourself in a garden while pretending to be Maokai and sprinkle worms on top of you.
Im sure fiddlessticks will come end you.
+1 for mr. seracain
For some reason I read that merged. So you'd "actually allow black interstate hookers". I was like, wut.
Which actually allows interstate people and black jack and hookers.
Can confirm I will make a team that goes against QLD Club.
Can confirm I will start a Smash Club.
We should put a QldSmash club together and enter.
What is this Smash Club im reading? http://www.vooks.net/super-smash-club-hitting-australia-new-zealand-soon/
An optimisation update to make the site a bit faster was just pushed live. If you experience strange things please refresh your browser.
Dixie Kong leaked DLC
nah, megaman is c*** tier :P
Can confirm Megaman is top tier. That side B glitch looks too hard and not enough benefit so I cbf trying it.
megagayman top tier
Apparently no changes. http://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/2kigpk/dantarions_datamining_of_100102103/
I swear theres no gameplay changes in the patch
Tested rolls before and after update and it feels like is slightly more end lag but not 100% sure
Dean, your smart. Surely you could work that out
someone said shields degenerate faster and regenerate slower. i have no idea tbh though.
click open on the game not the A button, it should promt about software update then